My 2021 Writing Goals

Hi all,

As promised, here are my writing and publishing goals for 2020! After how well I reached my goals last year, I thought I would push myself a bit more this year to increase my writing output.

Write three books.

I want to finish all the books in the Curse of Anubis series this year, starting with Limbo in a few weeks time. Once I've finished them I just need to decide what to write next!

Plan nine more Elemental Dragons books/novellas.

That's right, you heard me, nine. I want to continue the Elemental Dragons universe once Elemental Dragons #4: Cinder and Fire is out. But I also want to publish my backlog of books, so I will just be focusing on planning for this year! The series will be called 'Original Elementals' and will follow each of the Original Elementals, from Marine to Stellar. I have already asked my newsletter subscribers to help with designing the dragon characters!

Publish two books.

This year I'm hoping to get Elemental Dragons #4: Cinder and Fire published in April and Mute published in October. I don't want to increase my publishing output too much as I don't want my mental health to suffer. Like last time, both will be entered in Cover Wars!

Create and publish Elemental Dragons boxset.

With the final book in the series coming out, I can release a boxset! For those who prefer to download the series in one go, or others who have been waiting for all the books to come out before reading,

Get two covers designed.

As before, I'm going with Deranged Doctor Design for my next two covers. Mute and Years will have covers by the end of the year, and I even have a cover image picked out for Mute:

Solaris for cover.jpeg

Edit three books.

I have found that as I have written more, I haven't been using so many drafts to edit. Now that my editing speed has picked up, I want to edit more books in preparation for publication. Years will be one of them, but I haven't decided on the other two yet.

Hire a sensitivity reader.

I want to hire a sensitivity reader for the Celestial Plague series. I'm researching quite a few now, and hope to have the books in the hands of one by the end of the year.

Write more short stories.

I'm hoping to write more short stories this year, with the goal of submitting to magazines or anthologies. I want to add more publications to my bookshelf!

Write Curse of Anubis short stories/novella.

In preparation for Curse of Anubis being eventually published, I want to create a reader magnet for it. So far I haven't decided whether this will be short separate stories like the Elemental Dragons Short Story collection, or a novella focused on one character like Celestial Plague: Seashine.

Read 30 books.

Double my goal of last year, which I blew out the water. Of course the first book I read this year was a Warriors one, which I thought was amazing!

Participate in both Camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo.

I've found that I write a lot better with a deadline, so I will be joining Camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo again this year.

That's it for this week! Next week I'm going to post an excerpt from chapter one of Cinder and Fire... See you then!

PS; looking for new books to add to your reading list this year? Check out these book bundles, filled with dragons, unicorns and creatures alike!

New Year, New Monsters!

Reading Treasures

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