Metal - The Lost Element

Hi all,

This week I'm going to talk about something that was briefly mentioned in Elemental Dragons #2: Venom and Earth; when Hazel and Marco were looking at the vats of Elemental serum. They saw one that mentioned someone developing a new Element: Metal. I thought I would explain a bit more about this element and how it effected the boy who developed it.

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They were male, and seventeen years old when they were eaten by the Wyrms. They did have a dragon, which also had the Metal element.

Human Powers:

Ability to control metal.

Ability to walk through metal.

Can create metal out of thin air.

Can create a metal shell to defend themselves.

Dragon Powers:

Ability to fly through metal.

Can breathe molten metal, which solidifies upon impact.

Shards of metal can fly out of their wings as a form of self-defence.

Its horns can turn to solid metal.

What kind of metal can they use?

Any type of metal, man-made or not. Thus includes soft metals such as gold and tin. The one that they both chose to use the most was a form of iron or steel.

What effects did it have?

They could handle extremely high temperatures without damage.

They sunk in water.

Their limbs are a lot heavier than they should be, despite looking normal.

Why didn't this happen again?

The Metal element was a mutation that is extremely rare. When the scientists were mixing all of the Elemental serums to create one with all the elements, they accidentally created Metal instead.

Has this occurred naturally?

So far, due to its rarity, there have been no natural Metal Elementals. It's an extremely rare mutation that happens when a child starts developing their Elemental power. Scientists have theorised that it is a mix of Earth and Fire genes, which have combined and created a new element.

What happened to the dragon?

The dragon perished after the fire, trying to stop the Wyrms from consuming their companion. They fought valiantly, but died due to their injuries. A small sample of their blood was taken to create more of the Metal serum.

That's it for this week! Do you want to see a Metal Elemental pop up in the future? Let me know in the comments! See you next week.

PS; looking for new dragons books to read before the launch of Cinder and Fire next week? Check out the books in this bundle:

Dragon Eggs for Easter!
