Holly & Broom

Hi all,

About a month ago, the sixth book in the Hawthorn & Ash series was published! This is a series that I have contributed to in the past was delighted to be included in the next installment. You can check it out below:

Holly & Broom is a compilation of fantasy, horror and speculative drabbles and flash fiction from authors worldwide.
Within its pages you will find enchanting stories of myth, legends and fairytales woven throughout.
Dive into the magic and wonder of these 50+ tales in Volume Six.

This is another anthology from Iron Faerie Publishing that I have been included in. I love this series and all of the drabbles are incredible. Mixing my favourite genres of fantasy, sci-fi and horror into one anthology is an amazing idea that I’m so glad to be part of!

I will be submitting to more Iron Faerie anthologies in the future and can’t wait to see what the next theme will be.

That’s it for this week, see you next Sunday!

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles:

Dangerous Women: Fantasy and Science Fiction with Women Who Kick Butt! (March)

March Fantasy/Sci-Fi Freebies

Dark Flights of Fantasy

The Blazing Serpent Chapter One Preview

Hi all,

As promised, here is the chapter one preview of Curse of Anubis #2: The Blazing Serpent. This book will be available April 8th 2025. You can pre-order it here.

Just to give you a heads up, this will contain spoilers for the curse of Anubis series. If you don’t want to be spoiled, please skip this post.

Chapter One

"There. Is that any better?" 

Tahira wiggles the fingers on her injured hand. Although the wound has been strapped together more tightly, the movement sends a twinge of pain through her arm. 

"A little, thanks." 

Darrus grins and packs the rest of his medical supplies in his backpack. Them running into each other had been a coincidence, but she knows why he's no longer with Merry and their group—the rival faction to her brother, Seth's. 

"Good thing I managed to pack a bunch of supplies before..." His sentence trails off and his eyes go glassy, as if he's remembering. 

She already knows the answer but asks the question anyway. "Before what?" 

He clears his throat. "We got overrun by mummies a few hours ago. We hadn't seen any in the area for ages, so we wrongly assumed we were safe. We let our guards down." He stands up and swings his backpack over his shoulder. "Most of us were infected. The rest ran off in different directions. Luckily Fawn, Eddy, and I were doing a stock of our medical bay. Once we heard the screams, we knew what happened." 

She swallows hard, trying to dispel her feelings of guilt. "I'm sorry."

He shakes his head. "What about you? Did you find your group?" 

"Yes, but they kicked me out and then got attacked. Mummies." 

Memories flash through her head of the hawks dive bombing her to save Horus. The god has a vendetta against her, as she is Ra's chosen one. Bastet, the goddess who has been assigned to guard her, was supposed to tell her more before they got separated. The last time they had seen each other, the cat goddess had been in rough shape. Her body was covered in wounds, and she was missing an ear. Tahira dreaded to think what all those wounds would look like in her human form.

She suppresses a sigh, knowing Bastet still hasn't turned up. 

Bastet promised not to leave her, and she knows she wouldn't break that. So, her not being here already means something has happened to her. Tahira's stomach flips with the thought, as the goddess could be in pain somewhere. 

Or captured by Set. 

The sha god is very much in favour of the virus that is sweeping through humanity. He wants it to gain power, along with Horus and Anubis. Bastet had said that he was greedy, but cowardly. Never willing to get his paws dirty. 

"Are you just going to sit there, or are you going to help?" Fawn's snap brings her out of her thoughts. 

She stands up, twiddling her thumbs sheepishly. "Sorry, what do you need me to do?" 

Fawn copies her in a high-pitched, mocking voice. "I need you to tell us how much food you have here." 

"Oh. We have quite a few cans of stuff left. I didn't take it all to my group."


She hadn't realised that she had referred to herself and Bastet. "Yeah... You, me, Darrus and Eddy?" 

"You can call me Russ!" Darrus calls from upstairs. 

"Don't get snarky with me. I know that's not what you meant. Who else is with you?" 

Tahira stumbles on what to say. There's no way she can tell them that a goddess is looking after her; they'll think she's gone insane. So, she sticks as close to the truth as possible, with a few modifications. 

"I have a cat," she blurts out. 

Fawn immediately bursts into a fit of laughter, clutching her torso. "A cat? You have a pet in the apocalypse?" 

Her face heats up. "Yes! What's so funny about that?" 

"You're stupid! You shouldn't be sharing your resources with some mangy animal!" 

Her anger starts to flare. "She's not mangy!" 

Fawn copies her in that same mocking voice. "You're sharing resources that are hard to come by, with a cat?" 

"She's my friend!" 

"She'd eat you alive if she could."

There's a sigh and the thudding of footsteps upstairs. Darrus then comes down the stairs, his brow furrowed. "Enough, Fawn." 

"You heard her! She's looking after her cat instead of eating it." 

A horrible thought hits her. "You hunt cats?" 

Darrus' face falls. "Only if necessary. We tried to catch one by the school, but it got away." 

Her heart thumps in her chest. There's no mistake; it can only be Bastet. 

What did they do to you? 

"I'm telling you, I got it!" Eddy shouts from above. "There was a blood trail and everything!" 

"It's a good thing it got away since it looked sick," Darrus retorts. 

"Bastet isn't ill." She tells them as calmly as she can. "You probably haven't seen her around here." 

Fawn raises an eyebrow. "She has a name too? Why not put that much energy into looking after your group instead of some ratty animal?" 

"That group kicked me out twice. They don't care about me. I know that Bastet does." 

Fawn scoffs. "Unbelievable." 

