My First Tattoo

Hi all,

On Tuesday, I got my first tattoo done! I've wanted to get one for ages but I've always struggled with what exactly I wanted to get and where I would get it. One day I was looking at tattoo artists in my area and came across one who does absolutely gorgeous big cats. I knew then that I wanted a snow leopard. So, here it is...

My artist picked a beautiful reference picture and I love how it turned out. I decided to give the tattoo purple eyes as that is my favourite colour and a lot of people go for blue or orange. I booked this back in February so it has been a long wait to get it done. I'm so glad that I now have it, even though it did hurt like hell towards the end. It's on my left thigh as I heard that area doesn't hurt as much during tattooing. While it still hurt, I'm glad that I persevered and had it finished. It took two and a half hours in one session to get it done. But I'm sure there is one question you're asking...

Why a snow leopard?

I know that I'm known for my love of dragons and I would like to get a tattoo of one when I can decide what I want and where to put it. Maybe I’ll also get one that represents my books one day. But, snow leopards are my favourite animal and I knew one would look gorgeous as a tattoo. I read somewhere that snow leopards represent resilience and I've always thought of myself as resilient. I've been through a lot but I'm still going and I'm doing what I love.

For those of you who haven't got a tattoo and want to get one, I would offer the following advice:

Research your artist.

Make sure that they tattoo the style you like and that you love their portfolio.

Know what you want.

Make sure you know exactly what you want. This will be on your body permanently and you don't want to regret it.

Eat beforehand.

Make sure you eat a meal at least two hours before your tattoo and bring some snacks with you to your appointment. I also brought a sugary drink as well.

Ask about numbing cream.

Some artists won't tattoo you if you use numbing cream. If you want to use it, check with your artist first to avoid getting your appointment cancelled. I didn't use it in the end, but my artist was happy for me to if I wanted to.

Use good aftercare.

I'm using cocoa butter to moisturise mine 3-4 times a day and it works really well. You need to make sure it's moisturised to prevent infection.

Look after yourself.

I felt a bit sick the day after I got my tattoo done but it passed within a day or two. Make sure you're getting enough sleep and staying hydrated.

Will you see another blog post from me about tattoos? Probably! I'd love to get a dragon one done at some point but I'm going to give it a while before I look into it. There's no rush and I absolutely adore the one I have now! Want to check out the artist? Have a look at her Instagram here.

That's it for this week, see you next Sunday.

PS; last chance to get some of these books for free!

Silver Winged September: KU Fantasy Adventures that take to the sky!

Abundant Woo-niverse Giveaways for Magical Realism, Supernatural, Paranormal, Fantasy, and Sci-Fi