The Story of the Guardians

Hi all!

This week I'm going to tell you about the guardians - the ones in Mute whose job it is to prevent the wendigo from eating people. They also stop people from turning into wendigos by killing them. I thought I would tell you about their story, and how they became guardians.

In the Mute universe, cats are the guardians of the underworld. Their job is to guide new spirits into the underworld and prevent old ones from escaping. There are billions of spirits, so there are also billions of guardians. Some are assigned to keep watch further in the underworld, while others watch the gates. Despite the sheer amount of guardians, Solaris and Lunaris are the most well-known. This is because they made a grave mistake, allowing a certain spirit to escape. A spirit that would become the first wendigo.

Solaris is a ginger tom cat with green eyes. His sister, Lunaris, is a grey molly with blue eyes. Lunaris is the older of the twins, daring and more confident than her brother. Their first job when they were made guardians was to guard one of the gates. They both did their watch dutifully for a few years, until they got bored.

What Lunaris looks like

What Lunaris looks like

Solaris created a ball out of moss and grass, which he then started to play with. Lunaris joined in, with the two of them batting the ball between each other. However Lunaris got too excited and hit it too hard, meaning it rolls away from the gate. Without thinking, the two of them rush after it, eager to continue their game. While they were distracted, a vengeful spirit managed to escape. It attacked a Native American tribe and influenced a living man to kill someone and cannibalise their corpse. That spirit then took over their body and transformed them into a wendigo. Using their own flesh, they fed it to the corpse and created another wendigo.

By the time the twins realise what has happened, there are several wendigos. The two of them are scolded by the other guardians, and are punished with the task of getting rid of the wendigos for good. However, they are given powers to help them. Their claws will grow to three inches long when needed, and are made of the same wood that grows on the wendigo. The guardians also craft a dagger, which can be used by a human to subdue the wendigos. The two of them are then cast out, not allowed to return until all of the wendigos have been returned to the underworld. This brings us to Mute, centuries later, where the twins are still trying to correct their mistake.

That's it for this week! I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week!

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