"Enough," Darrus snaps. "Not everyone hates animals as much as you do." 

"I don't hate them. I just see them as food that hasn't been cooked yet." 

Well, you're not cooking Bastet. 

Fawn meets her gaze for a few more seconds before turning away. "I'm going to do a food check." 

"Eddy is doing it upstairs. Tahira moved all the edible stuff up there." 

Fawn rolls their eyes. "Whatever." 

Once they're out of earshot, Tahira relaxes. "What's her problem?" 

"Their problem," Darrus snaps. "Use their correct pronouns if you want to get on their good side." 


He nods once before following his companions upstairs. She sinks into the barstool she sat in earlier and twiddles her thumbs. 

Maybe it isn't a good idea to share my food with them. 

Bastet had told her not to trust others, especially after the way her brother’s group treated her. She knows that deep down, when Darrus and his friends discover what she is, they'll treat her the same way. Gingerly, she lifts her scarf slightly to touch the grooves in her neck left by teeth marks. Once they see that and realise she hasn't changed into a mummy, they'll treat her like an outcast, like everyone else. 

I'm not letting that happen. 

Once she adjusts the scarf to hide most of her neck, a tapping sound catches her attention while she begins to follow Darrus upstairs. She turns towards the noise, which resembles claws tapping on a window. A cat with brilliant bronze fur sat on the other side. Its golden eyes seem to stare into her very soul. 


She rushes over to the window and throws it open. The cat immediately jumps in, her golden collar glittering in the light from the fire in the kitchen. 

"Ra! I'm so glad you're safe," the goddess purrs, kneading the floor with her front paws. "I was so worried." 

"You needn't have been. I'm fine." 

It's then that footsteps upstairs make Bastet's ears prick. "Who is in here?" 

"Three people. I've met them before. They don't know about my... affliction." 

Bastet flattens her ears. Tahira compares the goddess to her old self, with soft silver fur. She's obviously the same type of cat she was before, but just a different colour. The fact that Bastet has two ears again is also throwing her off. 

"You didn't mention when you came back that you would have a new body." 

Bastet's pink tongue rasps over her chest. "I wasn't expecting such a big transformation." 

"You look nice. Better with two ears." 

Bastet purposely flicks one in response. "The humans upstairs. Friendly?" 

"So far." 

"Hmm. For now." 

"Do you want to go?" 

Bastet tastes the air. "Have they got the food?" 

Her heart sinks. "Yes. They discovered it pretty quickly." 

"No matter. We'll find more. Collect the things you have; we need to leave. Now." 

"Is it Set?" 

The goddess shivers. "No. I just don't feel safe around so many humans. Especially with the way your kind treats you. We need to find somewhere safe to cross over. Sekhmet was summoned by Set, and I don't know what's happened to her." 

Sekhmet is the lioness goddess she met briefly when the two of them rescued her from Horus. The lioness had been a bit blunt, but apart from that, she was quite friendly.

"There might be another empty building around here somewhere." 

"Tahira? Who are you talking to?" Darrus' voice rings out from above. 

The sound of footsteps makes her panic. "Bastet, run!" 

"Why? Humans can't hear what I'm saying, only you. I'm just a regular cat to them." 

Tahira scoops the goddess in her arms, making her yowl in alarm. "It's not that I'm worried about." 

To her horror, all three of them have come down at once. Fawn's eyes light up upon seeing Bastet wriggle in her arms. 

"You brought us dinner? How kind of you." They sneer. 

"Dinner?" Bastet hisses. "You will not consume my flesh, you insolent mortal!" 

"Jesus, she's a loud one," Darrus jokes, taking a step forward. 

Tahira instantly takes a step back, turning her body slightly to obstruct Bastet's bronze fur. "You're not having her." 

"Come on! I've been dying for something fresh to eat for ages!" Fawn growls, nudging Eddy's arm. "Haven't we, Eddy?" 

Eddy nods wordlessly, scrubbing his glasses as if he can't believe that a cat is actually in the room. 

"We won't hurt her," Darrus says, taking another step forward and extending his hand. "I promise. She's yours. We don't hurt pets." 

"Yes, we do!" Fawn argues. 

"I can see why you didn't want me to meet them." Bastet looks up at her. "They're savages." 

She's glad the others can't hear Bastet in the way she can. "Shh, it's okay." 

The bronze car wriggles even more, her claws catching on Tahira's bandage. "Are you treating me like an infant? I am a goddess!" 

"Stop wriggling, you're hurting me," she hisses in reply. 

The goddess finally seems to notice the bandage around her arm. "By the gods! What happened?" She grabs the arm between her front paws and holds it close to her body. "It smells like hawk. Did Horus do this?" 

When Darrus creeps a few feet closer, Tahira takes a step back but hits the wall. There's nowhere else to go. 

"Come on, Tahira," he says sweetly. "Nothing will happen to her." 

 It's then that he dives forward, knocking her to the ground. Her head smacks against the wall behind her, the impact dazing her. Bastet falls out of her arms and drops to the floor on her paws. Eddy leaps for her, but she expertly dodges out of the way. 

"Get off!" she cries as Darrus sits up. 

When he doesn't get the message, she kicks him off with her free foot. He stumbles back, clutching his stomach. Meanwhile, Fawn and Eddy are attempting to catch Bastet. The goddess sprints effortlessly around the room, getting within grabbing distance before slinking away. By their annoyed grunts, Tahira can tell they're getting tired. 

"I'm sorry, Tahira," Darrus wheezes. "But we need to eat. We won't hurt you, promise." 

"Your promises mean nothing," she spits back at him. 

