Dragon Species Featured in Original Elementals

Hi all!

This week I’m going to give you a sneak peek at all the dragon species that will show up in Original Elementals. Some have already been in Elemental Dragons, but a lot are ones you haven’t seen before.

The list won’t contain details about each species just so there are no spoilers, but you can look up most of them. The Fauxboros, Zmei and Vivid are my own creations so you’ll have to wait to hear from them in the books!

Western Dragon








Great Serpent

Sea Serpent

Eastern Dragon

Fairy Dragon


Draconic Hybrid



Zmei and Vivid are technically unclassified species as they were created by Sandstone separate from other species. They have features from a lot of dragon species which makes them more formidable in battle.

All of the species above will appear in the series at some point, some will appear in multiple books. The main characters have to help one of the species with Zmei’s guidance, though as times goes on it becomes clear that Zmei doesn’t have their best interests in mind.

The book that I’ll be writing in a few weeks’ time, Sunrise, will feature Amphiptere dragons. I’m excited to write about them as I’ve only written them in a short story before. I’m looking forward to fleshing them out and how Lucia reacts to them.

That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week.

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles!

Time to Thaw Out with a Free Short Story!

Soar Through the Sky