The Elements of Elemental Dragons

Hi all,

This week I'm going to talk about the elemental powers in the Elemental Dragons series.

Each character has one or two of these elements, though being born with two is rare. For their training, they are separated into groups with others of their element. For those with two, they pick one as their primary element and mostly train with that one. There are eight elements:


Water Elementals can use their power to manipulate water, create it, and swim underwater using air bubbles. They are also unaffected by rain as they can stay dry, and in their advanced training they'll be able to detect when it will rain and how to manipulate clouds.

Strengths: Earth, Fire.

Weaknesses: Electricity, Light

Markings: Tiny swirls surrounded by dots in random patterns.

Colour: Royal blue.


Fire Elementals can use their power to create fire, manipulate it and walk through it unscathed. Their lungs are different from other Elementals, as they can breathe in smoke and ash with no problems. When the weather is hot they don't feel it and also lack the capacity to sweat.

Strengths: Wind, Ice

Weaknesses: Water, Earth

Markings: Fireballs surrounded by dots in a tight circle pattern.

Colour: Orange.


Earth Elementals can create rocks and ivy, manipulate plants and breathe life into dead plants. They are natural climbers, and thrive better on a purely vegetarian diet, though not all Earth Elementals are vegetarian. Forests are their favourite places, as they love to hear the wind whip through the leaves.

Strengths: Fire, Light

Weaknesses: Water, Wind

Markings: Ivy-like tendrils surrounded by dots that resemble leaves.

Colour: Emerald green.


Wind Elementals use their power to create wind and manipulate it. They are unaffected by powerful gusts and in their advanced training they can learn to float a few inches off the ground. The most powerful move they can learn creates tornadoes, but due to how dangerous this is very few are granted permission to learn it.

Strengths: Earth, Electricity

Weaknesses: Fire, Dark

Markings: Cloud-like wisps surrounded by dots in a swirl pattern.

Colour: Grey.


Electric Elementals can create and manipulate electricity. They can survive longer without food as long as they have a source of electricity close by, which they can use for energy. Electronics running out of charge is never a problem for them, as they can quickly charge it with their power. They are also natural lightning rods, so other Elementals give them a wide berth during thunderstorms.

Strengths: Water, Dark

Weaknesses: Wind, Ice

Markings: Lightning bolts surrounded by dots in a tight lightning bolt formation.

Colour: Pale yellow.


Ice Elementals create and manipulate ice and sometimes snow. Cold temperatures are not a problem for them, and their feet never sink in the snow. Advanced Ice Elementals will be able to detect when it will snow, and how to manipulate clouds.

Strengths: Light, Electricity

Weaknesses: Fire, Dark

Markings: Complex snowflakes surrounded by dots in a random pattern.

Colour: Electric blue.


Light Elementals can create and manipulate light. They are natural light sources, in some instances they have been known to glow in the dark. Bright lights don't bother them, and they are the only Elemental that doesn't get sunburnt.

Strengths: Water, Dark

Weaknesses: Earth, Ice

Markings: Tight vertical lines that spread out further from the source surrounded by dots in a random pattern.

Colour: Pale pink.


Dark Elementals can create and manipulate darkness and shadows. They can dissolve into shadows and travel through them. When advanced enough, they can even bring non-Dark Elementals with them. Their eyes are naturally adjusted to dark places and they don't need as much sleep as other Elementals.

Strengths: Wind, Ice

Weaknesses: Electricity, Light

Markings: Small splotches surrounded by dots in a circle pattern.

Colour: Dark purple.

Only dragons get the colourful markings, which can decorate their scales in a variety of places. The most common places to get markings is on the feet, chest or back. Those with two elements do not get overlapping markings, instead one element will appear on one part of the body while the other appears elsewhere. The only exception for this is the face, which can have different markings on each side.

That's it for this week! If you would like to preorder Blood and Water please visit my 'Books' page for the Amazon links.

See you next week!
