Writing Zombies for Curse of Anubis

Hi all!

With NaNoWriMo now in full swing I thought I would explain why I'm writing about zombies for my newest novel. You might be wondering how Egyptian Gods and zombies go together, but I know what I'm doing, I promise!

First off, why would I write about zombies when the genre is over saturated as it is?

I absolutely love zombie films and TV series. Most of the shows I start watching on Netflix contain zombies, I just can't get enough of them. I grew up watching a lot of zombie films and found ones I loved and others, not so much. I've watched so many films that I want to contribute to the genre itself. Admittedly I thought of the zombies before the Egyptian Gods, but I hope I've slotted them together quite well!

What kind of zombies am I writing about?

I personally find the fast moving zombies the scariest. It just seems too easy to avoid the slow walking ones. The zombies in Curse of Anubis will be able to sprint after their prey. They only go for humans though, so the wildlife will be left alone. Infection will be spread through bites and scratches only. I haven't thought of a name for the zombies yet but I'm hoping to come up with something as I'm going!

What do the zombies look like?

They will be rotting humans, with leathery flesh and chunks of their body missing. Quite a few will look a bit gorey.

Where is Curse of Anubis set?

Curse of Anubis, like all of my books, is set in an alternative universe United Kingdom. Halfway will be mostly focused to a school, which is where Tahira will first come across the zombies and attempt to survive.

Which Egyptian Gods are involved with the zombies?

I think that answering this question would spoil too much, so instead I'll tell you which Gods will make an appearance throughout Curse of Anubis!





Can the Gods kill the zombies?

Yes, Bastet in particular will be a zombie killing machine. They won't know what's hit them until it's too late!

How do the Gods appear?

The Gods don't appear in their human forms, so instead will appearing as their animal counterpart:

Bastet - Egyptian Mau cat.

Thoth - Ibis.

Anubis - Jackal.

Set - Canine Sha.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week.

PS: check out these fantasy books!

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NaNoWriMo 2020 Project Announcement

Hi all!

If you haven’t guessed from the title, I have announced my NaNoWriMo project for this year! For those that don’t know what NaNoWriMo is, it’s National Novel Writing Month in November. 30 days to write 50K. It will be my third time participating and this time I’m going for something a little different…

A Young Adult Horror.

Ever since I started writing Mute I’ve been bitten by the horror bug and want to continue writing in that genre! Although, of course, this will be a Young Adult Horror rather than a New Adult Horror.

The book is the first of four in the Curse of Anubis series: Halfway.

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You’ll follow Tahira, who at fifteen years old finds herself trapped in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. She will be guided by the Egyptian Goddess Bastet, who will help her navigate this new world and find out how the Egyptian Gods are connected to the zombie hordes. She will meet new friends, new enemies, and discover why she was chosen to be spared from a fate worse than death. The following Egyptian Gods will be in the book: Bastet, Anubis, Set and Thoth. More may be added as the story grows and shifts with the characters.

I think the most fun I’ve had planning with this one is the designs for Bastet! She will be portrayed as an Egyptian Mau cat, with different coloured fur. I’m also hoping to get some Egyptian Maus on the covers (when they’re eventually designed).

This will not be a regular zombie story, where a group of survivors are hoping to find a safe haven. In this series there is no safe haven. There is no escape. Sometimes the creatures inside are worse than the ones outside.

I’m hoping to hit 50K with a few days to go so I can get some more writing in. This will be the next series that I’m focussing on. I hope to publish Halfway in 2023, so I have plenty of time to work on it.

If you have a NaNoWriMo account and want to be buddies, just shoot me a request! I’m always happy to meet new people.

That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week.

PS, want some free books? Check out these ones:

September Children’s Books Giveaway

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