The Blazing Serpent Chapter One Preview

Hi all,

As promised, here is the chapter one preview of Curse of Anubis #2: The Blazing Serpent. This book will be available April 8th 2025. You can pre-order it here.

Just to give you a heads up, this will contain spoilers for the curse of Anubis series. If you don’t want to be spoiled, please skip this post.

Chapter One

"There. Is that any better?" 

Tahira wiggles the fingers on her injured hand. Although the wound has been strapped together more tightly, the movement sends a twinge of pain through her arm. 

"A little, thanks." 

Darrus grins and packs the rest of his medical supplies in his backpack. Them running into each other had been a coincidence, but she knows why he's no longer with Merry and their group—the rival faction to her brother, Seth's. 

"Good thing I managed to pack a bunch of supplies before..." His sentence trails off and his eyes go glassy, as if he's remembering. 

She already knows the answer but asks the question anyway. "Before what?" 

He clears his throat. "We got overrun by mummies a few hours ago. We hadn't seen any in the area for ages, so we wrongly assumed we were safe. We let our guards down." He stands up and swings his backpack over his shoulder. "Most of us were infected. The rest ran off in different directions. Luckily Fawn, Eddy, and I were doing a stock of our medical bay. Once we heard the screams, we knew what happened." 

She swallows hard, trying to dispel her feelings of guilt. "I'm sorry."

He shakes his head. "What about you? Did you find your group?" 

"Yes, but they kicked me out and then got attacked. Mummies." 

Memories flash through her head of the hawks dive bombing her to save Horus. The god has a vendetta against her, as she is Ra's chosen one. Bastet, the goddess who has been assigned to guard her, was supposed to tell her more before they got separated. The last time they had seen each other, the cat goddess had been in rough shape. Her body was covered in wounds, and she was missing an ear. Tahira dreaded to think what all those wounds would look like in her human form.

She suppresses a sigh, knowing Bastet still hasn't turned up. 

Bastet promised not to leave her, and she knows she wouldn't break that. So, her not being here already means something has happened to her. Tahira's stomach flips with the thought, as the goddess could be in pain somewhere. 

Or captured by Set. 

The sha god is very much in favour of the virus that is sweeping through humanity. He wants it to gain power, along with Horus and Anubis. Bastet had said that he was greedy, but cowardly. Never willing to get his paws dirty. 

"Are you just going to sit there, or are you going to help?" Fawn's snap brings her out of her thoughts. 

She stands up, twiddling her thumbs sheepishly. "Sorry, what do you need me to do?" 

Fawn copies her in a high-pitched, mocking voice. "I need you to tell us how much food you have here." 

"Oh. We have quite a few cans of stuff left. I didn't take it all to my group."


She hadn't realised that she had referred to herself and Bastet. "Yeah... You, me, Darrus and Eddy?" 

"You can call me Russ!" Darrus calls from upstairs. 

"Don't get snarky with me. I know that's not what you meant. Who else is with you?" 

Tahira stumbles on what to say. There's no way she can tell them that a goddess is looking after her; they'll think she's gone insane. So, she sticks as close to the truth as possible, with a few modifications. 

"I have a cat," she blurts out. 

Fawn immediately bursts into a fit of laughter, clutching her torso. "A cat? You have a pet in the apocalypse?" 

Her face heats up. "Yes! What's so funny about that?" 

"You're stupid! You shouldn't be sharing your resources with some mangy animal!" 

Her anger starts to flare. "She's not mangy!" 

Fawn copies her in that same mocking voice. "You're sharing resources that are hard to come by, with a cat?" 

"She's my friend!" 

"She'd eat you alive if she could."

There's a sigh and the thudding of footsteps upstairs. Darrus then comes down the stairs, his brow furrowed. "Enough, Fawn." 

"You heard her! She's looking after her cat instead of eating it." 

A horrible thought hits her. "You hunt cats?" 

Darrus' face falls. "Only if necessary. We tried to catch one by the school, but it got away." 

Her heart thumps in her chest. There's no mistake; it can only be Bastet. 

