Camp NaNoWriMo Project Announcement - July 2023

Hi all!

Like with April’s Camp NaNoWriMo, I thought I’d share a brief post about my next project! As I’ve written three Original Elementals books on the trot, I’m now taking a break to write a standalone. This book is called Missing Constellations. I’m hoping to write 50K of the first draft in this month.

This book will follow Laelaps and the Teumessian Fox. The dog that always catch it’s prey and the fox who always escapes it’s captors. They are one of my favourite Greek myths as they get stuck in a never-ending loop so Zeus places them in the sky as constellations. This book will be a dual POV of both of them. I’m undecided if I will have chapter headers commissioned for both of them or not.

Every few years, Zeus allows the constellations to return to Earth for a day to experience life as a human. Once the sun sets, they are returned to the stars once more. Only this time, they don’t return. When the sun sets they turn into their canine forms and are still trapped on Earth. When one approaches the other, the loop kicks in and they are separated by a few feet. They travel the Earth trying to find out what has happened and eventually notice that all of the constellations are gone.

Laelaps is a quiet dog who would much prefer to sleep, while the Fox is more hyper and loves to run around and tease him. They’ve been stuck in the sky together for centuries in an endless chase. Though neither will admit it to the other, they consider themselves best friends.

My plan is still to set up a Patreon and this is the first book that I’m hoping to post on it! I’m still trying to figure out the details, such as covers and editing but I will worry about that more once the book is done. Alongside getting to read the book early, I’m going to offer other rewards such as ebooks, paperbacks, merch and possibly even a book dedication. With the book, I’m going to have character polls, 100 word drabbles and Q&As on there too. I’m not sure when I’m going to get this done, but I’m hoping by the end of the year I have a clear plan in place.

That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading. See you next week!

PS; don’t forget to check out this book bundle:

Summer Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books in Kindle Unlimited!

Eternal Night

Hi all!

Two months ago I posted a short story called Food Chain, about a snow leopard that lost her cubs to humans. I thought I would share the sequel as well as I really loved writing that character and in that universe. I’m hoping to keep expanding on her story and see where it ends up.

Eternal Night

Bagira watches the sun disappear from the horizon. The pinks and oranges that fill the sky are slowly turning dark as night starts to fall. She swings her head towards the travelling humans. They have camped underneath the stars, tying their camels to posts in the ground. She shifts on the spot, trying to resist the urge to rush down the hill. 

They know she's coming. 

She's stalked them for months, from place to place. Every time they move, she's one paw step behind them. They can't shake her. They've given up trying. 

Every so often she thinks she sees a flash of spotted white fur, but she can never be sure. The thought of seeing her cub's pelts worn by the filthy humans makes her sick. They should not be using snow leopard fur to keep themselves warm. 

Her tail twitches a few times before she retreats further into the trees to rest. Even if they tried to lose her at night, she'd track them down again. They'd have a few days of respite before she'd catch up. 


Her pelt prickles with cold when she opens her eyes. It takes a few seconds of blinking for her to realise that it's still pitch black. Stars glitter in the sky above her and the silver orb of the moon sits atop a throne of clouds. 

But it should be morning. 

With an absent-minded flick of an ear she stretches, showing off a pink mouth filled with sharp teeth. No matter, the winter nights have been getting longer as of late. 

Her large paws crunch on the dry ground as she sneaks back towards her vantage point. The camp is still there with a fire burning. The humans have placed some sort of meat on the pile. The smell of burnt skin wafts in her direction and she licks her lips. It would be nice to not have to hunt this morning. 

Knowing the green grass won't camouflage her white pelt, she streaks towards the campsite. There are no guards outside, which is a mistake with them knowing that she’s around. Her mouth waters as the smell of the meat gets stronger. If she can dart in and get it quickly, it will give her more time to run. 

A screech makes that plan disintegrate. 

A human cub has noticed her from one of their strange caves. They make them themselves, though they are rather flimsy and don't do a good job of keeping the elements out. The cub is dragged back inside their little cave and Bagira flies past it. She dodges around the strange caves which are grouped together. The material grazes against her fur, feeling smooth and thin. She suppresses a shiver and makes her way to the campfire. Several humans are gathered around it, but all back off when she approaches. 

Her lips peel back in a snarl, and she skids to a halt. She deliberately pads forward as slowly as possible, eyeing each of the cowering humans. They look back at her with wide, scared eyes. But she feels no pity for any of them. They took her cubs. 

Atop a warm fire is a rabbit on some sort of stick. She whacks the stick free and then plucks the rabbit off the floor. The humans watch her carefully and she makes sure to growl at them before running away. 

One less meal for them. 

The sun still hasn't risen. The sky is now covered in a blanket of angry grey clouds. There's a more considerable chill in the air now, though her thick coat protects her from the worst of it. 

At least the humans will be suffering. 

