My First Solo Book Signing

Hi all!

This week i'm going to talk about my first ever solo book signing event! I've done a group signing before with other authors at a different bookshop but this one was entirely me and my own books! It was scary and exciting at the same time and I wanted to share with you how it went.

The signing was at The British Red Cross Bookshop in Plympton, where I was their author of the month for August. They interviewed me in February and I donated a few copies of my books for them to display as well as some bookmarks. They offered to let me do an event at one of their shops which I happily accepted. At first I wondered if I should do a book reading but I'm not confident enough with that yet. Instead, I decided a signing would be a good idea. I designed a poster advertising the event on social media.

First off, I took all of my books. I didn't want to confine myself to one genre and also wanted a variety for the table. I also took stickers, bookmarks, bookplates and pins. I wanted to use them to brighten up the table and give readers a little extra if they wanted it. After doing a bit of research online I found it would be a good idea to have a list to collect emails just in case anyone wanted to sign up to my newsletter. I didn't have any takers this time, but I still think it was a great idea. There was also a price list, which I printed two of. One for anyone who comes up to my table and one for the bookshop to keep at their till. We both kept track of everything that was sold and made sure the numbers matched up at the end of the signing. This worked out great as readers knew what the prices were when they had a look and there was no confusion with the bookshop either. The last thing I printed was a QR code that took readers to my Amazon page. If for any reason they didn't want a paperback yet or they preferred ebooks, they could take a look on there.

Now, I know that some of you are wondering how many I sold...

I sold five books!

For the first hour of the signing no-one had bought anything and I was starting to get disheartened. But my boyfriend came with me for support and we decided to do a bit of book shopping ourselves when we were there. It distracted me for a bit and I've got two more books to be added to my 'To Be Read' pile! Some members of my writer's group popped in to show their support and bought a couple signed copies which was lovely. 

Five books may not sound like a lot to some, but for my first signing I couldn't be happier. I was so worried that no-one would show up and I wouldn't sell anything. But I sold two bookmarks and a bookplate too! 

I'd love to do another signing at some point now that I have some experience. I know what to expect and hopefully I can improve for next time and try to draw more readers to my table. The staff in the bookshop were kind and supportive and did everything they could to make sure I was comfortable.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! Keep an eye out for next week's post, I think you might like it! See you then.

PS; don’t forget to check out these awesome book bundles!

Celebrating Book Lovers

Angels of August: Fantasy Novels & Box Sets Galore