What did they do to you? 

"I'm telling you, I got it!" Eddy shouts from above. "There was a blood trail and everything!" 

"It's a good thing it got away since it looked sick," Darrus retorts. 

"Bastet isn't ill." She tells them as calmly as she can. "You probably haven't seen her around here." 

Fawn raises an eyebrow. "She has a name too? Why not put that much energy into looking after your group instead of some ratty animal?" 

"That group kicked me out twice. They don't care about me. I know that Bastet does." 

Fawn scoffs. "Unbelievable." 

"Enough," Darrus snaps. "Not everyone hates animals as much as you do." 

"I don't hate them. I just see them as food that hasn't been cooked yet." 

Well, you're not cooking Bastet. 

Fawn meets her gaze for a few more seconds before turning away. "I'm going to do a food check." 

"Eddy is doing it upstairs. Tahira moved all the edible stuff up there." 

Fawn rolls their eyes. "Whatever." 

Once they're out of earshot, Tahira relaxes. "What's her problem?" 

"Their problem," Darrus snaps. "Use their correct pronouns if you want to get on their good side." 


He nods once before following his companions upstairs. She sinks into the barstool she sat in earlier and twiddles her thumbs. 

Maybe it isn't a good idea to share my food with them. 

Bastet had told her not to trust others, especially after the way her brother’s group treated her. She knows that deep down, when Darrus and his friends discover what she is, they'll treat her the same way. Gingerly, she lifts her scarf slightly to touch the grooves in her neck left by teeth marks. Once they see that and realise she hasn't changed into a mummy, they'll treat her like an outcast, like everyone else. 

I'm not letting that happen. 

Once she adjusts the scarf to hide most of her neck, a tapping sound catches her attention while she begins to follow Darrus upstairs. She turns towards the noise, which resembles claws tapping on a window. A cat with brilliant bronze fur sat on the other side. Its golden eyes seem to stare into her very soul. 


She rushes over to the window and throws it open. The cat immediately jumps in, her golden collar glittering in the light from the fire in the kitchen. 

"Ra! I'm so glad you're safe," the goddess purrs, kneading the floor with her front paws. "I was so worried." 

"You needn't have been. I'm fine." 

It's then that footsteps upstairs make Bastet's ears prick. "Who is in here?" 

"Three people. I've met them before. They don't know about my... affliction." 

Bastet flattens her ears. Tahira compares the goddess to her old self, with soft silver fur. She's obviously the same type of cat she was before, but just a different colour. The fact that Bastet has two ears again is also throwing her off. 

"You didn't mention when you came back that you would have a new body." 

Bastet's pink tongue rasps over her chest. "I wasn't expecting such a big transformation." 

"You look nice. Better with two ears." 

Bastet purposely flicks one in response. "The humans upstairs. Friendly?" 

"So far." 

"Hmm. For now." 

"Do you want to go?" 

Bastet tastes the air. "Have they got the food?" 

Her heart sinks. "Yes. They discovered it pretty quickly." 

"No matter. We'll find more. Collect the things you have; we need to leave. Now." 

"Is it Set?" 

The goddess shivers. "No. I just don't feel safe around so many humans. Especially with the way your kind treats you. We need to find somewhere safe to cross over. Sekhmet was summoned by Set, and I don't know what's happened to her." 

Sekhmet is the lioness goddess she met briefly when the two of them rescued her from Horus. The lioness had been a bit blunt, but apart from that, she was quite friendly.

"There might be another empty building around here somewhere." 

"Tahira? Who are you talking to?" Darrus' voice rings out from above. 

The sound of footsteps makes her panic. "Bastet, run!" 

"Why? Humans can't hear what I'm saying, only you. I'm just a regular cat to them." 

Tahira scoops the goddess in her arms, making her yowl in alarm. "It's not that I'm worried about." 

To her horror, all three of them have come down at once. Fawn's eyes light up upon seeing Bastet wriggle in her arms. 

"You brought us dinner? How kind of you." They sneer. 

"Dinner?" Bastet hisses. "You will not consume my flesh, you insolent mortal!" 

