New Website Feature Announcement

Hi all,

This week I'm going to talk about a new feature that I will be adding to my website - character profiles!

For each book I write I will create a character profile for each of the main characters, antagonists and any popular side characters. Of course as the only books I have out at the moment are in the Elemental Dragons series, they're the first profiles that will go up!

I ran a Twitter and Facebook poll to see what interest there was for character profiles and was surprised to see that so many of you were interested. So, on the 22nd August I will send an email to my newsletter subscribers with a poll for them to pick who the first character profile will be. I think it's only fair that as they have signed up for my mailing list they get to be the ones to decide which ones shall be added first. 

So, what exactly will be in each character profile? I've listed it below:

Eye colour

Hair colour

Skin colour

Physical appearance




Parents (if known)

Siblings (if known)

Animal companion


Best friend

Love interest/Partner

Favourite foods

Favourite drink


Favourite colour

Element/Magical Power/Magical Features

Anything extra that I feel needs to be added

As you can see from the above these profiles will be very detailed, so I won't be able to do one for every character at once. I'm hoping to start doing a few in September, with polls every so often so people can decide who they want a profile on next! I am planning on doing profiles for the human and dragon characters, so the dragon ones will be tweaked slightly as some of the above doesn't apply to them.

At the moment I am not planning on having any of the characters illustrated with their profile, but that might change in the future.

Another announcement to make is that Glass and Ice will be going up for pre-order in the very near future, so keep an eye out for it.

Are you excited to see the character profiles? Let me know in the comments!

That's it for this week, see you next Sunday!

Last chance to check out these books!

Dragon, Creature and Monster KU

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