Hell Cover Design

Hi all!

This week is the cover reveal for Celestial Plague #4: Hell. This is the final book in the Celestial Plague series and as with previous covers, it has been designed by Deranged Doctor Design. They have created all of my covers so far and I love every single one of them! Without further ado…

  • The MC of this cover is Jenna, the last character to get a cover.

  • This is my favourite cover out of the whole series!

  • DDD came up with the colour scheme and I think it fits absolutely perfectly. I originally wanted this book to have a red colour scheme but I think the orange is even better.

  • The typography remains the same as the other books.

  • The Rot is displayed in its full glory on this cover. You can tell by the decayed trees that are everywhere. The light in front of Jenna can either be a fire, the sun or even one of Shari’s portals.

  • Jenna’s power are gills, which aren’t shown on the cover.

  • Jenna also follows the hoodie trend! I like that all the main characters have worn hoodies across the covers, it links them in a way.

Hell will be available in April 2024 with a complete collection following in June or July. I’m sad that this series is ending but I can’t wait for you to read the final entry in the Celestial Plague series.

That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week

PS; don’t forget to check out the book bundles from this month!

A Giveaway For National Author’s Day

A Post-Apocalyptic Christmas Giveaway