The Team Taking Down The Rot

Hi all,

On the first of this month I started writing the fourth book in the Celestial Plague series, Hell. As well as the core main characters there are also new characters that are important to the story, so I thought I'd talk a bit about them here. They are the ones who decide to get rid of The Rot and their powers are quite interesting with how they fit into their plan.


Mirai is the oldest of the new characters at twenty years old. She is Japanese. Her power is passive as she can see visions of the future. She can't control these visions and she only sees things that are deemed 'important'. Her father also has visions of the future but his are near constant and he sees everything regardless of whether it's important or not. Her family plays a large role in this book as they are the ones who convince the others that they can eradicate The Rot.


Shari is the youngest of the new characters at fourteen. She is half Hungarian on her mother’s side and grew up there before moving to the UK when the SARJ virus hit. Her power is creating a pocket dimension that she can send things to, but they can't come back. If you've read my previous blog posts about Celestial Plague then you might remember me mentioning a character called Shani who initially supposed to have a book of her own in the series before I revamped the idea and characters. Shari is almost identical to Shani apart from the name and the fact that she isn't raised by Jenna and Cindy. I really liked the idea of the character and was ecstatic when I came up with a way to slot her into the series again. Her power is the key to getting rid of The Rot, as the plan is to send it to her pocket dimension. Shari is also the only one of the new characters that is Bitten.


Romina is seventeen and her power is shapeshifting. She is Spanish. She can shapeshift into a tiger at will and is skilled in combat. She is protective of Shari especially as she is the youngest of the group. She and Mirai are close but are stressed with their way of life and the SARJ virus and The Rot. She jumps at the chance to do something about it, and is the most willing member of the group. The only person she doesn't get along with is Amyra.


Amyra, like Jenna and Cindy, isn't a part of the initial group. She joins later after stumbling upon the group's cabin after they are attacked by a mutated Sarj. She is a British Muslim. Her power is that she can create forcefields that can keep almost everything out. Her power is the key to reaching the source of The Rot, as she can protect the others from its effects as they travel. She is sixteen and is extremely distrustful of the group at first, especially Mirai. They know each other but they're hesitant to tell anyone why.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week.