April 2024 Camp NaNoWriMo Wrap-Up

Hi all!

We're now into May which means that Camp NaNoWriMo is done for the month! Empty Skies #2: Freezing Constellations was my project for the month. My final total is...

73,337 words!

I managed to finish the first draft on the second of May so the story is now complete at over 77K words.

In this book, the relationship between Laelaps and Ataraxia is put to the test. They start arguing a lot and going off on their own. The events of this book takes more of a toll on their mental health and the outlook is a lot bleaker at first.

A lot more constellations get introduced this book too! We get Scorpinus, Calliope and Pegasus makes an appearance too. This book is the one that will have the most Constellations in it. The next one will just have the ones that have already been introduced.

The dog pack is more prevalent in this book and Ataraxia is put to the test when leading them. This is one part of what puts a strain on her relationship with Laelaps. But I think the dogs are really cute and I love writing them! I found myself looking forward to writing parts they were in and wanting to add them in more. I'm hoping that in the next book they can really shine.

Yellow, the goddess who won't reveal her identity, is an even bigger presence in this book. But maybe not for the best. She is not keen on helping any of the characters in this book.

That's it for this week! I hope you enjoyed reading. Next Camp NaNoWriMo I'll be writing the last book in the Empty Skies series. 

PS; don’t forget to check out this horror book bundle:

Kindle Unlimited Horror Bookfest!

April 2024 Camp NaNoWriMo Project Announcement

Hi all,

It's a new year and the first Camp NaNoWriMo of 2024 starts on April 1st. I was going to start writing the next book in the Original Elementals series but I've really missed the characters in Empty Skies. So, I'm going to pivot to writing Empty Skies #2: Freezing Constellations.

This book will continue where book one left off, with Laelaps and Ataraxia. They've just defeated Scylla and are hoping for a bit of a rest before their next challenge. Unfortunately, that doesn't really pan out for them!

This book will have more scenes in the underworld and Cerberus will have a more active role. In the last book, they were there for the battle but that was about it. Now, their home is in danger and they need help to save it. The Namean Lion, Ichor, will be in this book with Charon, the boatman of the dead.

I'm also going to introduce a few more of the constellations in this book. One being Pegasus. They are one of my favourites and I'm hoping to give them a dark spin. They are working with The Freezing to take down all the constellations. I love writing pegasi as bad guys so I can't wait to continue with this book!

I have the prequel series planned which will introduce more characters and why they act the way they do in these books. But I really wanted to write this series first, even though Damaged Goods has been planned for ages. It gives me more time to flesh out events in between though. Some of the characters in this book will appear more often in the prequel series, so I hope you like them enough to continue reading about them.

This is my first Greek mythology series and I'm really excited to write the series which is why I've bumped it up a bit. I'm still undecided whether next NaNoWriMo I'll write Original Elementals or not. Luckily I still have loads of time to decide.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading. See you next Sunday. 

PS; don’t forget to check out these fantasy book bundles before you go:

Epic Fantasy Spring Giveaway

Fantastic Fantasy