My Author Logo

Hi all!

Last year I made a blog post about author logos, the pros and cons of having one. I did also write that I'd consider getting a logo on the future. 

If you follow me on Twitter you may have seen my post about an author logo. I wanted to get one done to use on my website, media kit (which I'm still working on) and business cards.

My logo was designed by maadi7899.

Logo Version-02.jpg

Most authors have logos which contain pens, quills, books etc. I wanted to go with something different to stand out. 

At first I wanted to go with a dragon, but I realised that dragons would tie me to fantasy. I also want to write sci-fi and horror so I didn't want to link myself to just one genre. Next I thought about using a cat, but I couldn't decide between Rocky and Mishka. I didn't want to favour one over the other.

Sleeping Mishka (Left) and sleeping Rocky (Right)

Sleeping Mishka (Left) and sleeping Rocky (Right)

So, I decided to use a snow leopard.


Snow leopards are one of my favourite animals. They're beautiful creatures and I've always been drawn to them. When I was younger I sponsored a snow leopard called Bagira for a year and I loved receiving updates on her every few months.

The leopard on my logo I have now named 'Bagira' in tribute to her.

This will be used as a header on my website and media kit. The business cards have already been designed, I just need to get some printed. I'll carry a few on me in case I meet someone who is interested in my work.

I'm glad I got it done, as now I can use it to promote my books. I won't be putting it in my books however, as it's more for behind the scenes stuff. It also puts me one step closer to completing my media kit.

If you want to get a logo designed, make sure you know what you want. You'll be stuck with it for a while so you have to make sure you actually like it.

That's it for this week! Do you have an author logo? What do you use it for? Feel free to answer in the comments.

See you next week.

A4 Blood and Water.jpg