She takes a few steps forward before looking up at the sky once more, her nostrils flaring. Tiny flakes of snow are now drifting from above and start settling on the floor. With a growl she stalks off into the trees to find better shelter. For some reason, she has a feeling that the snow is going to get worse. 


The snow is now hammering down from above. The ground is covered in a thick layer of white and the temperature has dropped even further. Bagira curls her tail around her paws and watches the flakes pile on top of each other. She had to go further away from the humans than she'd like to find suitable shelter. A small, rocky cave is her temporary home for now, at least until the humans move on. 

Her paws itch to check on them. If they move, the snow will cover their tracks. She can't lose them. 

So, she rises to her paws and sprints through the trees. Her paws crunch with each step but her pawprints are quickly covered over again. A growl echoes in her throat at the thought of losing the humans for good. 

They still have to pay. 

After what feels like forever she makes it to the hillside, her pelt dripping with half-melted snow. She lifts her snout to taste the air, but the wet cold is blocking out most scents. Upon reaching the top of the hill, she relaxes slightly. 

They're still there. 


It's been three days and the humans still haven't moved. 

The sun has yet to appear on the horizon and the temperature has dropped even lower. The snowstorm that raged a few days ago has halted, though the ground is still flooded with hardened snow. 

Bagira glides across the whiteness, her paws occasionally slipping on the slippery floor. Her mother used to tell her stories of snow, but she never thought that she would ever see it herself. The area the humans kept her trapped in was always hot, even in the winter months. 

Below, the strange human caves flap in the wind. Bagira snorts, not having seen movement since the storm. She begins to trot down the hill, ears pricked for the sounds of shouting at her approach. But everything is deathly silent. Her nose isn't telling her much either, only that the smell of humans is faint. 

She crouches low and moves through the camp. There are no footprints, and their strange human possessions are almost buried under the snow. With a sniff she pokes her head inside one of the caves. Under what looks like a mountain of pelts, she spots a human. Their eyes are half-open and their mouth is locked in a scream. Their body looks stiffer than it should be and their skin has a slight blue tinge. She pulls her head out with a start.

She goes to another cave, spotting another body under layers of fur. The next is the same. And the next. 

She throws her head back in a roar.

They're dead. Gone. The cold took them.

Then an idea hits her. She goes from cave to cave, moving the piles of fur around and thrusting her nose inside them to get a better smell. Camel. Bear. Deer. 

But no snow leopard. 

Her lips curl back with a snarl and she slashes at the last cave. The thin material rips under her claws and the wind whips through it, carrying tiny flakes of snow inside.

Her cubs’ pelts aren't here. 

She rears on her hind legs and slams her paws in the ground. They sink immediately and the cold seeps through her claws. 

They're gone. Some have survived and taken her cubs. 

She lowers her snout to the floor and wills herself to smell anything. The snow tickles her nose and freezes her nostrils, but she continues, hoping for a faint smell of anything. Just when she's about to give up she gets something. 

Incredibly faint, but there. 

Her lips curl in a snarl. 

She'll find them. This hunt won't end yet. 

The moon glows brightly in the sky, still not having moved. She doesn't care though. The eternal night will make it harder for them to survive. 

And she won't make it any easier for them. 


That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! I’m hoping to get some more short stories written about Bagira soon and I’ll post them on my blog once I’m happy with them. If I set up a Patreon, they’ll be going on there too! Keep an eye out next week for the launch of Celestial Plague #2: Heaven.

PS; if you want some new monster books to read, check out the ones in this bundle:

From Your Worst Nightmares…

Food Chain

Hi all!

Years ago I wrote a short story that I haven’t published called Food Chain. After writing a sequel I decided I wanted to continue writing in that universe. I thought I’d share the first part with you just in case I write more of it in the future!

Food Chain

A growl rumbles in Bagira's throat as she takes in the scent of her prey. It has recently passed through; the trail is still fresh. She breaks into a trot, her fluffy tail swishing from side to side. Her large paws are silent against the pavement. 

A bird flying overhead barely makes her flinch as she continues in pursuit of her prey. She can hear the herd now, screeching to each other. Pressing her body low to the ground, she scoots into a patch of yellow grass, keeping her tail low and out of view. 

The hooves of her prey clink on the concrete as they move from side to side, searching for anything edible. She pulls her lips back in a snarl as she eyes her target: an older camel with some sort of limp. Although it's large, she's confident she can take it down. 

The brown animal huffs and bends its head, slowly moving away from the others. She licks her lips and wills her body to keep still as it inches further and further away from the herd. 

Once it's far enough, she leaps. 

She clashes with its tough hide, manoeuvring herself to climb onto its back. She digs her claws into its humps as she moves towards its head.

The creature shrieks and alerts the rest of the herd, which take off with a few panicked kicks. Dust is kicked into her eyes, but she manages to blink it out by the time her claws are hooked in its throat. It bleats and bucks its entire body, throwing her onto the concrete. 

