Why I Dyed my Hair Green

Hi all!

Last week I got my hair dyed. You might be asking why this warrants a blog post, but don't worry, I'll explain! Firstly, check out the pictures below:

This is such a big deal as I haven't been able to dye my hair for over a decade. I have alopecia, though mine is quite mild. Alopecia is when the immune system attacks hair follicles to cause hair loss. Mine started when I was in secondary school, around the time I was starting my GCSEs. I was advised that mine was probably exacerbated by stress, which wasn't anything I could really do about until my exams were over.

One thing that my GP did suggest is that I should stop dying my hair, as this could be making the alopecia worse. I had reddish hair at the time, which I then had to grow out.

Luckily the trend for balayage came in around the same time, so no-one really gave much attention to the fact that I had long brown roots with red hair. Well, except my so called "friends". I got a lot of grief from them for the way my hair looked and was told to just ‘dye over it’. Although teachers at school were aware that I had alopecia, none of them did anything to help me with it.

A few years ago I got the bus and saw this woman with beautiful green hair. I knew that if I could ever dye my hair again, that would be the colour I'd go. Now after ten years, I'm proud to say that I have!

I love the colour and I'm going to get more green added next time as its quite subtle at the moment. I'm glad that my hair is finally at a point where I can dye it again without causing bald patches. My mental health has improved in leaps and bounds from where I was at the beginning of the year. I'm nowhere near as stressed as I used to be and my hair is in great condition. Even one of the bald patches that stubbornly refused to grow is now sprouting a few hairs!

I'm so glad that I was finally able to get it done and I hope that this shows that my alopecia hopefully won't be too much of a problem again in the future. Maybe I'll try some other colours too.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading. See you next week!

PS; don’t forget to take a look at these books:

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