The Rotten Sarjs

Hi all!

With Celestial Plague #4: Hell coming out soon I thought I would discuss the new type of Sarj that shows up in this book.

In previous books there have been three types: purple, blue and black. The colour a person will turn into depends on the way they were infected. If they complete the seven bite trial, they turn into a purple Sarj. If they are bitten by a Sarj, no matter how far along their infection, they will turn into a blue Sarj. Finally, if they are touched by the creator of the virus, they will turn into a black Sarj.

Hell introduces a brand new Sarj: grey. If you haven't guessed already by the title, this Sarj colour is influenced by The Rot. Even though Sarjs are technically not dead, they can still be effected by The Rot. It spreads through their body through the first point of contact and gradually turns their skin a pale grey. Once they've completed this transformation, they can then infect humans and Sarjs alike. The Rot damages their mind so they're incredibly aggressive and willing to infect anyone they come across.

As Jenna and her group will be traversing The Rot in this book, she will come across quite a few of these Sarjs. They are the most dangerous of all as without the creator, the other Sarjs aren't interested in infecting anyone new. Most other colour Sarjs will stay away from humans and live out their lives travelling and playing. But the rotten ones will forever roam the Earth unless they are put out of their misery.

I'm excited to release the final book in the Celestial Plague series and I love the ending of this series. I might continue to write short stories about Sarjs in the future if the right inspiration hits! I can't wait for you to read this book and finish the journey with Shannon, Ashleigh, Raya and Jenna.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading. See you next week. 

PS; don’t forget to check out these fantasy bundles before they disappear!

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