April Camp NaNoWriMo Wrap-Up

Hi all!

With Camp NaNoWriMo over with, I thought I’d talk a bit more about the project I was working on. Original Elementals #6: Sunrise is almost complete, I’m hoping to get it done within the next few days.

This book follows the first Light Elemental, Lucia, and her dragon companion, Sunrise. The two of them have never gotten on, due to the fact that Lucia wishes that she had a different dragon and has made several attempts across the series to try and swap him for a ‘better’ one. Because of this, Sunrise is quite angry and depressed, he doesn’t play like other dragons and loves to fight. This one is set outside of Aria, so the other Originals only make brief appearances. This book also delves more into the Amphiptere species, how they act and why Lucia’s father uses their scales and feathers to make clothes.

My final word count is…

The rest of the first draft should be finished in the next few days and then I can take a break until Camp NaNoWriMo in July.

The main character was a lot of fun to write about, as she’s gotten some screen time in the other books but the other Originals don’t see her as much more than an annoyance. In Sunrise, she got her chance to shine and grow and lose some of her attitude that has been showcased in the other books. She’s also another one to complete defy Zmei and forge her own path, even if her opinion was different than when she started. She has never trusted Zmei and knew that when it was time for her mission that she wouldn’t complete it.

The Amphiptere are showcased in all of their glory in this book. Ever since I wrote the short story, Orange to Blue, I’ve wanted to write more about them and explore them a bit further. In Sunrise, they live on a farm in the mountains that Lucia’s father runs. They are kept in small cages but are fed well. They shed twice a year, on the Summer and Winter Solstices. Their shed skin is then collected to be fashioned into clothes.

Overall this book was a lot of fun to write and once I’ve finished it I can take a break from the Original Elementals series. I’m still sticking to my plan of writing three books and then a completely different standalone to keep my mind fresh. But I’ll talk more about that project in July!

I hope you enjoyed reading, see you next week!

PS; don’t forget to check out this giveaway:

Great Books Giveaway!