"Jesus, she's a loud one," Darrus jokes, taking a step forward. 

Tahira instantly takes a step back, turning her body slightly to obstruct Bastet's bronze fur. "You're not having her." 

"Come on! I've been dying for something fresh to eat for ages!" Fawn growls, nudging Eddy's arm. "Haven't we, Eddy?" 

Eddy nods wordlessly, scrubbing his glasses as if he can't believe that a cat is actually in the room. 

"We won't hurt her," Darrus says, taking another step forward and extending his hand. "I promise. She's yours. We don't hurt pets." 

"Yes, we do!" Fawn argues. 

"I can see why you didn't want me to meet them." Bastet looks up at her. "They're savages." 

She's glad the others can't hear Bastet in the way she can. "Shh, it's okay." 

The bronze car wriggles even more, her claws catching on Tahira's bandage. "Are you treating me like an infant? I am a goddess!" 

"Stop wriggling, you're hurting me," she hisses in reply. 

The goddess finally seems to notice the bandage around her arm. "By the gods! What happened?" She grabs the arm between her front paws and holds it close to her body. "It smells like hawk. Did Horus do this?" 

When Darrus creeps a few feet closer, Tahira takes a step back but hits the wall. There's nowhere else to go. 

"Come on, Tahira," he says sweetly. "Nothing will happen to her." 

 It's then that he dives forward, knocking her to the ground. Her head smacks against the wall behind her, the impact dazing her. Bastet falls out of her arms and drops to the floor on her paws. Eddy leaps for her, but she expertly dodges out of the way. 

"Get off!" she cries as Darrus sits up. 

When he doesn't get the message, she kicks him off with her free foot. He stumbles back, clutching his stomach. Meanwhile, Fawn and Eddy are attempting to catch Bastet. The goddess sprints effortlessly around the room, getting within grabbing distance before slinking away. By their annoyed grunts, Tahira can tell they're getting tired. 

"I'm sorry, Tahira," Darrus wheezes. "But we need to eat. We won't hurt you, promise." 

"Your promises mean nothing," she spits back at him. 

There's a yowl of alarm as Fawn grabs Bastet by the tail. The bronze cat goes into a frenzy, latching onto the closest limb—an arm. Fawn screeches and lets her go. By the time Eddy gets there, the bronze cat has pelted towards the kitchen.

"After it!" Fawn screams. 

Tahira is faster and reaches the kitchen first. She pulls both doors shut and stands in front of them, shielding them with her body. Fawn doesn't even bother to talk; they immediately throw themselves at her. The two of them go down in a mass of scratching and screaming. Eddy and Darrus rush over to pull them apart, panting from the effort. Both refuse to let go. Instead they claw at each other's skin. Fawn goes for her bandage, peeling it off to dig their nails into the inflamed flesh underneath. Tahira screams as the sharp nails dig into her sensitive skin, drawing blood. Fawn is suddenly yanked away, and the red-hot pain retreats to a dull throb. 

"Fawn!" Darrus yells, holding them by their hair.

Fawn manages to pull away with a scream: "I want that cat. That bitch can't just waltz in here and have whatever she wants!" 

Tahira pulls herself to her feet, patting the bandage back into place with a grimace. "This was my place first! In fact, all of you can get out." 

Darrus' dark eyes go wide. "Tahira, please—" 

"No. You can't just walk in here and abuse me or my cat. Fuck off. You're no better than everyone else." 

"Then we're taking all the food!" Fawn hisses. 

She picks up the nearest weapon, a shard of glass, and points it at the three of them. "Touch it, and there will be another fight; this one I will win!" 

Eddy moves in front of Fawn to protect them, while Darrus throws his hands up in surrender. "You're right. This isn't working out. We'll go." 

Tahira doesn't wait for them to start moving. "Then go. And don't come back." 

Eddy holds Fawn back as they try to go for her once again. Tahira stays perfectly still to stand her ground, tilting her chin up slightly to look taller. She won’t let these people intimidate her into letting them stay. 

