What do Dragons Eat?

Hi all,

It's another dragon post! This week I'm going to talk about what dragons can and can't eat in the Elemental Dragons universe. Although they mostly eat meat, they can eat a few human foods and sweet treats. Each dragon is different from the other, so they all have different dietary preferences. However, dragons don't need to eat every day after they reach the age of one. Their bodies are much better at absorbing nutrients from their food, so they are able to eat less. They can usually go two or three days in between meals. Because their companions eat daily, they also eat daily however. Though this is in much smaller portions to prevent weight gain.


Dragons can eat raw meat and animals, but much prefer to have it cooked. Unless they're a Fire Elemental they can't do that, so if they're out hunting they'll have no choice but to eat it raw. They will leave parts of the prey that are too stringy or chewy, however. Most are quite fussy about which parts they will eat, some will ignore parts that others love.


Dragons can eat most vegetables, though if you put a plate of peas and a plate of chicken in front of them, they will go for the chicken. Some dragons have strict dietary requirements which means they need to eat vegetables often, while others never touch them. A lot of companions don't bother trying to feed their dragons vegetables as a lot of them will turn their noses up at them. The vegetables they are least likely to deny are ones that are green, such as peas and broccoli.


Most fruits are too sweet for dragons, so they will avoid them. If it's a small amount, they may eat a slice of apple or banana. However, most will look at their companions with disdain until they are presented with something that they deem more acceptable.

Bitter Foods.

Dragons love bitter foods, a lot of them prefer ginger over everything else. In some cases, companions will use a bitter sauce or dressing in dragon food to give them more variety.

Sweet Foods.

These kind of foods are bad for dragons, as their bodies don't digest them properly and can harm them. Chocolate, in particular, is toxic to them, like with cats and dogs. Although these foods are bad for them, they absolutely love eating them. In controlled amounts they can eat:

Vanilla Ice Cream

Unglazed Doughnuts

Plain Pancakes

Vanilla Cake

However, these must be given as treats only, not for everyday consumption.


Dragons don't care for many human drinks, most preferring water. There are some however, who have developed a taste for coffee. They love it due to its bitter taste and giving them more energy.


Unlike cats and dogs, dragons can tolerate dairy in large quantities. They especially like double cream and cheddar cheese.

Starchy Foods.

This differs from dragon to dragon. Some love potatoes and pasta, others don't. It depends on their taste buds.

That's it for this week, I hope you found it interesting! Is there anything else you want to know about dragon lifestyle? Let me know!

See you next week!

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