A Milestone in NaNoWriMo

Hi all,

Ever since I joined NaNoWriMo in 2018 I've tried my best to take part in all of the events that they offer yearly. I've written fourteen books during NaNoWriMo and Camp NaNoWriMo and I've just hit a massive milestone...

One million words written!

If you haven't heard of NaNoWriMo, it's an event that happens three times a year where you have to hit a writing or editing goal. I always go for the usual 50K words in a month.

I've never counted up all the words that I've written but I'm so glad that NaNoWriMo gives you the option of doing so on your profile. I've seen that number tick up over the years and I'm so glad that it's now at one million. Every book that I've written for NaNoWriMo will eventually be published and I love adding the covers to each of the projects and marking them as published.

If you're curious, the projects that make up the one million words are:

Elemental Dragons #3: Glass and Ice

Elemental Dragons #4: Cinder and Fire

Celestial Plague #2: Heaven



Curse of Anubis #1 (Name Change Pending)

Curse of Anubis #3 (Name Change Pending)

Curse of Anubis #4 (Name Change Pending)

Original Elementals #1: Frostbite

Original Elementals #3: Shadowhunter

Celestial Plague #4: Hell

Original Elementals #5: Tempest

Orignal Elementals #6: Sunrise

Missing Constellations

I'd love to hit two million words written and I will keep writing for NaNoWriMo events. It has helped me so much with my writing and I love adding my daily word count to the website to see the numbers tick up.

That's it for this week! Next week I'm going to do a wrap-up for July Camp NaNoWriMo, see you then!

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles:

Celebrating Book Lovers

Angels of August: Fantasy Novels & Box Sets Galore