I Finally Signed up To Kindle Unlimited

Hi all,

I saw Amazon were offering a free trail of Kindle Unlimited, or KU, when I was looking for books the other day. KU is a subscription service with Amazon where you pay a monthly fee and can download as many ebooks as you want. As long as the author has enrolled their ebook in KU, you can download it for free. I've always put off getting KU as I wasn't sure how good it will be.

Well, I wish I had done it sooner.

There are so many good books on KU and I've downloaded quite a few already! Books that I had read previously have the entire series on KU, so I've been adding them to my library to read later. Already I'm saving myself quite a bit of money for one subscription. When I signed up I was on the fence about keeping it, but now I definitely will.

I know it's going to help me achieve my goal of reading 100 books this year. Thanks to it, I'll probably go over this goal.

Some of the pros I've found so far are:

Its cheaper.

I'm saving a lot of money downloading the books in KU than if I were to outright buy them. This is a lot of help for those who read a lot of books but can't afford to buy every one.

You're still supporting the author.

Even though you're downloading the book for free, you're still supporting the author. For every page you read, the author gets paid. If you stop reading halfway, then they only get paid according to the pages you read. You're still supporting your favourite authors with your subscription!


There are a lot of books in KU, with new ones getting added every day. Some people may find that they're downloading more books than they can read.

If you're on the fence with subscribing to KU, I'd take advantage of Amazon's free trail just so you can see what it's like. As long as you cancel before they charge you if it's not for you, you don't have to pay anything.

Also, a little reminder: all of my books are enrolled in KU! So if you do sign up then you'll be able to download all of my books for free.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week.

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles! All of the books are in Kindle Unlimited too:

Flights of Fantasy

Dragon Books