Celestial Plague Complete Collection Pre-Order Live

Hi all,

Now that all of the books in the Celestial Plague series have been published, I’ve gathered them up into one neat little ebook boxset! This will be published on 9th July 2024.

The Complete Collection contains all of the books in the Celestial Plague series in one neat little bundle!

You will receive:





While waiting for the Complete Collection to come out why not join my mailing list? You’ll get exclusive short stories, cover reveals, book deals and merch surveys!

In return you’ll get four FREE enovellas that can’t be downloaded anywhere else. I also plan on adding more free books in the future, so it’ll definitely be worth your while signing up!

You can currently download:

Elemental Dragons Short Story Collection - a collection of short stories involving dragons

Famished - a prequel to Mute

Years - a prequel to Years

Seashine - a look at the origins of a character in Celestial Plague

In the next few years the following enovellas will also be available (may be subject to change):

Curse of Anubis Short Story Collection - a collection of short stories involving Egyptian gods

Tartarus - a prequel to Empty Skies

That’s it for this week! I hope you’re looking forward to reading the Complete Collection. See you next week!

PS; don’t forget to check out this giveaway before it disappears:

Exciting Woo-niverse Giveaways: Fantasy, Paranormal, Magical Realism, Supernatural, and Sci-Fi

Celestial Plague Posters

Hi all,

Now that all the books in the Celestial Plague series are published, I can finally tell you about the posters.

As I'm sure you know each poster is of a different type of Sarj. Black, blue, purple and grey. If you haven't guessed already, each Sarj is one of the main characters.

Nirvana's is Shannon.

Heaven's is Ashleigh.

Purgatory's is Raya.

Hell's is Jenna.

This was the plan from the beginning, to show how each character would end up. It was also another reason why I added a fourth book to the series. Jenna would have been the only main character to not have a poster otherwise. Plus I wanted to give her a fate that she hates after everything she's done. She was a great character to write about, I love how morally grey she is. I wanted her to get her comeuppance somehow.

I wasn't sure what to put on the posters at first and then I came up with the idea of Sarjs. But then I thought about how the main characters end up and decided that it would be a good idea to use them.

They were all designed by: https://www.fiverr.com/lorenzouccheddu

I love the designs of the posters and how each character comes across in each. Having Shannon and Raya in defensive positions is my favourite part. These two are the characters that are most likely to fight to protect themselves and their friends. Jenna is scared because she never wanted to be a Sarj in the first place and her memories are gone. While Ashleigh is taking a more calm approach. Hers was the best character arc in my opinion as I loved watching her go from this timid little thing to a leader.

I'd love to do more posters like these in the future but I'm not sure what book it would be!

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! Which poster is your favourite? Let me know in the comments. See you next week. 

PS; don’t forget to check out this giveaway:

Exciting Woo-niverse Giveaways: Fantasy, Paranormal, Magical Realism, Supernatural, and Sci-Fi

Hell is Now Available on Amazon

Hi all,

The final book in the Celestial Plague series, Hell, is now avilable on Amazon in ebook, hardcover and paperback. You can start reading the conclusion to the series below…

Between the spreading Sarjs and impending doom of The Rot, the world continues to crumble into ruin.

Ashleigh, Shannon, and Raya have now all succumbed to the virus. When Jenna and Cindy escape to a forest, they come across a girl who can see into the future. She tells them that Jenna can stop The Rot with the combined powers of herself and three others. However, their situation becomes even more dire when the group discovers an alarming new type of Sarj, one that resurrects with The Rot.

Raya, Ashleigh, and Shannon are forced into a new area as The Rot slowly kills them. There, the land is rotting from dingy, Sarj polluted water. The three of them battle sick Sarjs in an effort to stop the pollution and reclaim the land.

Tensions rise when Jenna’s group reach the source of The Rot. With the group dwindling by the minute, Jenna swears revenge on the remaining members. As deceit spreads, so does pain. With little hope for the future as more and more are turned into Sarjs, they are forced to make difficult decisions to salvage what’s left.

That’s it for the Celestial Plague series! I’ll put together a boxset that will hopefully be published in July. I hope you loved reading the books as much as I loved writing them.

Have you picked up your copy of Hell? Let me know in the comments! See you next week.

PS; don’t forget to check out this Sci-Fi and Fantasy book bundle:

Spring Science Fiction and Fantasy Books in Kindle Unlimited!

