Elemental Dragons Virtual Advent Calendar

Hi all!

As promised, this week I’m going to highlight the Elemental Dragons Virtual Advent Calendar - which you can find on my Facebook page! Each day I’m posting a fact about the four species of dragons:





Each species will get six days each.

To go along with that, I thought I would do a Christmas giveaway for day 25 - Christmas day! The following books are eligible to claim:

Blood and Water

Venom and Earth

Glass and Ice

Cinder and Fire - to be sent on release day in April 2021

If you would like a chance of winning one of my ebooks, please read the rules below and go to my Facebook page, linked here: Jessica Turnbull Author

Giveaway 2020 (Christmas).png

If you’re unsure what the posts look like, here is an example:

Day 1 - Avian (1-6).png

This giveaway closes December 24th - once the last fact has been posted. If you would like a chance of winning - feel free to enter! Once again, here is the link to my Facebook page: Jessica Turnbull Author

That’s it for this week, if you enter - good luck! See you next week.

Looking for some fantasy books to warm you up in the winter months? Check out this bundle!

Fantasy Reads for Cold Winter Nights

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