Camp NaNoWriMo Project Announcement - April 2023

Hi all!

Every time I participate in a NaNoWriMo event, I want to make a little announcement post beforehand as well as a brief overview about what the book will be about!

For this April, I will be hoping to get 50K words written in the first draft of Original Elementals #6: Sunrise. This book will be in the point of view of Lucia, the first Light Elemental, who will be leaving Aria to help her father with his business. He sells items made from dragon parts; be it scales, feathers, claws or teeth. She has been tasked with helping Amphiptere Dragons, but they’re her father’s greatest asset in his business. Her relationship with her dragon, Sunrise, will also be explored. The two don’t get on at the moment as the dragon is horrifically scarred and won’t listen to a word she says.

Sunrise and Lucia will be the main focuses of the book, but the rivalry between the Krystalans and the Cindaraans will also come to light. Lucia is brash and thinks that she’s always right, so I’m looking forward to telling her story and hopefully showing her in a more neutral light. The other Originals will appear too, with Benjamin having a large role in this book as well. I want to be able to explore Sunrise’s relationship with other dragons and why he treats them the way he does.

This will be the last book in the Original Elementals series that I will write before taking a break. The next book that I write will not be in the Original Elementals series and will instead be something completely different. This is so I don’t get exhausted writing in the same series and also enables me to write some standalones that I’ve been planning for years.

That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week.

PS; you don’t have much longer left to take a look at these Post-Apocalyptic books!

After The End