2020 Year in Review

Hi all!

Next week I'm going to write about my 2021 writing goals, so this week I thought I would look back on my writing goals of 2020!

Write two books

I've managed to write four books this year:

Celestial Plague #3: Purgatory



Curse of Anubis #1: Halfway

Publish two books

Elemental Dragons #2: Venom and Earth and Elemental Dragons #3: Glass and Ice were both published this year, thanks to everyone who has read them!

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Get three covers designed

Elemental Dragons is now complete with covers, and I managed to get one for Celestial Plague: Seashine. Seashine's cover will be revealed at some point next year.

Edit two books

Although I wanted to edit Celestial Plague #1: Nirvana, instead I edited Mute. But I still manged to meet my goal, despite swapping the books around!

Write four short stories

I've written multiple short stories this year, though I didn't manage to get any published. I've posted a lot of them in my monthly newsletter for my subscribers to read. I also hope to combine some into an anthology of sorts once I have enough of the same genre.

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Read 15 books

Due to lockdown I managed to blow this goal out of the water. I have read 100 books this year! Most of them were ones that I had wanted to read for a while, like Wings of Fire and Five Nights at Freddy's. However I also discovered new authors this year whose work I love.

Participate in Camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo

I participated in both this year, with writing Years, Mute and Curse of Anubis #1: Halfway.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! Next week I will discuss my goals for 2021. See you next week!

PS; looking for new books to add to your list in the New Year? Check out these book bundles:

Fantasy Reads for Cold Winter Nights

New Year, New Monsters!

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Glass and Ice Now Available

Hi all,

In case you missed it, Elemental Dragons #3: Glass and Ice is now available on Amazon! This is the second to last book in the series, with the next one out in April!

As with the previous books, it’s available in ebook and paperback. I’m also doing a giveaway on my Twitter of a signed paperback copy! If you want to enter, check out the details here: Twitter Giveaway

Glass and Ice is also competing in Cover Wars, you can vote here: Cover Wars

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Being on the run isn't easy.

Hazel, who’s learned just how dangerous messing with dragons can be, now finds herself battling yet a new foe: the great Anthropomorphic Dragon.

With enemies old and new mounting around them, Hazel and the others are running out of safe places to flee. Finding themselves prisoners in a strange city, they’ll have to learn who to trust if they want to survive. Some members of the group soon find that they’re developing strange new abilities, but at what cost?

Will Hazel and her friends be able to save themselves from the battle and ever shifting alliances of the Wyrms? Or will they fall at the hands of the Cindaraans?

Find out in Glass and Ice, the third book in the exciting Elemental Dragons series. A pulse pounding Young Adult adventure series that has everything a fantasy lover could want in a book.

The final one in the series, Cinder and Fire, will be out in April. I will be doing a cover reveal next month so keep your eyes peeled!

If you want some new books to read this Autumn, check out this book bundle:

It’s an ‘Always be a Unicorn’ Autumn

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Glass and Ice Preorder Live

Hi all!

If you haven’t seen my social media posts, then I just wanted to let you know that Glass and Ice is now available for preorder on Amazon!

I can confirm that it will be out in ebook and paperback October 13th 2020.

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You can preorder here:


In the meantime if you want something new to read from the Elemental Dragons universe, you can sign up to my mailing list! When you sign up, you’ll get a FREE enovella containing four short stories from the Elemental Dragons universe:

Sign up here!

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If you want to hear me discuss my books and learn more about me, then you can listen to me on the radio! John Eden at SoundartRadio has invited me for an interview 27th August at 12.30pm BST. I’ll be discussing everything Elemental Dragons and my writing process! You can listen here on Thursday: Soundart Radio.

That’s it for this week, see you next week where I will be discussing the outcome of the radio interview and how I felt during.

Glass and Ice Chapter One Preview

Hi all!

With Glass and Ice out in October I thought I’d share a little preview of the first chapter, I hope you enjoy! If you don’t want spoilers, I recommend skipping this blog post.

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I never thought I’d see a Wyvern.

Their bodies writhe around in their cage, their thin tongues licking the glass desperately. Their torsos are made up of thin colourful scales and they have thick, stubby tails. Their eyes are like Aqueous’, but with larger pupils, shaped like a deer’s. Two long, elegant wings replace their front feet.


The voice makes me jump, but I’m not surprised to turn around and come face to face with my older doppelgänger. She looks relieved this time, with a hint of a smile appearing on her face. She is no longer covered in Wyrms like last time; her face is clear and glowing a light blue. She’s appeared to me before, but this time is different. She looks ready to say more than she usually does.

