How to Support Your Favourite Authors

Hi all,

With the release date for Blood and Water now exactly a month away, I thought I'd make a post on how to support authors. Most people think that buying their books is all they can do, which isn't true!

Buy/borrow their books.

This is the one most readers know about. If you can't afford to buy an author's book, borrow it from the library instead. You're still supporting them by reading their work!

Write a review.

Authors rely on reviews because it means that more people will see their book. Some sites, such as Amazon, will promote books once they have a certain number of reviews. A lot of book promotion sites also only promote books once they have a number of reviews.

Follow their social media.

By following their social media you're showing an interest in what they're doing. They may also post about what they're working on and events they'll be attending.

Tell them how you feel about their work.

Whether it's a letter or a DM, if you love an author's work, tell them. Authors write for their readers, and most would love to hear their feedback.

Tell others about their books.

By telling other people that might buy their books, they can get more sales and reviews.

Sign up to their mailing list.

You can show that you're a fan by signing up, and in return you get to see what they're working on and when their next book will come out!

Attend events.

If the author is attending a certain event and you can as well, most won't mind if you want to say hi!

Pre-order their books.

To show an author how excited you are to read their work, pre-order their book! It will also help them climb through the ranks on Amazon.

Rate their books on Goodreads.

Books with a lot of ratings will be seen by new readers. Some people base whether they will read a book or not depending on how many other people have rated it.

If they're up for an award, vote for them.

If your favourite book is up for an award, make sure you vote and let other people know. Authors rely on reader's votes in competitions.

That's it for this week. I hope you enjoyed reading!