There's a yowl of alarm as Fawn grabs Bastet by the tail. The bronze cat goes into a frenzy, latching onto the closest limb—an arm. Fawn screeches and lets her go. By the time Eddy gets there, the bronze cat has pelted towards the kitchen.

"After it!" Fawn screams. 

Tahira is faster and reaches the kitchen first. She pulls both doors shut and stands in front of them, shielding them with her body. Fawn doesn't even bother to talk; they immediately throw themselves at her. The two of them go down in a mass of scratching and screaming. Eddy and Darrus rush over to pull them apart, panting from the effort. Both refuse to let go. Instead they claw at each other's skin. Fawn goes for her bandage, peeling it off to dig their nails into the inflamed flesh underneath. Tahira screams as the sharp nails dig into her sensitive skin, drawing blood. Fawn is suddenly yanked away, and the red-hot pain retreats to a dull throb. 

"Fawn!" Darrus yells, holding them by their hair.

Fawn manages to pull away with a scream: "I want that cat. That bitch can't just waltz in here and have whatever she wants!" 

Tahira pulls herself to her feet, patting the bandage back into place with a grimace. "This was my place first! In fact, all of you can get out." 

Darrus' dark eyes go wide. "Tahira, please—" 

"No. You can't just walk in here and abuse me or my cat. Fuck off. You're no better than everyone else." 

"Then we're taking all the food!" Fawn hisses. 

She picks up the nearest weapon, a shard of glass, and points it at the three of them. "Touch it, and there will be another fight; this one I will win!" 

Eddy moves in front of Fawn to protect them, while Darrus throws his hands up in surrender. "You're right. This isn't working out. We'll go." 

Tahira doesn't wait for them to start moving. "Then go. And don't come back." 

Eddy holds Fawn back as they try to go for her once again. Tahira stays perfectly still to stand her ground, tilting her chin up slightly to look taller. She won’t let these people intimidate her into letting them stay. 

"I'm sorry," Darrus finally blurts out. 

With that, the three of them start collecting their backpacks. Eddy makes a move towards the stairs, but Tahira moves faster to block it. He holds his hands up and glares at her before backing off. 

"You won't last long on your own," Fawn growls. "You're nothing but a stupid baby." 

It's then that she recognises Fawn, someone who wasn't in many of her classes but was usually rowdy. Fawn, who went by Dawn at the time, bullied her relentlessly due to having a crush on her brother, Seth. He never paid them any attention, but that didn’t stop it. They were clearly taking advantage of the apocalypse to reinvent themselves. 

She narrows her eyes. "I'm not letting you bully me like you did in school."

Darrus' eyes almost bug out of his head. "Are you serious, Fawn? Is that why you're acting like this?" 

"She's nothing but a stupid baby. Doesn't contribute anything to society. Should have died at the beginning of the apocalypse." 

Tahira keeps her mouth shut. As much as she wants to throw it back in their face that she had, she keeps quiet. She points towards the door once more with the glass. "Get out. Now there's definitely no chance of us getting on." 

To her surprise, Darrus looks hurt by that statement. "We'll respect your wishes." 

"Start thinking with your brain and not your dick!" Fawn sneers. "We should kill this bitch and take everything she has, right now." 

"We're not going to." 

Fawn shakes their head. "Fine. Have it your way. I give baby a week before she gets infected." 

Her anger explodes out of her all at once. "Out before I stab you in the fucking neck!" 

All three of them jump and start backing toward the door. Tahira follows them at a safe distance, ensuring the glass is always pointing at one of them. Eddy is the first to leave, dashing out before the other two can stop him. Fawn follows, mouthing 'baby' before disappearing into the darkness. 

"I'm sorry, Tahira," Darrus explains. "I didn't realise that cat was so important to you." 

"Yes, you did. But, like everyone else, you thought about yourself instead of my feelings." 

He gingerly takes a step forward, but steps back when she jabs the glass in his direction. "I don't want to treat you like everyone else does." 

"You already have. Get out." 

"Not everyone is going to treat you like shit." 

"So far, that's all everyone has ever done. Including you." She motions to the door with her free hand. "Out." 

Darrus looks devastated that he can't change her mind but backs out onto the stone steps anyway. Tahira slams the door behind him and flicks the lock. Although there are still many other avenues they can use to force themselves in, at least they won't embarrass her by coming in the way she kicked them out. 

"You were very brave, Ra," Bastet purrs from behind. "I didn't realise you were trying to save me from harm. Thank you." 

"People think they can do whatever they want. That they can step over anyone they want. But I don't want to put up with that shit anymore." 

Bastet brushes against her legs, looking up at her with her warm, gold eyes. "We'll wait a few minutes before crossing to the other side, just in case they decide to come back." 

Her heart pounds at the thought. Getting rid of them had been jarring enough, but to keep them away if they decided to attack her? With three against one, they could easily overpower her. Worse, they could kill her and Bastet. Although the goddess would come back, she wouldn't. 

She peeks out the nearest window, her heart dropping upon seeing them standing on the pavement. They seem to be arguing quietly, with how often Fawn stamps their feet or throws their arms into the air. Eddy, as always, stands there silently, just watching. 

Bastet jumps onto the windowsill. "I don't like them." 

"Darrus seemed okay, at first." 

The bronze cat shakes her head. "No, I have a feeling. But I can't put my paw on it."

"What kind of feeling?" 

"An... unsettling one." 

"That doesn't sound good." 

"It's not." 

"You're doing a really good job of making me feel better, Bastet."