The Rotten Sarjs

Hi all!

With Celestial Plague #4: Hell coming out soon I thought I would discuss the new type of Sarj that shows up in this book.

In previous books there have been three types: purple, blue and black. The colour a person will turn into depends on the way they were infected. If they complete the seven bite trial, they turn into a purple Sarj. If they are bitten by a Sarj, no matter how far along their infection, they will turn into a blue Sarj. Finally, if they are touched by the creator of the virus, they will turn into a black Sarj.

Hell introduces a brand new Sarj: grey. If you haven't guessed already by the title, this Sarj colour is influenced by The Rot. Even though Sarjs are technically not dead, they can still be effected by The Rot. It spreads through their body through the first point of contact and gradually turns their skin a pale grey. Once they've completed this transformation, they can then infect humans and Sarjs alike. The Rot damages their mind so they're incredibly aggressive and willing to infect anyone they come across.

As Jenna and her group will be traversing The Rot in this book, she will come across quite a few of these Sarjs. They are the most dangerous of all as without the creator, the other Sarjs aren't interested in infecting anyone new. Most other colour Sarjs will stay away from humans and live out their lives travelling and playing. But the rotten ones will forever roam the Earth unless they are put out of their misery.

I'm excited to release the final book in the Celestial Plague series and I love the ending of this series. I might continue to write short stories about Sarjs in the future if the right inspiration hits! I can't wait for you to read this book and finish the journey with Shannon, Ashleigh, Raya and Jenna.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading. See you next week. 

PS; don’t forget to check out these fantasy bundles before they disappear!

Epic Fantasy Spring Giveaway

Fantastic Fantasy

Hell Pre-Order Live

Hi all,

The final book in the Celestial Plague series, Hell, is now available to pre-order. It is currently available to pre-order in ebook version, but paperback and hardcover will follow on release day!

I can confirm that this book will be out April 9th 2024.

You can pre-order it below:

While you’re waiting for it to come out, why not sign up to my mailing list?

You get:

  • Four FREE enovellas.

  • Cover reveals before anyone else.

  • First chapter reads before anyone else.

  • Monthly news.

  • Character design polls.

  • Merch giveaways.

  • Free and discounted book deals.

  • Exclusive short stories.

You can sign up below:

That’s it for this week! I hope you’re looking forward to reading the conclusion of Celestial Plague. See you next week!

Nirvana Has Won an Award!

Hi all,

If you remember my post from last year about Years and Mute winning awards, then you won’t be surprised to hear that I entered Celestial Plague #1: Nirvana for an award as well. I got the results in last month and it is a ‘Recommended Read’!

I’m very careful about what awards I enter as there are so many out there that prey on authors. I’ve entered four books in Author Shout awards now and I trust them so I enter books when I can. But there are still so many out there who charge outrageous fees or don’t even give out their prizes. While I would like to enter my books for more awards, I’m content with just the one for now. At least I know that Author Shout are trustworthy.

With the first book in the Curse of Anubis series out in October, I will hopefully be able to enter that book for an Author Shout award too. I love being able to display the award under my books!

That’s it for this week! See you next week.

PS; don’t forget to check out these bundles, they’ll be going soon!

Free to Dream (Sci-Fi & Fantasy)

KU Kickstart (All Genre - 1st in Series)

A Dragon-themed New Year’s Adventure

Hell Chapter One Preview

Hi all,

The last book in the Celestial Plague series, Hell, goes up for pre-order next month! If you don’t want spoilers for the series, then you’ll want to skip this post.

Chapter One

The city Jenna’s lived in her entire life gets smaller and smaller in the wing mirror. She feels a tinge of sadness for having left it behind, but knows it’s for the best. 

Maybe elsewhere the virus isn't so bad. 

Cindy, her girlfriend, tightens her grip on the steering wheel. "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, why?" 

"You've been awfully quiet this whole trip." 

"Mixed feelings, I guess. I just hope where we're going is better than what we've left." 

Cindy turns her head to study her momentarily. Jenna can't help but focus on her eyes. Two blue and red rings are tinged around her irises, and she flinches. She gives Jenna a sad look before concentrating on the road once more. 