"I'm sorry," Darrus finally blurts out. 

With that, the three of them start collecting their backpacks. Eddy makes a move towards the stairs, but Tahira moves faster to block it. He holds his hands up and glares at her before backing off. 

"You won't last long on your own," Fawn growls. "You're nothing but a stupid baby." 

It's then that she recognises Fawn, someone who wasn't in many of her classes but was usually rowdy. Fawn, who went by Dawn at the time, bullied her relentlessly due to having a crush on her brother, Seth. He never paid them any attention, but that didn’t stop it. They were clearly taking advantage of the apocalypse to reinvent themselves. 

She narrows her eyes. "I'm not letting you bully me like you did in school."

Darrus' eyes almost bug out of his head. "Are you serious, Fawn? Is that why you're acting like this?" 

"She's nothing but a stupid baby. Doesn't contribute anything to society. Should have died at the beginning of the apocalypse." 

Tahira keeps her mouth shut. As much as she wants to throw it back in their face that she had, she keeps quiet. She points towards the door once more with the glass. "Get out. Now there's definitely no chance of us getting on." 

To her surprise, Darrus looks hurt by that statement. "We'll respect your wishes." 

"Start thinking with your brain and not your dick!" Fawn sneers. "We should kill this bitch and take everything she has, right now." 

"We're not going to." 

Fawn shakes their head. "Fine. Have it your way. I give baby a week before she gets infected." 

Her anger explodes out of her all at once. "Out before I stab you in the fucking neck!" 

All three of them jump and start backing toward the door. Tahira follows them at a safe distance, ensuring the glass is always pointing at one of them. Eddy is the first to leave, dashing out before the other two can stop him. Fawn follows, mouthing 'baby' before disappearing into the darkness. 

"I'm sorry, Tahira," Darrus explains. "I didn't realise that cat was so important to you." 

"Yes, you did. But, like everyone else, you thought about yourself instead of my feelings." 

He gingerly takes a step forward, but steps back when she jabs the glass in his direction. "I don't want to treat you like everyone else does." 

"You already have. Get out." 

"Not everyone is going to treat you like shit." 

"So far, that's all everyone has ever done. Including you." She motions to the door with her free hand. "Out." 

Darrus looks devastated that he can't change her mind but backs out onto the stone steps anyway. Tahira slams the door behind him and flicks the lock. Although there are still many other avenues they can use to force themselves in, at least they won't embarrass her by coming in the way she kicked them out. 

"You were very brave, Ra," Bastet purrs from behind. "I didn't realise you were trying to save me from harm. Thank you." 

"People think they can do whatever they want. That they can step over anyone they want. But I don't want to put up with that shit anymore." 

Bastet brushes against her legs, looking up at her with her warm, gold eyes. "We'll wait a few minutes before crossing to the other side, just in case they decide to come back." 

Her heart pounds at the thought. Getting rid of them had been jarring enough, but to keep them away if they decided to attack her? With three against one, they could easily overpower her. Worse, they could kill her and Bastet. Although the goddess would come back, she wouldn't. 

She peeks out the nearest window, her heart dropping upon seeing them standing on the pavement. They seem to be arguing quietly, with how often Fawn stamps their feet or throws their arms into the air. Eddy, as always, stands there silently, just watching. 

Bastet jumps onto the windowsill. "I don't like them." 

"Darrus seemed okay, at first." 

The bronze cat shakes her head. "No, I have a feeling. But I can't put my paw on it."

"What kind of feeling?" 

"An... unsettling one." 

"That doesn't sound good." 

"It's not." 

"You're doing a really good job of making me feel better, Bastet."

The goddess flicks her ear to show that she's heard her. The two of them watch the little group retreat down the street. A mummy is running after them, their growls echoing in the empty village. 

Bastet sniffs. "Come, we've wasted enough time already." 

Tahira watches the three of them flee further down the hill for a few moments before following Bastet up the stairs. 

That’s it for this preview, I hope you enjoyed reading! Make sure you check out the Curse of Anubis series if you haven’t already. See you next week.