The goddess flicks her ear to show that she's heard her. The two of them watch the little group retreat down the street. A mummy is running after them, their growls echoing in the empty village. 

Bastet sniffs. "Come, we've wasted enough time already." 

Tahira watches the three of them flee further down the hill for a few moments before following Bastet up the stairs. 

That’s it for this preview, I hope you enjoyed reading! Make sure you check out the Curse of Anubis series if you haven’t already. See you next week.

PS; don’t forget to check out this book bundle for new fantasy books:

Dark Flights of Fantasy

The Blazing Serpent Pre-Order Live

Hi all,

The second book in the Curse of Anubis series, The Blazing Serpent, is now available to pre-order on Amazon! Paperback and hardcover versions will release on publication day.

This book will come out April 8th 2025.

While you’re waiting for it to come out, why not sign up to my mailing list?

You get:

  • Five FREE enovellas.

  • Cover reveals before anyone else.

  • First chapter reads before anyone else.

  • Monthly news.

  • Character design polls.

  • Merch giveaways.

  • Free and discounted book deals.

  • Exclusive short stories.

You can sign up below:

That’s it for this week! Next week will bw a preview of the first chapter of this book, so keep an eye out for it! See you next Sunday.

PS; check out all these book bundles to find your new favourite author:

KINDLE UNLIMITED Must Read Sci-Fi and Fantasy for February 2025

FREE Adventures in Sci-Fi & Fantasy - February

Women in Fantasy

FREE Sci-Fi and Fantasy for February 2025

Round Robin Stories Volume Three

Hi all,

This week I’m going to tell you about a fun little anthology I participated in for Strong Women, Strange Worlds. It’s the third volume of Round Robin stories! This one was really fun to participate in as we each had to write a few paragraphs and then wait for another author to write the next part of the story. I worked on ‘The Wrong Sister’ with several other fabulous authors.

There are five stories in this anthology:

Here There Be Chakras

The Vampire Shoe Diaries

The Wrong Sister

Apples Of The Stars

Taking Flight

Every single one is a different story based on Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Horror genres and they’re all fantastic! I was only able to read The Wrong Sister while we were working on it and I’m so happy to be able to read the four other stories!

If you would like to read this anthology, you’ll need to sign up to my mailing list, which you can do by clicking here. I’ll be sending out the anthology as a thank you to all my subscribers on March 1st, so make sure you’re signed up before then! In the meantime, you’ll get access to five FREE enovellas based on my books!

This was an amazing opportunity thanks to Strong Women, Strange Worlds. I would really recommend checking them out if you’re looking for new books to read.

That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoy reading! See you next week.

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles before you go:

KINDLE UNLIMITED Must Read Sci-Fi and Fantasy for February 2025

FREE Sci-Fi and Fantasy for February 2025

My 2025 Writing Goals

Hi all,

Here are my goals for 2025!

Write three books.

Although I haven’t decided what books I’m going to write yet, I still want to write three. At least one will be in the Original Elementals series.

Publish two books.

This year I’m going to publish Curse of Anubis #2: The Blazing Serpent in April and Curse of Anubis #3: The Frozen Eye in October.

Get two covers designed.

Deranged Doctor Design will be designing my next two covers, both in the Curse of Anubis series.

Self-edit two books.

The last two books in the Curse of Anubis series will be self-edited this year and both will be sent to my editor.

Send all my reader magnets to my editor.

I’d like to get all of my reader magnets edited again so I’ll be sending them to my editor to look through. I want to make sure that they are the best they can be for you!

Read 100 books.

I love reading so I’ve set my goal for another 100!

Write the Game of Air and Lightning reader magnet.

Game of Air and Lightning is the next book I want to publish after Curse of Anubis, so I would like to get the reader magnet done this year. It will probably be about the backstory of the two gods, Aerus and Bolt.

Change my writing schedule.

Due to the fact that I’m no longer doing NaNoWriMo, I thought I would change up my writing schedule a bit. At the beginning of the year, the gap between two of the writing months is a lot smaller which I think creates more pressure for me. I’ll write a blog post when I’ve decided what months I’m going to do instead.

Write 12 short stories.

I’d like to write 12 short stories this year, as I’ve been neglecting my shorter works a bit. A few of them might even get submitted to anthologies!

Research different kinds of mythology.

I’d like to look into otehr kinds of mythology, such as Japanese and Celtic. I love writing mythology books and want to expand my knowledge.

Last year my goals were still attainable while having a challenge to them, which I want to keep this year, I don’t want to stretch myself too much. I love writing and want to keep that love as I go through the year.

Do you have any goals for 2025? Let me know in the comments!

PS; don’t forget to check this book bundle before it disappears!

New Year, New Monsters 5: From the Seas

2024 Year in Review

Hi all,

It’s once again time for my year in review! I tried not to be so hard on myself this year as I wanted to be kinder to myself. I also wanted to make my goals more achievable, but also giving me time to do things other than writing. Without further ado…

Write three books.

This year I wrote:

Empty Skies #2: Freezing Constellations

Empty Skies #3: Burning Constellations

Game of Air and Lightning

Not quite the books that I originally planned to write this year, but I was getting a bit burned out by Original Elementals.

Publish two books.

Celestial Plague #4: Hell was published in April and Curse of Anubis #1: The Plague’s Hope was published in October.

Re-name the Curse of Anubis books.

This one I’m pretty proud of! It took me a while to come up with new names for all the books, but I’m so glad that I did. For those who don’t remember, the new names are:

The Plague’s Hope

The Blazing Serpent

The Frozen Eye

The Dead Kingdom

Get two book covers designed.

