Celestial Plague Posters

Hi all,

Now that all the books in the Celestial Plague series are published, I can finally tell you about the posters.

As I'm sure you know each poster is of a different type of Sarj. Black, blue, purple and grey. If you haven't guessed already, each Sarj is one of the main characters.

Nirvana's is Shannon.

Heaven's is Ashleigh.

Purgatory's is Raya.

Hell's is Jenna.

This was the plan from the beginning, to show how each character would end up. It was also another reason why I added a fourth book to the series. Jenna would have been the only main character to not have a poster otherwise. Plus I wanted to give her a fate that she hates after everything she's done. She was a great character to write about, I love how morally grey she is. I wanted her to get her comeuppance somehow.

I wasn't sure what to put on the posters at first and then I came up with the idea of Sarjs. But then I thought about how the main characters end up and decided that it would be a good idea to use them.

They were all designed by: https://www.fiverr.com/lorenzouccheddu

I love the designs of the posters and how each character comes across in each. Having Shannon and Raya in defensive positions is my favourite part. These two are the characters that are most likely to fight to protect themselves and their friends. Jenna is scared because she never wanted to be a Sarj in the first place and her memories are gone. While Ashleigh is taking a more calm approach. Hers was the best character arc in my opinion as I loved watching her go from this timid little thing to a leader.

I'd love to do more posters like these in the future but I'm not sure what book it would be!

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! Which poster is your favourite? Let me know in the comments. See you next week. 

PS; don’t forget to check out this giveaway:

Exciting Woo-niverse Giveaways: Fantasy, Paranormal, Magical Realism, Supernatural, and Sci-Fi