The Dragon Heirarchy

Hi all, 

This week I'm going to tell you about the dragon hierarchy in Elemental Dragons. In this universe they have dragons who they consider god-like and a few of them have appeared in the series or will appear in Original Elementals. 


The companion of Stella, the first person to develop all the elements. He is considered to be a demi-god for the powers he had. He appears in the Original Elementals series and his companion will have her own book. 


Draca appears in both series, though in Elemental Dragons they are just a clone. They are at the bottom of the rung in the hierarchy, only being one above regular dragons. They work alongside Zmei and then eventually break away from them to work for their own goals. They are considered more of a demi-god in the series. 


All Hydras are considered gods due to the fact that they are immortal. They appear in many stories across different time periods. The most famous story is the one of Hercules and the Hydra, though in this story he isn't seen as the hero. 


Zmei only appears in Original Elementals. They use Draca as their pawn to help with their plan. They are the one who created the elements and helped the Originals get their powers and distribute them across the country. They are closely linked to Western Dragons, though this will be explored further in Original Elementals. They call themselves the king of dragons and are considered a god due to their supposed immortality. 


Vivid is a dragon that has been lost to time. They used to serve Sandstone loyally alongside Zmei before they were cast out. The reasons are only known to Zmei and Sandstone, who forced them into exile. Some stories say they live in a prison deep within the Earth, while others claim they are chained to clouds in the sky. 


This dragon goes by many names, though the current one they use is Sandstone. They are immortal and appear every 450-600 years to wreak havoc on the land. They are the biggest of all dragons and the creator of every dragon species. Unfortunately to their size they perish soon after appearing. Their body rots and they go into a slumber until it is time to wake up again. Their flesh regrows and they scour the land for food. They are the very first dragon and the top of the hierarchy. They created Zmei and Vivid to keep an eye on dragonkind when they are slumbering. 

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week. 

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles!

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