The rings are a sign of infection. Her girlfriend was infected at the beginning of the apocalypse and has been Bitten ever since. Although Jenna hates the Bitten with all her heart, she can’t let go of Cindy. The two are together again, and Jenna tries her best to push the thought of Cindy infecting others to the back of her mind. Those infected with the Sarj virus are given instructions from some higher power to infect four Unbitten and three Bitten. Jenna has come across loads in her short time in the apocalypse, but she doesn't feel sympathy for any of them. They choose to infect others. They choose to ruin others’ lives by spreading the virus. 

It's selfish. 

"Can we stop a minute?" 

Cindy's voice yanks her out of her thoughts. "Why?" 

"I..." Cindy starts blinking rapidly. "I don't know. Something's wrong." 

"But we'll be vulnerable out here." 

"Something is wrong, Jen. I'm stopping," Cindy snaps. 

Jenna flares her gills before smoothing them back down with her hands. "Okay, fine." 

Everyone is born with a power. Some are passive, while others are offensive. Unfortunately, both she and Cindy have passive powers. She has gills, while her girlfriend has deformed ears that can hear anything from miles away. Well, she used to. Infecting others with the virus slowly drains you of your power. Cindy has infected a few Unbitten, which means her power has been significantly reduced. Some days are better than others. 

Cindy pulls the car over and slumps back in her seat. Strands of ginger hair are stuck to her forehead, which is caked in sweat. 

Jenna's annoyance instantly evaporates. "Sin? What's wrong?" 

Her girlfriend takes a few deep breaths and touches the tips of her elf-like ears. "I don't know. My head burns." 


She opens her eyes momentarily, which are now pink and bloodshot. "Yeah." 

The rings around her irises look like they're glowing. Even though her entire body screams at her not to, Jenna leans in close and pushes away the sweaty hair. Cindy's forehead feels like it's on fire and all the sweat is starting to tinge the air with an unpleasant smell. 

"Are you sick?" 

"I... I felt fine a few minutes ago." 

Jenna sits back. "Maybe I should drive." 

"Have you ever driven before?" 

She shrugs. "Kinda."

Her girlfriend rolls her eyes and manages a single laugh. "That doesn't fill me with confidence." 

"Well, you can teach me." 

Another laugh. "There's no way I'm teaching you right now. I just need a minute to rest." 

Jenna glances out the window without answering. The motorway is filled with abandoned cars. Some have their doors wide open, as if the occupants escaped in a hurry. The floor is covered in various belongings and rubbish, filthy and wet from so much exposure to the elements. 

"Do you want some air?" 

Cindy grits her teeth. "No. I just need to wait for it to pass." 

"What makes you think it will pass?" 

"It came on like a minute ago. It will pass. It has to." 

Jenna sighs and looks out the window once more. Her eyes lazily scan the abandoned cars, trying to make out the words of the license plates. Movement catches her eye, and she stiffens. A humanoid creature on all fours is crouched behind a red car. She only manages to catch it as it stumbles into sight partially. Its skin is dark blue, and from her vantage point, Jenna can see it covering its face with its hands and cowering. 

Is it in pain? 

When Bitten have infected the seven people they were ordered to, they are whisked away in a bright light. The Sarjs are what comes back. These creatures were once human before they were stripped of everything that made them who they were. They attack Bitten and Unbitten alike, turning them into Sarjs without having to infect seven others. 

Why isn't it attacking us? It must know we're here. 

Her heart leaps into her throat as the creature falls forward. Its hands are still clinging to the sides of its head, and it raises its legs high to its chest. If it wasn't such a dangerous monster, she may even feel sorry for it. 

Jenna grabs Cindy's arm and shakes it slightly. "We need to go, Sin. There are Sarjs here." 

Cindy's eyes flutter open, but they're unfocused. "Please, I just need a minute." 

Frustration flares up inside her. "I'm telling you that we probably don't have a minute." 

Cindy sucks in a pained breath, and tears brim in her eyes. "They've turned on him. That's what's making my head hurt." 

Jenna shakes her head. "What are you talking about? Who has turned on who?" 

"I don't know. I just know that they've turned on him." 

Jenna turns her attention back to the Sarj. It doesn't seem to have noticed them; if it has, it isn't bothered. It continues to shake on the floor, both hands holding its head. The minutes seem to drag out for all eternity until Cindy relaxes with a sigh. She blinks a few times, adjusting to the light. 

"Sin?" Her voice barely comes out as a whisper. 

"I don't know what's happened. But something has." 

Jenna bites back a retort. "What do you mean?" 

"I... I don't know how to explain it." 