I actually managed five this year! Two you’ve already seen but you’ll have to wait to see the other three.

Self-edit two books in the Curse of Anubis series.

The first two books have not only been self-edited, but have also been through my editor.

Finish the Curse of Anubis Short Story Collection and make it available to my subscribers.

This collection is now available to anyone who signs up to my mailing list!

Read 100 books.

This year I read 190! I almost hit 200, but didn’t want to push myself too much.

Work on my book sales.

I’ve changed a lot of my blurbs, categories and descriptions on Amazon. I’ve also started running more ads to generate more sales. I’m hoping to scale this up in 2025.

Create a Patreon.

I’ve created an account and I’m proud of myself for getting that far! This one has been so hard for me to do and I have such a block when it comes to it. I think I’m just worried that I’ll pour all this work into something that no-one wants. I’ll see if I go any further with this in 2025.

Participate in Camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo.

Due to the controversy this year, I didn’t participate in NaNoWriMo. Instead I’m now writing using TrackBear, and I will continue to use that going forward.

That’s it for this week! Next week make sure you check back to check out my goals for 2025. See you next Sunday.

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles before they disappear:

Winter Nights Fantasy and Sci-Fi

New Year, New Monsters 5: From the Seas

The Blazing Serpent Cover Design

Hi all,

If you don’t follow me on social media, then you probably aren’t aware that Curse of Anubis #2: The Blazing Serpent has had its cover revealed! This one has been designed by Deranged Doctor Design, and they never disappoint!

  • Once again, Tahira and Bastet are on the cover.

  • Once again the designer managed to find another perfect stock image for Bastet! I love her little pose and her coat.

  • The sun features heavily on this cover as it has a large role in the book. Ra’s Eye has been found and now his power is leaking into the environment.

  • Tahira and Bastet are still in the same city as last time, though they do start to explore different areas.

  • The colours on this one are just perfect! I’m so glad that DDD was able to stick to my colour scheme.

  • The series branding once again looks amazing!

The Blazing Serpent will be available April 2025 in ebook, paperback and hardcover. I can’t wait for you to read this book!

I hope you enjoyed the cover, see you next week!

PS; don’t forget to check out this book bundle:

Winter Nights Fantasy and Sci-Fi


Hi all,

Yet another Iron Faerie anthology has come out, much to my delight! You can check it out below…

Enter a realm where celestial warriors reign supreme. This anthology of short stories uncovers the fierce and enigmatic lives of Valkyries, the legendary shieldmaidens of Norse lore. Each tale unravels a unique chapter of these divine beings, exploring their valor in battle, personal struggles, and mystical quests. From epic confrontations to intimate revelations, discover the strength, courage, and intricate lives of these iconic figures as they navigate a world where destiny and the divine intertwine.

My short story, Flightless, is included in this anthology. It’s the first time I’ve written about Kaia and Sirrah, a Valkyrie and her pegasus. In the future I want to write more about them and I can’t wait to explore their world! To do that I’ve still got quite a bit of research to do on Norse mythology, but I’m sure that won’t take long.

There are plenty of amazing short stories by multiple authors in this anthology, perfect for those who love Norse mythology.

That’s it for this week! See you next week.

The Plague's Hope is now Available on Amazon

Hi all!

The first book in the Curse of Anubis series, The Plague’s Hope, is now available on Amazon in ebook, paperback and hardcover! Check it out below…

The wrong girl was resurrected… now she has to save humanity.

Tahira was among the first to be infected when the plague broke out. After a peaceful afterlife, she’s brought back to life by a goddess. But the prophecy says she doesn’t stand a chance, Bastet resurrected the wrong girl.

Before disappearing, Ra’s last words to Bastet were to protect his chosen one. Now, she has to fight against gods who don’t want Ra back while looking after a broken girl. Both have a target on their backs and need to learn to work together to overcome it.

Recruiting new friends along the way, the duo must stop Anubis from spreading the plague and claiming Ra’s artifacts as his own. With two worlds on the line, Tahira needs to figure out how to keep both from falling apart.

That’s it for this week! If you’ve checked out The Plague’s Hope, I hope you enjoy it! Keep an eye out for book two… See you next Sunday.

PS; don’t forget to check out this horror giveaway while it’s still available!

Horror Giveaway September!

The Plague's Hope Chapter One Preview

Hi all,

With Curse of Anubis #1: The Plague’s Hope coming out soon, I thought I’d post the first chapter for you to read through!

Everyone in the classroom quietens at the sound of an alarm going off. Unlike the fire alarm, this one is more monotone, like a siren. Immediately, Tahira gathers her books and pens into her rucksack. 

The teacher, Mr Geldhorn, sighs and shuts down his computer. "Masks on everyone. Get home as fast as possible. Don't go into any shops or other houses. You might contaminate them." 

Tahira reaches into her pocket to pull out her spotty black face mask. It's nothing special, not branded or made to stand out like some others that people wear. She prefers to fade into the background, and not having a bright mask helps her to do just that. She drowns out the complaints of her classmates and stands up, ready for the teacher to escort them out. He's wearing a simple black face mask with the school's logo on the front, and two red and green triangles with a star in the middle. He taps his foot while waiting for everyone to pack their stuff up. 

"I'll see you all again in two to three weeks. Remember, do not leave your house for any reason unless it's a hospital emergency. We need to all be careful. This virus won't go away if everyone keeps doing whatever they want." 

Tahira sighs at his little speech. Every time the school goes into lockdown, they get the same drivel. They had barely been back in school two days before the infection alarm went off. She just wants to learn before she sits her exams in the summer. She doesn't want to get her predicted grades when she knows she can do a lot better. 

