Strong Women, Strange Worlds Live Reading

Hi all,

On March 1st I did a live reading for Strong Women, Strange Worlds. I've never done a live reading over Zoom before and it was actually really fun! I read a excerpt of Blood and Water and got to listen to the work of five fabulous authors!

I was first up, so I was incredibly nervous and wasn't really sure what to expect. Luckily Mishka didn't try to interrupt, instead she just slept next to me while the event went on. It would have been embarrassing to try to read while Mishka was practicing a musical number! There was a live chat which was really nice because I could get real time feedback when I get as reading. Next time I'll try not to look at the chat as I think that distracted me a bit when reading.

The other authors that read were: (click on their name to go to their websites)

Wen Wen Yang

Anne Karppinen

Phoebe Walker

Ilana DeBare

Carmen Baca

All of their stories were absolutely amazing and it was great watching them read in real time. I loved the different genres and tones that each reading set. Seeing the audience get excited about the readings as well was so lovely to see.

After all the readings were done we had a Q&A session where the audience could ask questions. We discussed researching books, what genres we write and if there's anything we would change about a book published years ago. It was a great session and I really liked getting to interact with the other authors and listen to their opinions on the different questions.

I gave away an ebook copy of Blood and Water to one lucky winner and I hope that they're enjoying it!

Now onto the big question: would I do this again?

The answer is a big fat yes!

I loved every aspect of it and my nerves disappeared quickly once I realised how nice the organisers and other authors are. Everyone was really friendly and supportive.

I would really recommend listening to Strong Women, Strange Worlds as they have a variety of authors on there with so many fantastic stories. If you want to check them out, click here.

That's it for this week! If you tuned in, I hope you enjoyed it. See you next week! 

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles before you go:

A Box Set of Young Adult Magic

Epic Fantasy Spring Giveaway

Fantastic Fantasy