Glass and Ice Preorder Live

Hi all!

If you haven’t seen my social media posts, then I just wanted to let you know that Glass and Ice is now available for preorder on Amazon!

I can confirm that it will be out in ebook and paperback October 13th 2020.

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You can preorder here:


In the meantime if you want something new to read from the Elemental Dragons universe, you can sign up to my mailing list! When you sign up, you’ll get a FREE enovella containing four short stories from the Elemental Dragons universe:

Sign up here!

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If you want to hear me discuss my books and learn more about me, then you can listen to me on the radio! John Eden at SoundartRadio has invited me for an interview 27th August at 12.30pm BST. I’ll be discussing everything Elemental Dragons and my writing process! You can listen here on Thursday: Soundart Radio.

That’s it for this week, see you next week where I will be discussing the outcome of the radio interview and how I felt during.