"Are we getting homework?" 

The whole class groans. There's always one who reminds the teacher about homework. 

"I'll set you some on the online portal. No more questions. Now, please, I'll guide you to the gates." 

The class forms a messy line as they file out of the classroom into the hallway. Tahira glances over her shoulder to see if her brother's class has left yet; their door is wide open. 

You'd better wait for me, Seth. 

Mr Geldhorn suddenly stops, causing a domino effect on the students behind him. Each crashes into the other and mutters under their breath. 

"Why have we stopped?" someone from the back calls out. 

Muffled screaming answers the question. Everyone goes silent as the panicked screams seem to drag out forever. Blood roars in Tahira's ears at the sound, but she's unable to lift her hands to muffle it. Her entire body is frozen. 

Mr Geldhorn finally gathers himself. "Back into the classroom. We'll go through the fire door." 

The ones at the back of the line, now the front, retreat into the classroom, their eyes wide. 

"Does this mean the rumours are true?" 

"A virus can't make you eat someone!" 

"Didn't you see that video? That guy bit his wife's finger off!" 

"It's fake. The blood didn't even look real." 

Tahira shudders at the thought of the rumours that have swirled around the world since the virus was discovered four months ago. None of the names people have come up with for it has really stuck, so it’s just the virus for now. When the virus reaches the peak of its infection, it makes the infected person violent. They attack anyone around them and pull the skin from their bones. Any news outlet that reports on it is immediately shut down, which has led to conspiracy theories that this virus has created zombies. Tahira has never bought into that mumbo jumbo; however, she believes the virus affects the brain. Maybe it could make people violent. 

Once everyone is back in the classroom, Mr Geldhorn slams the door shut behind him. The screams are louder now, as if they have made it out into the hallway. 

Please be okay, Seth. 

He jogs to the other side of the small classroom, dodging the plastic barriers that are supposed to keep everyone apart. He then fiddles with the handle on the fire door and swings it open. Every classroom in the science block has fire doors built in, as these are the places where fires are most likely to occur. A blast of cold air rushes into the classroom, along with the sound of more screaming. 

"Everyone, make your way to the gates. Be careful." 

Most of her classmates need no further prompting. They stampede out the door, clutching their bags and coats. Tahira hangs back to wait until the chaos has died down. The last thing she wants is to get crushed while trying to go home. She glances at Mr Geldhorn, who seems to have aged beyond his years in the past few minutes. His forehead is creased in worry, and his skin is as pale as a sheet. Her heart thrums, knowing even the teachers are freaking out. 

By the time the exit is clear enough for her to go through, the students are attempting to pile back in. Someone scrambles through the door, the front of their white shirt covered in blood. Everyone left in the room begins to scream as they collapse onto the floor, their hands flailing in the air. 

"Oh God!" Mr Geldhorn rushes to their side with a coat. 

He attempts to drape it over their chest, which Tahira can now see is the source of the blood. The student whacks it away, however, and lets out a pained groan. 

"What is happening?" 

"What's wrong with him?" 

"Is he going to be okay?" 

Mr Geldhorn is unable to answer the barrage of questions as the student starts to seize. Their eyes roll into the back of their head, and pink foam erupts from their mouth. 

"Everyone outside, now!" Mr Geldhorn booms.

While the others stare at the student flailing on the floor, Tahira runs for the door. Outside the classroom isn't any better than inside. Students are running in all directions, some screaming and others crying. The tarmac ground outside of the PE hall is full to the brim with people. They've locked themselves inside, hoping the tall chain-link fences will keep anyone from climbing over. For a few seconds, she's unable to do anything. She can only watch in horror. A flash of silver catches her eye, but by the time she turns around, it’s gone. 

I need to find Seth. 

Their mother had made them come up with a plan if they were ever separated like this during hysteria. They were to get out and meet in the field outside the school grounds. The two of them had always thought it was a stupid idea, but now it was the only thing on her mind. 

A group of students rush past her, casting panicked looks over their shoulders. 

"Don't stand around!" one screeches at her. "Run!" 

Tahira isn't sure what she's running from, but she does so anyway. She knows that panic won't make her think rationally, but at this point, it's too late. She's been sucked into the collective panic of her peers. 


She stops only briefly at the sound of her own name. When it isn't called again, she continues running. She dodges clusters of people to head towards the school entrance. Unfortunately, nearly everyone has the same idea, and the pathway towards it is flooded with people. Some are attempting to scramble over everyone else to reach the front, while others are violently shoving each other aside. She joins the back of the crowd but is unable to penetrate the barrier of people. A scream rips through the air, making her blood run cold. 

"He's infected!" 

"He's changing!" 

A few feet in front of her, the crowd thins out, backing away from someone writhing on the floor. Like the student in the classroom, they're seizing and foaming at the lips like a rabid dog. Just as quickly as it started, however, the boy falls still. Sobs wrack the air as his eyes fly open, his irises gone. All that remains inside his eye sockets are two black blobs, which stare unblinkingly at the crowd around them. For a few agonising moments, no one moves or even breathes. Then the boy reaches for the nearest person, a girl a few years younger than Tahira, and sinks his teeth into her ankle. The girl screams, and the crowd reacts by going into another frenzy. Tahira doesn't even think before running back the way she came. Fear is the most prevalent thing in her mind, and it's consumed all her rationality. 