Momentarily winded, she watches her prey escape. Once she regains her composure she leaps onto the nearest wall and gives chase. 

Thankfully due to its injury it's relatively slow, allowing her to catch up with ease. When she's side by side with it she launches herself at its throat. Teeth meets skin and makes a tearing sound upon contact. The taste of blood fills her mouth as the camel continues its vain attempt to escape. It manages to pull her in different directions, kicking up more dust and dirt and scouring the earth with its hooves. Once she can feel it weakening, she locks her arms around its face and takes another bite. This time it makes a horrified gurgling sound before slumping onto its knees. She licks her lips as it bleeds out in front of her. 

Pleased with her kill, she goes to drag back to her lair when a loud bang makes her eardrums vibrate. She can only growl as a human male approaches, his death stick targeting her head. He points his stick at her and then towards the wall. Not wanting to give her prey up so easily, she stands her ground and roars at him. He gets too close for comfort, leaving her no choice but to smack the death stick out of his paws. 

His grubby paws fly above his head as soon as she does so, and he starts backing off. The smell of sweat and urine emanates from his body, unlikely to be a tasty meal. With one last growl she returns to her camel, keeping her brown eyes locked on him. 

Although his face is contorted in what she can only imagine is anger, he makes no other attempt to pursue her. 




The camel is barely inside when her cubs burst out. Their grey spots are just starting to come through their snow-white fur, though their eyes are still a baby blue, yet to change to their permanent colour. 

She cuffs her sons over their ears when they start playing with the prey's ears, whacking its limp skin. With a growl they sit up straight, watching her eat with curious eyes. They are not old enough to eat fresh kill yet, but she still prefers to stay close to them while eating herself. She had to go further this time, deeper into the abandoned buildings of the human city. 

Her cubs play fight amongst the corpse of an old human transport, her mother had called them monsters. This one has been dead for years though, its pelt, once shiny and a vibrant colour, is now nothing more than a rusted brown and stone cold. She draws her tongue over her lips once she's done, dragging the rest of her kill into her lair. She had chosen old human territory to nest in. The humans didn't seem to want the large building anymore, even though there are remnants of their old rags inside. 

She had taken to this place after the disaster. From her cage she had watched men flee as the sky burned orange and red with the fury of nature. The stars had been blocked out for days and she had been left to fend for herself. Sometimes she can still taste the ash, despite it clearing months ago. Once other animals started escaping into the human territory, she followed them, wanting a stable food source for her cubs. 

Her eyelids start to droop, and she dreams of the days where she used to loll around in the sun, when two short booms catch her attention. Rushing back outside, her cubs are missing. She growls to call them to her, but they don't respond. Blood stains the floor where they had been playing and panic rises in her stomach. 

She tastes the air once more, catching the scent of man. With a growl she bounds after the scent of her cubs, coming across a man wielding a death stick. In his arms are her cubs, hanging limply with blood dripping from their white fur.

They aren't supposed to hunt leopards. 

With a roar, she launches at him. He doesn't have time to react when she knocks him over, crunching his collarbone with her teeth. Her cubs fly out of his arms and bounce off the pavement.

With a whine she noses one, but he is getting colder by the second. She roars at the sky, screaming her fury at nature for letting man take her cubs from her. 




It's been days now, but Bagira isn't willing to let her cubs die in vain. Since she killed the man who had taken them from her, she had been stalking the human herd. They were moving North, using the camels she had previously hunted to pull their strange wooden contraptions. If they had noticed her, they hadn't bothered chasing her off, and they also didn't seem to care about the man she killed. 

For days she had watched the human cubs play amongst the camels, but they weren't her target. Knowing that the men have moved ahead of their contraptions, she makes her move. The first camels spot her and start to bleat, but the men pay no attention. 

It doesn't take much growling for them to start to run. The wooden contraptions are pulled behind them, crashing around on the concrete. The wooden wheels catch on the pavement and rip off, the contraptions dropping their cargo. Once a few camels start to flee, the whole herd follows. She creeps back into the grass with satisfaction as the camels rush through the human hunting grounds, trampling anyone who gets in their way. The men scream and either dive to safety or attempt to call the camels back. Without their precious camels they won't last long, especially if the contents of those contraptions are important. 

Their screams are like music to her ears as she continues to follow the carnage. A lone man has been left behind by the others, his limbs crushed and sticking out at different angles. He feebly tries to pull himself after the others, his bones clicking with each movement. She places a paw on his back, relishing in the fear in his eyes as she delivers the killing bite. 

No longer would she hunt wild camels. 

Humans are her prey now. 


That’s it for this week, maybe one day I’ll share more about Bagira and her story. Maybe I’ll post the short stories on my Patreon when I set it up! See you next week.

PS; don’t forget to check out these dystopian books!

After the End