How I'm Feeling About Self Publishing

Hi all!

The next few days are going to be exciting as Blood and Water is out on Tuesday! On the one hand I can't wait for people to read it, but on the other hand I'm quite nervous about what people will think.

Self publishing was a big plunge for me, as I always thought I'd go down the traditional publishing route. However, after querying agents with no success I began to hope for rejections.


Because I'd researched self publishing a lot more.

To me, self publishing is more alluring and gives me more creative freedom than an agent would. Although this means I'm starting off with no connections and little experience, I'm still excited to see where this will take me.

My editor and cover designer helped me bring my book to life and are so lovely to work with. My writing is now more polished and the cover is gorgeous.

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Publishing through Amazon was easier than I expected, so much so that I changed my mind about not doing paperback!

It was easy to upload my novel and make tweaks where needed. Now I'm hoping that you will all love the story that I've been sitting on for the past five years.

If you want to buy a copy please visit my books page, which hopefully soon won't look so bare! Please also review my book if you can, it really helps self publishers.

Keep an eye on my Twitter on Tuesday, as I will be launching a giveaway for a signed paperback version of Blood and Water!

See you next week!