PS; don’t forget to check out this book bundle for new fantasy books:

Dark Flights of Fantasy

The Blazing Serpent Pre-Order Live

Hi all,

The second book in the Curse of Anubis series, The Blazing Serpent, is now available to pre-order on Amazon! Paperback and hardcover versions will release on publication day.

This book will come out April 8th 2025.

While you’re waiting for it to come out, why not sign up to my mailing list?

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  • Five FREE enovellas.

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You can sign up below:

That’s it for this week! Next week will bw a preview of the first chapter of this book, so keep an eye out for it! See you next Sunday.

PS; check out all these book bundles to find your new favourite author:

KINDLE UNLIMITED Must Read Sci-Fi and Fantasy for February 2025

FREE Adventures in Sci-Fi & Fantasy - February

Women in Fantasy

FREE Sci-Fi and Fantasy for February 2025

March 2025 Project Announcement

Hi all,

It's time for my first writing project announcement of the year! This time I'm going back to Original Elementals with book number eight, Turf.

I'm aiming to write 50K for this book.

This time, the main character is Tiegan, the first Earth Elemental. As the title suggests, her dragon companion is Turf.

Her mission to help the Eastern Dragon. But this will be difficult as she's living on the streets on her own. The other originals are currently in Aria, hundreds of miles away from her. She has to help this dragon by herself and isn't aware of what the other originals know about Zmei and Draca.

After Lucia, Tiegan is the most skeptical about her mission. Instead of helping the dragon, she will show it how she lives on the streets and how she's better on her own. The Eastern Dragon will be young, and will see Tiegan as its parent.

I'm so happy to write about dragons again! After this book is done, there are only two more left to write in the Original Elementals series. This is my longest series that I've ever written and I can't wait until it's all done.

My plans for the series are still up in the air, whether I'll eventually put them on Patreon or just publish them outright on Amazon.

After I've done the prequel series I was thinking of doing a sequel series. It depends on what other projects I have that call to me at the time!

That's it for this week, see you next Sunday! 

PS; check out all these book bundles to find your new favourite author:

KINDLE UNLIMITED Must Read Sci-Fi and Fantasy for February 2025

FREE Adventures in Sci-Fi & Fantasy - February

Women in Fantasy

FREE Sci-Fi and Fantasy for February 2025

Blood and Water is 99p on Amazon UK throughout February!

Hi all,

Elemental Dragons #1: Blood and Water is going to be 99p on Amazon.UK for the entire month of February!

As always, it's free on Kindle Unlimited.

You can check it out below:

Dragon markings aren’t supposed to appear on humans… but Hazel has them all over her back.

The government sends Hazel, along with every teenager in the country, to an elemental camp to master their powers before they get out of hand. But when her dragon egg hatches into a rare colour, her element is the least of her problems.

Now under scrutiny, she must make sure that no-one ever finds out about the strange markings on her back. If they do, they will permanently sever the bond with her dragon, leaving him dead and her in eternal agony.

What she doesn’t know is that there are others in a similar predicament to her. All different elements and all different markings, but with one thing in common: a previously extinct dragon wants to eat them to consume their powers.

In a world where political parties divide those who would live with dragons as equals or slaves, she needs to figure out the truth before she is swallowed alive by the dragon hunting her.

Fans of Anne McCaffery and Cordelia Castel will love to delve into this world of elemental powers and plenty of dragons!

Round Robin Stories Volume Three

Hi all,

This week I’m going to tell you about a fun little anthology I participated in for Strong Women, Strange Worlds. It’s the third volume of Round Robin stories! This one was really fun to participate in as we each had to write a few paragraphs and then wait for another author to write the next part of the story. I worked on ‘The Wrong Sister’ with several other fabulous authors.

There are five stories in this anthology:

Here There Be Chakras

The Vampire Shoe Diaries

The Wrong Sister

Apples Of The Stars

Taking Flight

Every single one is a different story based on Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Horror genres and they’re all fantastic! I was only able to read The Wrong Sister while we were working on it and I’m so happy to be able to read the four other stories!

