Rocky has Crossed the Rainbow Bridge

Hi all,

Some sad news this week. Rocky, my fifteen year-old cat, passed away on the 22nd August. He went peacefully surrounded by family.

If you've read some of my older blog posts then I'm sure that you're aware that Rocky was my first writing buddy, the one who was with me when I wrote my first book. I even turned him into a human character in Elemental Dragons, but tried to keep his personality the same. He became Hazel's overprotective older brother who was creative but a softie at heart. He was there for me every step of the way through writing Blood and Water, which was called Marine at the time. Even after I finished the book and started researching agents and editing the book myself, he was there by my side. Or sometimes, literally in my face!

The behaviour of the dragons in Elemental Dragons is mostly inspired cats. Rocky was my 'dragon' that I would observe in between writing to get some of his behaviours right. For example; the dragons sleep curled up with their tails covering their noses, which is what cats do.

I want to do something in his memory but I'm not too sure what yet. I would love to work with a cat charity and raise some funds for them or even run a raffle with my books as some of the prizes. I have a charity in mind already but I'm not going to rush myself into contacting them, I'm going to give myself enough time to grieve properly.

Losing him was heartbreaking and I know he would want me to keep writing, which is what I'll do. Mishka, my five year-old cat, has been helping me through this time and I hope that she will take up his role as chief writing buddy.

I loved him so much and I'll never forget everything he did for me. I'll find some way to do some good in his honour once I've sorted my own head out first.

That's it for this week. See you next Sunday.