The Pros and Cons of Having an Author Logo

Hi all!

This week I thought I would go back to another pros and cons blog post. In March I made a poll on Twitter asking how many authors had logos. The results are below:

Screenshot from my Twitter account

Screenshot from my Twitter account

As you can see, not many authors have logos.

It got me thinking about whether author logos are necessary.

So, I thought I'd make a post weighing up the pros and cons of authors having logos.


Your brand is easily identifiable.

Logos are the first thing that pops up in people's heads when you talk about companies. Some companies have logos that are more recognisable than the rest of their brand. To make your author brand stand out, a logo may be necessary.

It looks professional.

Brands with logos look more professional than ones without. Think about how you want your readers to perceive your brand.

You can put it on everything.

Your website, social media and even your books can display your logo for all to see.


You can have your logo designed specifically to convey a message or draw readers in. It is unique to you, so you can be as creative as you want with it.


Authors don't typically have logos.

As you can see from the results of my poll, very few authors actually have a logo. It could be argued in this case that you don't need one.

It can add to your budget.

A logo is an easy to thing to overlook if you have a budget, and you don't necessarily need one. Getting a logo designed can be expensive, and many people don't have the funds to spare when publishing.

People don't remember authors for their logos.

Readers remember a certain author for writing their favourite book, not for having a logo.

Readers won't notice an author logo.

Even if you put it in everything, it's usually the last thing people will notice. Readers will read your book and may not even notice your logo.

It's another thing to remember.

When you have a huge checklist of things to get done before your book comes out, you don't want to worry about a logo. It can be an extra stress you don't need.

I thought about getting a logo, but I've decided against it for now. It's not necessary to publish a book with one so it means I have one less thing to worry about. One day I might change my mind, but for now I'm happy without a logo.

Next week I'll talk about how pets can be a fantastic influence on your writing.

See you next week!