If you would like to read this anthology, you’ll need to sign up to my mailing list, which you can do by clicking here. I’ll be sending out the anthology as a thank you to all my subscribers on March 1st, so make sure you’re signed up before then! In the meantime, you’ll get access to five FREE enovellas based on my books!

This was an amazing opportunity thanks to Strong Women, Strange Worlds. I would really recommend checking them out if you’re looking for new books to read.

That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoy reading! See you next week.

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles before you go:

KINDLE UNLIMITED Must Read Sci-Fi and Fantasy for February 2025

FREE Sci-Fi and Fantasy for February 2025

My New Writing Schedule

Hi all,

Now that I'm no longer participating in NaNoWriMo, I'm going to change my writing schedule a bit.

I'm still going to write three big projects year, but I'm going to swap one of the months. Instead of April, I'm instead going to write in March.

So the new schedule will be:




That spaces my writing out a bit more throughout the year and also means I don't have a massive break between November and April that seems to last forever.

I'll still write in between, but it mostly likely won't be full books. The one book that I do want to finish in between though is Cloud's Core. I'm not giving myself a final date to get it done by but the end of the year would be nice.

I haven't figured out what projects I'm going to write for each month yet, but I'm sure at least one Original Elementals books will be in there. I really want to finish the series after all!

November will still be the biggest month as quite a few authors still participate in NaNoWriMo. But I've done it for so many years that it's become a habit. I don't want to change that to any earlier or later as it's part of my routine during the year.

July has always been a nice summer month to write in so I'm sticking to it. It's something to look forward to writing before November and is also fairly distanced from March. I used to panic about the July writing as the April project always seemed too close to it. Hopefully writing in March will reduce some of that anxiety.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week. 

PS; don’t forget to check out this book bundle before it disappears:

New Year, New Monsters 5: From the Seas

My First Ever Concert

Hi all,

A few weeks ago I went to my first ever concert! Due to my anxiety I always thought that this wouldn't be possible for me, but I'm so glad that I managed to do it. My fiancé and I travelled up to Nottingham to see my favourite band of all time - Glass Animals.

Before the concert we had a wander around the city centre just to look at what the city had to offer. After that, it was straight to the arena for Glass Animals.

The place was packed even though we got there early to make sure we could find our seats. We had a pretty good view of the stage as I didn't think I could handle being stood right next to it.

The whole thing was absolutely amazing and I loved getting hear a few of my favourite songs played live. It was a great experience!

My anxiety was high throughout most of it due to the amount of people, but the experience was still enjoyable. If I get the opportunity to see them live again, I'd love to go.

Their music is what inspires some of my writing. They're a staple on my writing playlist and always will be.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week. 

PS; don’t forget to check out this book bundle:

New Year, New Monsters 5: From the Seas

My Trip to Loro Parque

Hi all,

In October, my fiancé and I went on holiday to Tenerife! It's the first time that we'd both been abroad in over a decade, so we were really excited and nervous.

One reason that we chose Tenerife is because of Loro Parque. We both love animals and wanted to go see all the beautiful ones that they had.

The experience was absolutely amazing! We watched a parrot show and then wandered around to look at all the animals. The penguins in particular were amazing, as you could stand on a moving platform to see the entire habitat. My favourites were the big cats, of course!

We saw lions, white tigers and a leopard. They were all beautiful and I was so glad I got the opportunity to see them. It was the first time I'd seen a white tiger in real life so that was my main goal.

As wonderful as Loro Parque was, we did get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people there. So after we'd seen everything we wanted, we decided to head back to the hotel to de-stress. I did decide to pick up a new friend, a white tiger plush which my fiancé has called Catfish.

It was an amazing experience and I'm so glad that we did it. The rest of our holiday we spent wandering around Puerto De La Cruz and lazing in the sun. I didn't get any writing done as I thought I'd give myself a break before November. I did read plenty of books though!

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next Sunday. 

PS; don’t forget to check out this book bundle:

New Year, New Monsters 5: From the Seas

My 2025 Writing Goals

Hi all,

Here are my goals for 2025!