With a dissatisfied grunt, Jenna looks out the window again. The Sarj stands unsteadily on all fours, looking around with its mismatched eyes. She freezes when its gaze passes over them in the car. Then, without interest, it staggers away from them, disappearing in the line of cars. 

"The Sarj is gone," she mutters. 

"I don't think they'll bother us anymore." 

"What makes you say that?" 

She shrugs. "I don't know. I just don't think they will." 

Jenna watches the road for a few more seconds, expecting a Sarj to jump out. Maybe it was momentarily disoriented. Maybe it saw her but wanted her to let her guard down. 

Too many scenarios start running through her head, making her want to cry. 

"Let's just get out of here." 


That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! Look out for Hell when it’s available for pre-order. See you next Sunday.

PS; don’t forget to check out these sci-fi and fantasy book bundles!

Free to Dream (Sci-Fi & Fantasy)

KU Kickstart (All Genre- 1st in Series)

A Dragon-themed New Year's Adventure

New Year, New Monsters 4: From the Caves

Celestial Plague Virtual Advent Calendar

Hi all!

For three years now I have made virtual advent calendars for Elemental Dragons, Mute and Years. It’s time for the advent calendar to come back in a brand new universe for the fourth year in a row! This time it will focus on Celestial Plague, with twenty-four facts over twenty-four days. The following subjects will be posted:

The Apocalypse


SARJ Virus


Each topic will get six days each.

As with last year - I’m doing another giveaway for day 25, Christmas Day! One of the following ebook versions will be won:

Blood and Water

Venom and Earth

Glass and Ice

Cinder and Fire






Hell - to be claimed on release day in April 2024

If you would like a chance at winning one of my ebooks, please read the rules below and go to my Facebook page: Jessica Turnbull Author.

If you’re not sure what to look out for, check out some of the previous facts that have been posted:

I hope you have fun if you participate! Next year I’ll be doing a calendar for the Curse of Anubis series! Here is my Facebook page again so you can participate: Jessica Turnbull Author.

That’s it for this week! Good luck to everyone who enters, see you next week.

Hell Cover Design

Hi all!

This week is the cover reveal for Celestial Plague #4: Hell. This is the final book in the Celestial Plague series and as with previous covers, it has been designed by Deranged Doctor Design. They have created all of my covers so far and I love every single one of them! Without further ado…

  • The MC of this cover is Jenna, the last character to get a cover.

  • This is my favourite cover out of the whole series!

  • DDD came up with the colour scheme and I think it fits absolutely perfectly. I originally wanted this book to have a red colour scheme but I think the orange is even better.

  • The typography remains the same as the other books.

  • The Rot is displayed in its full glory on this cover. You can tell by the decayed trees that are everywhere. The light in front of Jenna can either be a fire, the sun or even one of Shari’s portals.

  • Jenna’s power are gills, which aren’t shown on the cover.

  • Jenna also follows the hoodie trend! I like that all the main characters have worn hoodies across the covers, it links them in a way.

Hell will be available in April 2024 with a complete collection following in June or July. I’m sad that this series is ending but I can’t wait for you to read the final entry in the Celestial Plague series.

That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week

PS; don’t forget to check out the book bundles from this month!

A Giveaway For National Author’s Day

A Post-Apocalyptic Christmas Giveaway

Purgatory is Now Available on Amazon

Hi all,

This week the third book in the Celestial Plague series, Purgatory, released in ebook, paperback and hardcover. After this, there’s only one book left to go! If you want to continue following Raya, Shannon, Ashleigh and Jenna, then keep reading below…

The world is slowly being swallowed up by monsters and disease.

Ashleigh awakens with no memories of her past and becomes a pawn. The man who created the Sarjs calls himself a god and forces them to do his bidding, including her. She leaves her friends behind to follow him, but a part of her is still in there, fighting to break free from his control once and for all.

As Jenna's injuries worsen, Cindy must find a healer who can save her. However, the cost of her survival is a painful sacrifice that leaves her permanently scarred.

Raya and Shannon go after Ashleigh, only to find that The Rot is spreading. It’s killing everything in its path and making the Sarjs fall ill before they too are consumed by it.

While Shannon and Raya try to stay alive amidst the chaos, Ashleigh and her rogue Sarjs band together to take down the god and reclaim their freedom. But can they take defeat him before The Rot kills them first?

That’s it for this week, I hope you check out the Celestial Plague series and love it as much as I do! See you next week.