Cinder and Fire Now Available

Hi all!

The final book in the Elemental Dragons series, Cinder and Fire, is now available on Amazon!

As with the previous books it is available in both ebook and paperback.

This is the last one in the series, and the Complete Collection of all the books will be available to purchase in ebook format in July 2021.

I will also be doing a giveaway of a signed copy of Cinder and Fire on my Twitter account, so keep an eye out for that!

Find out what happens to Hazel and her friends below:

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Avoiding a war isn’t getting any easier.

Hazel and her companions are shaken after the last battle and don’t know where to turn. Realizing that in the event of a full-scale war they would be sorely pressed, they take their time to regroup and try to form a better plan.

If that wasn’t already bad enough, tensions are high for other reasons as well. More personal ones. They have lost friends in their fight for justice and those losses now threaten to tear the group apart.

Hazel discovers that she has an exciting and dangerous new ability. One that might give them the edge they need to win. But only if she can survive long enough to use it.

Can Hazel and the others put personal feelings and vendettas aside to finish what they started, or will the group be torn apart and be hunted down one by one?

PS; looking for some more dragon books to check out? Take a look at the ones in this bundle:

Dragon Eggs for Easter!