Why I Dedicated a Book to PewDiePie

Hi all!

Now that Cinder and Fire is out I'm going to talk about the book dedication, and why it's so different from the ones before it. My other books have been dedicated to family members and a friend, so where did a YouTuber come from?

For those who don't know, Felix Kjellberg aka PewDiePie, is a creator on YouTube. He's been on there for years making a variety of content, starting with gaming and then branching out to music videos and commentary. I first discovered him when he was just starting to gain popularity, though I can't remember the first video of his I watched. Soon after discovering him I binged most of the videos that he uploaded.

I was depressed during my teenage years, though I didn't know it at the time. Coming home to see Felix had uploaded a video always put a smile on my face. Throughout his videos I would laugh and feel normal for the first time that day. When he uploaded multiple times a day I would watch one video and then wait for the next one to be uploaded. This continued for years. The fact that a new video would be uploaded after a bad day at school gave me a reason to keep going. Although I felt alone, when I watched his videos I could forget about that, even if for only fifteen minutes. Now I don't rely on his videos to bring me happiness, as I have found it in other ways, such as my boyfriend and my writing. I still watch his videos when I have the time though.

He has had a lot of controversies in the past, and while I don't agree with that behaviour, I commend him for taking responsibility. He promised that he would do better and he followed that promise, he showed that he could improve. The amount of charity work he's done over the years is amazing as well, though it's a fact that most of his haters like to ignore.

I know the likelihood of him finding out about my book is slim, but I still wanted to thank him in some way.

That's it for this week! I hope you enjoyed reading, see you next week.

PS; looking for more fantasy books to read? Check out the ones in this bundle!

Dragon Eggs for Easter!


Cinder and Fire Now Available

Hi all!

The final book in the Elemental Dragons series, Cinder and Fire, is now available on Amazon!

As with the previous books it is available in both ebook and paperback.

This is the last one in the series, and the Complete Collection of all the books will be available to purchase in ebook format in July 2021.

I will also be doing a giveaway of a signed copy of Cinder and Fire on my Twitter account, so keep an eye out for that!

Find out what happens to Hazel and her friends below:

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Avoiding a war isn’t getting any easier.

Hazel and her companions are shaken after the last battle and don’t know where to turn. Realizing that in the event of a full-scale war they would be sorely pressed, they take their time to regroup and try to form a better plan.

If that wasn’t already bad enough, tensions are high for other reasons as well. More personal ones. They have lost friends in their fight for justice and those losses now threaten to tear the group apart.

Hazel discovers that she has an exciting and dangerous new ability. One that might give them the edge they need to win. But only if she can survive long enough to use it.

Can Hazel and the others put personal feelings and vendettas aside to finish what they started, or will the group be torn apart and be hunted down one by one?

PS; looking for some more dragon books to check out? Take a look at the ones in this bundle:

Dragon Eggs for Easter!

Cinder and Fire Pre-Order Live

Hi all!

The final book in the Elemental Dragons series is available to pre-order on Amazon!

I can confirm that it will be released in both ebook and paperback on 13th April 2021.


You can pre-order it here:

While you’re waiting for it to come out why not sign up to my mailing list? Not only do you get monthly updates about projects I’m working on and cover reveals, you also get one FREE enovella set in the Elemental Dragons universe when you do!

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That’s it for this week! Next week I’m going to talk about how I feel about finishing and publishing my first series! See you next week!

Looking for some new fantasy books to add to your bookshelf? Check out these ones:


Cinder and Fire Chapter One Preview

Hi all!

As promised, here is a sample of chapter one of Cinder and Fire. If you haven’t read the previous books and don’t want to be spoiled, I recommend skipping this blog post.

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“Rocky?” I peer into the darkness, trying to see who had snuck into my new room.

“Fuck.” A deep voice replies, but not Rocky’s.

The light switch is flicked on next to the man, who crosses his arms on the bed as my eyes adjust to the light.

“Oh, Mason.”

“Glad to see you too,” he snorts back. “I got the wrong room.”

“Marco?” I guessed, not needing to think hard about who he had been after. They are brothers, after all.

“Yeah,” he sighs, rubbing his eyes tiredly. “How is he?”

I haven’t seen him in months, but he hasn’t changed much. His brown hair still sticks up in tufts, though now at wild angles. His brown eyes are glazed over, exhausted. Clearly a lot has happened since I’ve been gone.

After months of being on the run from Ray and his cronies in the city, it feels weird to see Mason again. The others will probably find it weird too. After all, Marco and Braith left for me, and left everyone else behind.

“He’s okay.” I reply with a shrug. “Not happy that Ray has brought us back here.”

“I can imagine. What was it like out there? What did you see?”

After being out of camp so long I forgot that the kids stuck inside have no idea what’s going on out there. We must be the first escaped ones to return.

“It’s… Huge. There’s a city filled with people and dragons, there’s farms – proper ones. But no-one seems happy.” I explain, though not very well.

