Series Based off of Mythology

Hi all,

If you've read some of my old blog posts then you'll know that a lot of my writing is based off of various mythology and mythological creatures. I was always interested in mythology when I was little and that has carried over into my adult life and my writing. I've already written one series based off of Egyptian mythology but I thought I'd talk a bit more about other mythologies that I would like to write about as well.


Curse of Anubis includes Egyptian gods. The ones that show up the most are: Bastet, Sekhmet, Set, Anubis and Mafdet. I've always wanted to write about Egyptian mythology as I've always loved reading the stories growing up. I would love to go to Egypt one day to see the pyramids and I'm always on the lookout for Egyptian exhibits in museums.


Greek mythology was my favourite when I was younger. I had numerous books about the stories of the gods and demi-gods. I've got a series planned, Damaged Goods, which will centre around the Greeks. Pyrrah, the daughter of Hades, struggles to find her way in the world when her father turns his back on her. Desperate for power, she vows revenge on the gods and recruits their descendants to help her. There's also the book that I want to write for Patreon about Laelaps and the Teumessian Fox which is based off the story of the uncatchable fox and the dog that never loses its prey.


The part that interests me the most about Norse mythology are the Valkyries. I want to write a series about a school where girls are trained to be Valkyries and paired with their flying horse partners. It would be like Elemental Dragons, but instead of dragons there would be flying horses instead!


I've only recently started looking into more and more Celtic mythology and I find it really interesting. I would like to write about it in some way but I'm currently brain storming ideas. I'm sure I'll come up with something good at some point!


This one is the one I know the least about as I've only just started researching it. But so far I've seen a few mythological creatures that have caught my eye that I think would be interesting to write about. Once I've done some more research I'll have a think about what stands out to me most.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week.

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