The Antagonists in Curse of Anubis

Hi all,

This week I’m going to talk about the antagonists in the Curse of Anubis series. I wanted to pick gods that people wouldn’t usually see as being evil. This series focuses on a zombie plague and the main character, Tahira, trying to survive in a new world. She is guided by Bastet, who is trying to figure out how to stop the plague and find out what happened to Ra, who has disappeared.


I picked Horus to be an antagonist as I imagined him being angry with Ra. In this universe, Ra takes the throne back from him and asserts himself on it once more. He also strips Horus of his animal, a falcon, and instead gives him the hawks to rule over instead. So when Ra goes missing, Horus doesn’t hesitate to try to take advantage of the situation. He goes after Tahira as she is Ra’s chosen one, and he doesn’t want her meddling with his plans. Unfortunately he isn’t very good at planning ahead or working with the other gods, which is his downfall.


Twitter chose Wadjet for me after I posted a few gods that could be an antagonist. She is not a fan of Ra as she was his second-in-command until Sekhmet challenged her and won. She has been bitter about it ever since and has vowed to get her powers back that have now been passed to Bastet. She is not against using those around her and always puts herself first. While she is more receptive to working with the other gods, she would much rather take all the glory herself.


As Anubis’ father, it’s only natural that he would be involved in the scheme against Ra. He helped his son come up with the idea of a zombie plague and tries his best to keep him on his good side. In this universe, Ra allows the gods to choose the animals they want to represent them. Instead of choosing one of Ra’s creations, Set created his own: the sha. Ra humiliated him by putting his sha on Earth and laughing as they died out within a few decades. Set tried to create an animal that was better than the ones that already existed, but instead the sha are weak and sickly. He never forgave Ra for humiliating him in front of everyone.


The creator of the zombie plague and son of Set. With how much the human population was growing, Anubis was struggling to harvest all the hearts from the dead. He begged Ra for help, but Ra turned his back on him. Anubis then plotted against Ra and released the plague without his permission. He didn’t expect Ra to go missing once the plague was released and decided to take over the realm of the gods himself. The only thing left for him to do is rid himself of Tahira, Bastet, Sekhmet and Mafdet.

That’s it for this week! In the future I will write about the protagonists and how they fit into the Curse of Anubis universe, I hope you enjoyed reading, see you next week.

PS; looking for some monster stories? Check out the books in this bundle:

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