“Why aren’t they happy?”

I cast my mind back to the Wyverns; how they perished at the hands of humans after Thula freed them. People were terrified of them, and the Anthropomorphic. Anything that they don’t understand is a threat. I suppose that’s why Marine was so angry with me all the time. We were both threatening each other.

“They’re scared. Now that Ray is in power, they have even more reason to be.”

“Well, if it’s anything like it’s been here, I don’t blame them.” He shuffles across the bed, letting me sit down.

“What has happened here?”

“Wyrms,” Mason says with a shiver.

He doesn’t need to say any more. I’ve dealt with the nasty dragon sub-species enough times, although thanks to my heightened element, I can fight them off more easily than before. They have little control over me and Braith. I guess the others must be the same.

“Where are the dragons?” I ask timidly. I hope that Aqueous isn’t trapped in some sort of farm again.

He shrugs. “They keep them away from us usually. They think it lessens the pain, but it doesn’t.”

I cross my arms and look up at the grey ceiling, hoping it might morph into the night sky. Sleeping rough had been horrible at times, but it was better than sleeping under Ray’s roof.

Before I can say anything else, the familiar cold feeling creeps up my throat.


I’ve used the shark too much the past few days.

Mason must have noticed me going rigid as he places a hand on my shoulder. “Haze, you okay?”

The cold forms into an icy lump, which I’m able to cough up before it can get stuck. Mason looks at me with a mixture of shock and disgust.

“Serum failure,” I explain with a small smile. “It means-”

“That the serum they injected is failing,” Mason finishes uncomfortably. “Violet has it too. Though she’s going nuts, not coughing up ice.”

Kicking the lump of ice under the bed, I clear my throat until it’s not croaky anymore. “How is everybody?”

“Surviving,” he jokes. “Just.”

My heart sinks at what’s ahead for us all. I don’t want to be trapped here again, especially with the Wyrms around. Ray can get away with anything he wants, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

“I’m going to find Marco,” Mason mutters uncomfortably. “I hope Rocky didn’t end up in his room.”

My heart flutters. My brother! How could I forget I’d be seeing him again?


That’s it for the preview, you’ll have to wait to read the rest until April! The book will be going up for pre-order in the next few weeks, so keep your eyes peeled. See you next week!

PS; looking for some new books to read in these cold Winter months? Check out these books:

New Year, New Monsters!

Reading Treasures

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2020 Year in Review

Hi all!

Next week I'm going to write about my 2021 writing goals, so this week I thought I would look back on my writing goals of 2020!

Write two books

I've managed to write four books this year:

Celestial Plague #3: Purgatory



Curse of Anubis #1: Halfway

Publish two books

Elemental Dragons #2: Venom and Earth and Elemental Dragons #3: Glass and Ice were both published this year, thanks to everyone who has read them!

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Get three covers designed

Elemental Dragons is now complete with covers, and I managed to get one for Celestial Plague: Seashine. Seashine's cover will be revealed at some point next year.

Edit two books

Although I wanted to edit Celestial Plague #1: Nirvana, instead I edited Mute. But I still manged to meet my goal, despite swapping the books around!

Write four short stories

I've written multiple short stories this year, though I didn't manage to get any published. I've posted a lot of them in my monthly newsletter for my subscribers to read. I also hope to combine some into an anthology of sorts once I have enough of the same genre.

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Read 15 books

Due to lockdown I managed to blow this goal out of the water. I have read 100 books this year! Most of them were ones that I had wanted to read for a while, like Wings of Fire and Five Nights at Freddy's. However I also discovered new authors this year whose work I love.

Participate in Camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo

I participated in both this year, with writing Years, Mute and Curse of Anubis #1: Halfway.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! Next week I will discuss my goals for 2021. See you next week!

PS; looking for new books to add to your list in the New Year? Check out these book bundles:

Fantasy Reads for Cold Winter Nights

New Year, New Monsters!

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Cinder and Fire Cover Design

Hi all!

It’s finally time for the cover reveal for the last book in the Elemental Dragons series: Cinder and Fire. As with the last books I’ve changed my banners and colour scheme to match the book.

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As with the previous covers, I got the Print Social package with Deranged Doctor Design.

Like with all of my previous covers, I’m going to explain a few of the design choices:

The colour scheme is orange and grey, to match with the title of Cinder and Fire.

This was the first book I knew the colour scheme for before I started writing it.

Like with all the previous books, Hazel, the MC, is the focal point of the cover.

The fire is not being controlled by Hazel as she is not a Fire Elemental.

The background is not Aria, but the outskirts of the city of Arimouth.

As this is the final book in the series, there is a big battle.

The fonts and colours all match the previous books for continuity.

There are no dragons on the cover as I thought that might make it look too busy.

That’s it for this week! Let me know if you like the cover! See you next week.

PS: looking for a new series to start? Check out this book bundle!

Begin New Journeys with Series Starters Free in KU

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