All the fire doors along the science block are wide open now. Some are covered in bloody handprints, while others have smashed glass. Pained screams and crashing sounds overwhelm her ears as she picks a random door to go through. Luckily, this classroom is empty. She shuts the door behind her and sinks into the nearest seat, trying to calm her beating heart and suppressing the urge to urinate. Eventually, her breathing slows, and she can think more clearly. It's then she notices the blood smeared all over the whiteboard in front of her, and the sound of slurping hits her ears. 

There's a knock on the door. "Tahira!" 

Her head swings around at the sound of her brother's voice. His dark hair is ruffled, as if he's been constantly running his hands through it. His brown eyes are wide and slightly damp. 


She stumbles towards the fire door and pushes it open, allowing her brother to rush in. One of his friends, she thinks his name is Jack, follows, considerably more panicked than Seth. 

"What's going on out there?" she asks, unable to keep the tremble out of her voice. 

Seth opens his mouth to answer, but Jack beats him to it. "Zombies! There are fucking zombies!" 

She glares at him. "This isn't funny." 

"I'm not joking!" 

Seth shakes his head. "He's right. I think those rumours are true." 

"It's just a conspiracy theory, Seth," she snaps. "Like aliens in Area fifty-one and microchips in sandwiches." 

Jack presses his hand against the glass, pointing to the carnage on the playground. "Look outside! This isn't a fucking conspiracy, it's real!" 

For the first time, Tahira really takes in her surroundings. Outside, the cobbled playground is a lot less cramped than it was before since most of the students have run away. The pavement is covered in red stains, some browning under the sunlight. The people inside the chain-link fences have trapped themselves. Someone climbs over the barrier, falling onto the crowd below, and Tahira can only gape as they launch themselves at the nearest person and take a chunk of their arm. 

"See?" Jack hisses. "Zombies." 

"We have to get out of here," Seth mutters. "This place is a death trap." 

Tahira freezes as she suddenly remembers the slurping sounds from earlier. With both boys quiet, she can no longer hear it. Before she can open her mouth to say anything, a figure rises from the teacher's desk. It's Mr Geldhorn, no longer wearing his mask or signature bottle glasses. He slowly chews on something pink and slimy before letting it flop onto his blazer. His lips are stained red with blood, and his eyes are a dark abyss. 

Jack is the next to notice. "Shit." 

The three of them move closer together as Mr Geldhorn climbs over the desk, knocking over a Bunsen burner and a tripod. As they clang to the floor, he's momentarily distracted before turning his attention back to the three teenagers. 

"What do we do?" Seth hisses, unable to take his eyes off the zombified teacher. 

Tahira grabs a tripod off the nearest desk and holds it above her head, trying to look threatening. Jack gets the same idea and grabs a pair of tongs, though he doesn't look happy with his weapon. 

Mr Geldhorn lurches forward, catching himself on a nearby table. One of his feet drags behind him limply, somehow broken. Tahira takes a step back with each step Mr Geldhorn takes forward. His dark eyes lock on Seth, who looks frozen at the sight. Tahira reaches out to pull him back, but Jack yanks him backwards. 

"What do we do?" she hisses. 

"You bash his brains in," Jack retorts. "I've watched the movies. It's the only way to kill 'em." 


"You have the better weapon." 

"Then you take it!" She tries to pass it to him, but he nudges it away. 

"No way, you get him!" 

Her eyes are back on Mr Geldhorn, who is now uncomfortably close. Although his movements are slow, she can tell he is biding his time to strike. Gingerly, she steps towards him, shuddering at the wet growl that escapes his lips. The tripod shakes in her hands, and she isn't sure she can do it. A flash of silver catches her eye once more, distracting her momentarily. Mr Geldhorn notices this and lunges immediately. His weight comes crashing down on her as she screeches. His teeth sink into her neck, causing a river of blood to spurt from her wound. 

"She's done for!" Jack screams, scooping up the discarded tripod. "We need to go!" 

Seth's eyes meet hers, and she silently begs him for help as the skin is torn from her body. Bouts of pain shoot through her body, and she feels the urge to vomit. 

Seth looks away from her. "Let's go." 

She screams as they both run out of the room into the hallway, leaving her to get eaten alive. Mr Geldhorn rises from the floor and stumbles away, a strip of olive skin hanging from his lip. She rolls onto her stomach, watching warm blood stream down her neck onto the floor. When she thinks she's going to throw up, she instead collides with the hard floor. Her body starts to stiffen and seize, and she gurgles helplessly. Her vision slowly darkens, and she can feel tears staining her cheeks. The last thing she sees is a silver paw dart towards her face before everything goes black. 




"Tahira, don't go too far!" 

"I won't!" she replies. 

With a sigh, she halts in the middle of the path to wait for her mother to catch up. No longer constrained by time, her mother now looks to be in her early twenties. Her previously greying hair is now a vibrant chestnut. The laughter lines around her face are now gone, replaced with moisturised skin. 

"I'm not as young as I used to be." Her mother puffs, bouncing the backpack strapped to her back. 

Tahira rolls her eyes. "You can't use that excuse anymore. You're young for eternity." 

The afterlife hadn't been anywhere near as bad as she thought. Even though she hadn't believed in anything, it turned out there was something for everyone. A beautiful pristine white city with all the houses, shops, and entertainment you could ever ask for. Beyond is just miles of golden sand, split in half by a river with water so clear you can see right to the bottom. 

At first, she hadn’t believed it, thought it must have been some sort of trick. But then she felt a pull towards a certain direction, upon following that feeling, she found her mother. The two of them had cried in each other’s arms for hours before it sunk in for Tahira. This place is real. This afterlife is real.

