Tips for Writing Around Work

Hi all, 

This week I'm going to share my tips for writing while working. I do most of my writing around my working day and I usually aim for a word count of around 2000 words a day. 


I use Evernote to write on my phone throughout the day. I write during my breaks using labelled notes to keep track of where I am. I also outline novels and character designs using the app. It makes it easier for me to switch between notes to keep track of everything. All of the notes are no more than 10K long so I can keep a general track of my word count. 

Silver tipped gloves. 

When it gets colder in the winter months I still want to write while out and about. Silver tipped gloves enable me to use my phone without my hands getting too cold. They work really well, it just takes a bit longer to type. 

Write during breaks. 

I write during my breaks at work and usually on my commute. It means I don't have to write as much when I get home which enables me to relax a bit and focus more on the marketing side of things. 

Small word count goals. 

Writing in small bursts multiple times during the day really helps me to stay focused and gives me enough breaks in between. 300-400 words in my ten minute breaks and 800-1000 words during my lunch break. 

Outline beforehand. 

No matter if you're a planner or not, make sure you have a rough outline before you start writing. This will make it a lot easier to write on the go. I have a rough plan of where the plot will go and what the characters are like. 

Edit at home. 

I write around my working day and then edit at home. It means that I'm not tempted to edit while I'm writing. I edit on my laptop to catch most of the typos that occur due to writing on my phone. 

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week.