Write three books.

Although I haven’t decided what books I’m going to write yet, I still want to write three. At least one will be in the Original Elementals series.

Publish two books.

This year I’m going to publish Curse of Anubis #2: The Blazing Serpent in April and Curse of Anubis #3: The Frozen Eye in October.

Get two covers designed.

Deranged Doctor Design will be designing my next two covers, both in the Curse of Anubis series.

Self-edit two books.

The last two books in the Curse of Anubis series will be self-edited this year and both will be sent to my editor.

Send all my reader magnets to my editor.

I’d like to get all of my reader magnets edited again so I’ll be sending them to my editor to look through. I want to make sure that they are the best they can be for you!

Read 100 books.

I love reading so I’ve set my goal for another 100!

Write the Game of Air and Lightning reader magnet.

Game of Air and Lightning is the next book I want to publish after Curse of Anubis, so I would like to get the reader magnet done this year. It will probably be about the backstory of the two gods, Aerus and Bolt.

Change my writing schedule.

Due to the fact that I’m no longer doing NaNoWriMo, I thought I would change up my writing schedule a bit. At the beginning of the year, the gap between two of the writing months is a lot smaller which I think creates more pressure for me. I’ll write a blog post when I’ve decided what months I’m going to do instead.

Write 12 short stories.

I’d like to write 12 short stories this year, as I’ve been neglecting my shorter works a bit. A few of them might even get submitted to anthologies!

Research different kinds of mythology.

I’d like to look into otehr kinds of mythology, such as Japanese and Celtic. I love writing mythology books and want to expand my knowledge.

Last year my goals were still attainable while having a challenge to them, which I want to keep this year, I don’t want to stretch myself too much. I love writing and want to keep that love as I go through the year.

Do you have any goals for 2025? Let me know in the comments!

PS; don’t forget to check this book bundle before it disappears!

New Year, New Monsters 5: From the Seas

2024 Year in Review

Hi all,

It’s once again time for my year in review! I tried not to be so hard on myself this year as I wanted to be kinder to myself. I also wanted to make my goals more achievable, but also giving me time to do things other than writing. Without further ado…

Write three books.

This year I wrote:

Empty Skies #2: Freezing Constellations

Empty Skies #3: Burning Constellations

Game of Air and Lightning

Not quite the books that I originally planned to write this year, but I was getting a bit burned out by Original Elementals.

Publish two books.

Celestial Plague #4: Hell was published in April and Curse of Anubis #1: The Plague’s Hope was published in October.

Re-name the Curse of Anubis books.

This one I’m pretty proud of! It took me a while to come up with new names for all the books, but I’m so glad that I did. For those who don’t remember, the new names are:

The Plague’s Hope

The Blazing Serpent

The Frozen Eye

The Dead Kingdom

Get two book covers designed.

I actually managed five this year! Two you’ve already seen but you’ll have to wait to see the other three.

Self-edit two books in the Curse of Anubis series.

The first two books have not only been self-edited, but have also been through my editor.

Finish the Curse of Anubis Short Story Collection and make it available to my subscribers.

This collection is now available to anyone who signs up to my mailing list!

Read 100 books.

This year I read 190! I almost hit 200, but didn’t want to push myself too much.

Work on my book sales.

I’ve changed a lot of my blurbs, categories and descriptions on Amazon. I’ve also started running more ads to generate more sales. I’m hoping to scale this up in 2025.

Create a Patreon.

I’ve created an account and I’m proud of myself for getting that far! This one has been so hard for me to do and I have such a block when it comes to it. I think I’m just worried that I’ll pour all this work into something that no-one wants. I’ll see if I go any further with this in 2025.

Participate in Camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo.

Due to the controversy this year, I didn’t participate in NaNoWriMo. Instead I’m now writing using TrackBear, and I will continue to use that going forward.

That’s it for this week! Next week make sure you check back to check out my goals for 2025. See you next Sunday.

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles before they disappear:

Winter Nights Fantasy and Sci-Fi

New Year, New Monsters 5: From the Seas