How I Named the Dragons in Elemental Dragons

Hi all!

This week I thought I'd tell you how I came up with the names of the dragon characters in Elemental Dragons. As with human characters, I find it hard to come up with names. I've spent ages trawling through sites to find the best names sometimes! So, I'm going to tell you the meaning behind each name.


Aqueous is the dragon of the protagonist, Hazel. I wanted to name him after her element, water, but struggled to find a name that stuck. He's gone from Ocean to Tsunami and even Stormclaw. I eventually decided on Aqueous as it's quite unusual but still fits with the water element.


Drea is Marco's dragon, one of Hazel's friends. I came up with her name because I liked the name Rhea but it didn't quite fit her. So I swapped the first two letters and she ended up as Drea.


Asteroid is Wes' dragon, an ally of Ray's but also a friend to Hazel. She is a brown dragon with orange feet so I originally came up with the name Comet as it looks like her feet are on fire. I changed it to Asteroid as I thought it was a better fit.


Cerberus is Rocky's dragon, Hazel's brother. As a dragon with the element electricity I found it quite difficult to name her. I originally wanted to name her something to do with lightning. I love Greek mythology and I like the idea of Cerberus being a huge pushover when guarding the gates of Hell so I named her after the three-headed dog as she has the most playful personality.


Damayanti is Braith's dragon, one of Hazel's friends. Her name is my favourite out of all of them. I was looking for names that meant 'beautiful' and came across the story of Damayanti online. She's a character in a love story in the book of Naishadha Charita. The name fitted her perfectly.


Winter is Ray's dragon, the antagonist and leader of the Cindaraans. Her blue and white scales reminded me of winter colours, so I named her after the season.


Eruption is Mr Reedman's dragon, a secondary antagonist. Mr Reedman has an explosive temper so I thought his dragon's name should reflect that.


Exquisite is Sadie's dragon, a bully. As a premier, Sadie believes that she is entitled to whatever she wants. As she's quite stuck up I thought she would give her dragon a pretentious name to show off. Her mother's dragon is called Divine, so she is also following in her mother's footsteps with unusual names.


Fortune is Mason's dragon, Marco's twin brother and Sadie's boyfriend. In the first book Mason is like Sadie, stuck up and a bit of a bully. But over the series he mellows out a bit. To reflect his younger personality I believed that he would give his dragon a pretentious name that he would regret when he was older.


Utopia is Violet's dragon, one of Hazel's newest friends. Violet is very shy but she has many ideas of how she wants to change the world so she named her dragon after the utopia that she wants to build in the future.

That's it for this week! Let me know if you enjoyed this one and I'll do another post on how I named the human characters. 

See you next week!