My Statement on NaNoWriMo

Hi all,

For those of you unaware, NaNoWriMo has recently made some statements that have completely devastated the writing community. Instead of condemning the use of AI for writing books, they have instead labelled those who oppose it as 'classist' and 'ableist'.

I've participated in NaNoWriMo for six years and have written over one million words due to it.

But now, I'm going to leave it.

I don't agree with their stance on AI writing nor their comments about those who oppose it. There are so many authors out there who work so hard on their books on their own merit and they are having their work stolen to train AI into writing books.

For NaNoWriMo to support this, completely goes against my views. I do not support this type of writing and find it shameful that they would choose to do so.

Many have now backed out of NaNoWriMo and a few board members have stepped down because of this. Although they are now trying to backtrack and claim that their words were misconstrued, the damage has been done.

I will be looking for an alternative to NaNoWriMo to write my books in the future and will no longer participate in any of their events. I know there are many in the writing community who feel the same. When I find a suitable alternative, I'll let you all know.

See you next week.