Save us, Marine.”

“Save who?” I reply, making Marco jump next to me. He gives me a strange look, staring at Marine. I guess my boyfriend still can’t see her.


My heart drops as I realise what she’s been trying to say all this time.

She wasn’t a vision from Draca. The large dragon lied, again. So many times he’s claimed to help us but more often than not he’s just been a hinderance. He doesn’t know anything more than we do.

This means the Wyrms had no part to play in the visions either.

She’s the desperate form of a group of trapped Wyverns.

“Oh my God.” I stumble back as Marine stares at the caged Wyverns, warmth in her usually lifeless eyes.

“Haze? What’s wrong?” Marco gently tugs my hand towards him.

“I…had no idea…” Braith mumbles next to us, her eyes filling with tears. “We’ve been ignoring them this whole time!”

My friend Braith left Aria soon after I did. She has the same markings, but hers are that of an ice elemental whereas mine are water.

“Calm down, it’s not our fault.” I wrap my free arm around her shoulders as she trembles, her large eyes locked on the trapped Wyverns.

“Am I missing something?” Marco asks.

“You know how Marine kept saying ‘save us’?” I swallow back the lump in my throat as I speak.


“Turns out she meant the Wyverns.”

He furrows his brow. “But we can’t let them out.”

“Why not?” I explode, attempting to rip my hand away, but he hangs on tighter.

“Because these dragons are extinct to the world.” He looks at the cage sadly. “If we let them out, God knows what people will do. They will be hunted and caged as trophies, killed for medicine-”

“I get it,” I cut him off.

More Wyverns seem to appear in the darkness, clambering towards the glass to look at us. Their eyes are glowing, happy.

Filled with hope.

Aqueous, my dragon companion, looks at me with his turquoise eyes. He whines, touching the glass with his nose. A large mossy green Wyvern approaches the glass before tentatively pressing its nose against it. Aqueous turns to me, his nose twitching.

Please. Save us,” Marine begs, her face distorting in desperation.

“How are you doing this?” I ask the apparition. “How can you talk to me?”

Marine lowers her gaze. “Disgrace…Big disgrace.”

“What do you mean ‘disgrace’?”

Had to save us.” She takes a few steps forward so she’s in my face, her older frame towering over me slightly. “Save us.”

So, the Wyverns have done something that allows them to communicate with us. But what? And how?

A loud bang makes everyone jump. Drea, Marco’s dragon, rushes to the door, pressing her bulky frame against it. Bluey, a dragon we previously picked up, quickly joins her as the door begins to rattle.

“Shit!” I exclaim.

They’re breaking in.

“We need to get out of here.” Marco sprints to a set of buttons on the wall, looking for any switches that may lead us out of here.

Braith stares at me, her face stained with tears. “What do we do?”

“I don’t know.”

“We can’t leave them.”

“I know. But Marco’s right; they might not make it out there.”

“We have to give them a chance.”


“We have to! Draca lied to me, and I want to know why! Maybe letting them out will get us some answers.” She storms over to the glass, icicles forming in her balled hands. She strikes the glass with one fist, not making a dent in the thick material. Again and again she punches, while I’m left speechless.

What is the right thing to do?

I don’t want to be responsible for leaving these beautiful creatures to rot. Dr Gard looked after them; now that he’s gone, they have no-one.


That’s it for this week, see you next Sunday!

PS: there’s some book deals to check out below!

Summer and Sunshine Sci-Fi Fantasy KU

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Glass and Ice Cover Design

Hi all,

As promised, here is the cover reveal for Elemental Dragons Book 3: Glass and Ice! I’ve already made a few design differences with my website and social media banners to reflect the colour scheme of Glass and Ice.

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As with the previous covers, I got the Print Social package with Deranged Doctor Design.

Like with Blood and Water and Venom and Earth, I’m going to explain a few of the design choices:

The colour scheme is white and pale blue, to represent the Glass and Ice title.

Hazel, the MC, is on the cover.

The ice is not being controlled by Hazel as she is not an Ice Elemental.

The background is a frozen wasteland, which is a part of Hazel’s ‘dream’ in Draca’s memories when calling the marked Elementals to him.

Ice Elementals play a large part in this book, including Braith.

The font and colours, apart from the white ‘Ice’, is the same as the previous covers.

That’s it for this week. Do you like the cover? Let me know in the comments!

See you next week!

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