Seeing Snow Leopards for the First Time

Hi all,

Two months ago my boyfriend and I visited Chester Zoo when we were up in Liverpool. My main reason for wanting to visit is the fact that they have a brand new snow leopard exhibit! If you've read my previous blog posts, then you probably know by now that they are my favourite animal. I've only ever seen one in pictures and video, so to see one in real life was amazing.

That's the very first animal that we went to see and they were so sweet! Both of them were sleeping in front of the viewing window and rhey looked so cute.

I knew that they were smaller than most big cats but I was still surprised. From looking at them, I felt like I could scoop one up in my arms for a cuddle. I know that I can't do that, but a girl can dream!

When it started getting busy, we had a walk around looking at the various animals and sat in the bat cave. Another animal that I really wanted to see was the jaguar. I've seen the previously but I really wanted to see Inka again. I remember seeing her birth announcement on Twitter and thought she was such a cute little cub. Now that's she grown, she's still as beautiful as ever.

Because I'm a child at heart I got a soft plush jaguar to take home with me. I've named her Inka, and she is always paired up with Cobalt, the snow leopard plush that I got on my last visit.

If you haven't been to Chester Zoo before and you are able to, I would really recommend it. All of the animals are amazing and they have such large habitats. I would love to visit again at some point if I ever go back up.

That's it for this week! What's your favourite animal? Have you ever seen one outside of pictures? Let me know in the comments! See you next Sunday. 

PS; don’t forget to check out this book bundle before it disappears:

Binge-Worthy Books to Read on Holiday!