My Favourite Book Formats, Ranked

Hi all, 

I thought it would be fun to rank some book formats and see which one comes out on top for me! I know everyone has their own preferences when reading and now you can see mine. 

5 - Audiobooks

I know a lot of people love having audiobooks as they can read on the go without having to physically look at a book. I've tried them a few times but I always find myself getting distracted or missing key parts of the book. Maybe I just need to find the right narrator and book length. But for now, these are at the bottom of the list for me. 

4 - Oversized books

These books are usually for coffee tables or sprucing up bookshelves. Depending on what kind of books they are, I can love them. Currently my favourite one is about mythology across the world. I like to pick it up occasionally and have a skim through while I'm chilling on the sofa. 

3 - Paperbacks 

I do love a physical book. But, paperbacks aren't my preferred choice. They're great to read without staring at a screen and I have plenty on my shelf. They just don't have it on number one. 

2 - Ebooks

When ebooks first came out I thought I'd never like them. I just didn't think they could be as good as a physical book. Well, I was wrong! A lot of the books I read nowadays are on my Kindle and I absolutely love it. I can take it anywhere and read as much as I want. It makes reading on the go so much easier. 

1 - Hardcovers 

In my eyes, nothing beats a hardcover. The weight is perfect, the smell and the colours always pop on the covers. Although I don't mind dust jackets, I do prefer ones without them. I was so excited when Amazon offered me the opportunity to have my books published in hardcover. I jumped on that option straight away and ordered one of each to decorate my bookshelf with! 

I know that not everyone will agree with my list as we all have different opinions and preferences. But I still think it's great that there are so many different options for reading out there, there is something for everyone. What would be your number one choice? Let me know in the comments. 

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading. See you next week! 

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles:

A Post-Apocalyptic Christmas Giveaway

A Giveaway for National Author’s Day