How to Read More Books in a Year

Hi all!

This week I’m going to talk about reading again, mostly tips about how I read so many books in a year. I’ve always been a huge reader ever since I was little and I always found time to read. I did have a period of not reading a few years ago as it felt like it was becoming too much of a chore. But I am now back into it and loving it!

Carry a book with you.

Whether you’re going to work, the shops or just out for a walk, be sure to grab a book before you leave. You might find that you’ll be able to sneak a few minutes of reading time in. Doing this several times a day really adds up.

Read smaller books.

I was struggling with reading most because I was trying to get through 400 page books as fast as I could. I decided to read some shorter books as well just to keep my mind focused and it helped me get through those longer ones too. My mind was more refreshed when it came to tackling the longer ones after reading a smaller one.

DNF books.

If I’m not enjoying a book, I don’t finish it. I don’t see the point in trying to slog my way through a book I’m not enjoying when i could move onto something else. It stops me from getting bored and not wanting to read.

Set a goal.

I join the reading challenger every year on Goodreads and I find that it really helps me. I want to stay on track for my target and it holds me accountable. If I start falling behind, then I know I have to read more to catch up again. This doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s worth a try.

Read during breaks.

When I’m not writing in my breaks at work, I bring a book in. I can get through a book in a few weeks this way and I usually pick one that is my ‘work’ book. Then when I get home I can pick up another book if I want to.

Read multiple books at once.

As I have ‘work’ books, I also have ‘home’ books. This way I can get through books faster and also keep my mind busy with different books. I don’t have separate piles or anything, I just pick up what I feel like reading next.


I’ve found that having a Kindle has greatly increased the amount of books I can get through a year. It’s easy to carry around and download new books on the go. My library is full of books that I need to read! If you don’t have a Kindle or can’t afford one, many phones and laptops have an app that you can download so you can read ebooks.

Read what you want to read.

No matter how many recommendations you get or how many books you buy, read the ones that you want to read first. There isn’t a specific order that you have to read things in. Reading what you want to read also makes it fun, you don’t want it to feel like a chore because then you’ll be less likely to do it.

That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week.

PS; check out these book bundles before they go!

Great Books Giveaway!

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