"Very funny. I'm still your mother." 

"I know that, it's still weird though. You look too young." 

Her mother scoffs. "We all grow old." 

"Not me!" 

Tahira rushes ahead of her mother once more, eager to get over the dune they had been climbing. Some dunes were lined with cobbled paths that never seemed to have a grain of sand on them. On the other side is one of the best views of the city—according to a few explorers anyway. 

Her muscles ache with each stride up the dune. The climb makes her lungs burn, but she can't wait to see what's on the other side. The last time she and her mother went exploring had been months before the virus. She has been in the afterlife for almost a year, and they've done nothing but explore since. Her childlike curiosity had never disappeared. Seth didn't like their adventures, but she loved them. 

"How much further?" her mother asks. 

Tahira just about reaches the top before her knees collapse underneath her. A few seconds later, her mother flops next to her, and they both take in the view. The sun is setting behind the city, illuminating all the buildings in a pale orange. The sky is streaked with reds, oranges, and pinks as the sun slowly disappears. 

Her mother clasps her hands together. "I'm ready to eat." 

Tahira nudges her backpack off her shoulders, relishing in the lack of weight. She pulls out a few sandwiches wrapped with cling film and a shared packet of their favourite spicy crisps. Before she can open the packet, a drop of blood falls from her forehead. 

"Oh," her mother says, wiping the blood away with her sleeve. "You'd better see what's going on." 

With a sigh, Tahira says, "Fine. But I bet I'm eating someone again." 

Before her mother can reply, she closes her eyes. When she next opens them, the sound of inhuman growls fills her ears, and the smell of rot assaults her nostrils. Her zombie self, along with several others, is attacking a girl. She looks no older than fourteen, with blood-stained hair and a wild look in her eyes. She clutches a metal bar in her hands, which she uses to strike the nearest zombie. Although they crumple to the floor like a piece of paper, they soon climb to their feet again. No matter how much damage their body takes, they always get back up. 

"Fuck's sake!" the girl hisses, taking another swing. "Just die, already!" 

Tahira feels her feet move towards the girl, quicker than the others. For once, she's the least rotten of all of them, which makes her the fastest. Her arms reach out and pull on the girl's hair. She barely has a chance to scream before Tahira lunges. She closes and reopens her eyes. 

"Well?" her mother asks expectantly. 

Tahira unwraps her sandwich, a tomato and pesto combination with cheese. "Eating someone. Well, about to." 

"We don't eat them." 

"Yes, we do."

"I've seen it. After they're infected, we get up and move on like nothing happened." 

"I find it hard to believe that zombies would just leave a tasty meal after catching it." 

Her mother shoves some crisps into her mouth. "Maybe they prefer the thrill of the hunt." 

"Whatever it is, it's disgusting." 

Tahira had only popped into her zombie body a few times, each time wishing she hadn't. It always seems she's hunting someone or about to kill them. The zombies never stop. She brushes her fingers against her neck, which is perfectly fine. Yet, she still feels Mr Geldhorn's teeth ripping at her flesh whenever she closes her eyes. He'd managed to track her down and apologise. When she asked him how he managed to find her in such a vast place, he explained that anyone could be found by thinking about them when moving. The feeling she felt when she found her mother would return until they found the person they were looking for. She appreciated the gesture, but it didn’t stop the nightmares,

"Have you ever tried talking?" her mother blurts out. 

"Hm?" she answers, with a mouthful of sandwich. 

"In your real body. Have you ever tried to talk?" 

Tahira gives her a strange look. "No. I can't say I have." 

"I've tried. It just comes out garbled, I think anyway." 

"Why do you want to talk as a zombie?" 

She shrugs. "Just to see if I could, I suppose." 

The two of them watch the sun completely disappear, and the silver edges of the moon start to rise. Tahira finishes her food much slower than her mother, ignoring the oncoming chill in the air. 

"I hope your brother is okay." Her mother sighs. "I just hope he's happy." 

Tahira watches the rim of the sky darken. "I hope so. I haven't seen him around anywhere. Zombie or here." 

"He's a fighter. He won't go down easily." 

Despite how long it's been, she can't help but feel a twinge of resentment towards her twin. He just left her to die, to turn. He didn't even look back as he ran. 

But there was nothing he could do anyway. I was infected. 

Those thoughts do nothing to make her feel better. She still sees the look on his face before he leaves. The sound of his footsteps as he runs away. And the overwhelming fear of being left to die alone. She only hopes that he's okay wherever he is and that they can meet again one day. 

Her mother stretches her arms. "I guess we'd better head back." 

"We only just got here!" Tahira whines as she glances over her shoulder at the long walk home. 

"I think they overhyped it. The view is cool, but there isn't much else to do." 

With a groan, Tahira slings her now much lighter backpack over her shoulder. As she does, she glimpses something running across the sand towards the city. Animals aren't rare around here; people can reunite with their pets again by inviting them to stay in their houses. But this animal is free. 

Her mother follows her gaze, but the animal disappears behind a dune. "What are you looking at?" 

"I dunno. A wild dog, I think." 

Her mother crinkles her face. "There aren't wild animals around here. Apart from that elephant a few doors down from us. How they tamed that thing, I have no idea." 

Tahira watches the dune the creature disappeared behind, but it doesn't reappear. "I guess I'm imagining things." 

"You're probably tired. Your zombie self must have taken quite the bashing." 

She nods dismissively, unable to take her eyes off the dune until they walk too far for her to see it anymore. 


That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week.

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles before they go…

Horror Giveaway September!

All Genre Boxset Readathon!