Venom and Earth Preorder Live

Hi all!

You may have seen my posts on social media this week, but if you haven’t; Elemental Dragons Book 2: Venom and Earth is available for preorder!

I can reveal that the publication date for both ebook and paperback is 14th April 2020.

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If you would like to preorder the book I have linked the US and UK versions below, but is available internationally if you aren’t in either of these places:

UK Version

US Version

If you’ve already read the first book and are hungry for more, the sign up to my mailing list! In return you will receive a free enovella with four short stories from the Elemental Dragons universe. The only way to read them is by signing up, as they aren’t available anywhere else!

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Thank you to everyone who supported me through publishing Blood and Water, I’m so grateful that I now have the opportunity to publish a second book.

See you next week!

My 2020 Writing Goals

Hi all,

Following on from my year in review last week, I'm now doing my 2020 writing goals. They are as follows:

Write two books.

I'm hoping to write Celestial Plague Book 3: Purgatory and Years before the end of 2020.

Publish two books.

Elemental Dragons books 2 and 3 will be coming out this year! Venom and Earth in April and Glass and Ice in October. I will also be entering both of them in Cover Wars.

Get three covers designed.

I've already booked Deranged Doctor Design to do the covers for the next two Elemental Dragons books, but I also want a cover for the Celestial Plague Short Story Collection.

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Edit two books.

I would like to edit Elemental Dragons Book 4: Cinder and Fire and Celestial Plague Book 1: Nirvana myself before passing to my editor.

Write four short stories.

I haven't written a short story for a while and would like to get back into it. I'd also like to start dabbling in horror.

Get a short story published.

I would like to get one of my short stories published in a magazine or anthology.

Read 15 books.

I've already set my goal on Goodreads and I'm hoping that I'll be able to find time to read again, even if it's not as many books as last year.

Participate in Camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo.

Having a goal to work towards seems to work well for me, which is why I'll be doing NaNo again this year! I'm aiming for 50K each time, nothing crazy.

Thank you for reading! I would also like to thank everyone who voted for Blood and Water in Cover Wars, it came third!

See you next week.

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2019 Year in Review

Hi all!

Seeing as next week's blog post will be my 2020 writing goals, I thought that I would do a year in review for the last Sunday of 2019! 

Published Blood and Water.

My debut novel came out this year with the next one out in April 2020! It's been a great experience self publishing and I want to thank everyone who bought my book.

Sold 40 books.

I've sold 40 copies of Blood and Water, thanks to everyone who bought one!

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Wrote three books.

I set a goal for writing two books this year, but I managed three! 

Elemental Dragons Book 4: Cinder and Fire - 88,000 words

Celestial Plague Book 1: Nirvana - 83,000 words

Celestial Plague Book 2: Heaven - 83,000 words

Participated in July Camp NaNoWriMo and November NaNoWriMo.

I finished Cinder and Fire during Camp NaNo and Heaven during NaNoWriMo. I said last year that I would participate again, and I've enjoyed it. Now I'm just taking a break until the beginning of January to start working on Purgatory.


Hired editor for two books.

My editor, Nicola, has edited two books for me this year. Elemental Dragons Book 2: Venom and Earth and Elemental Dragons Book 3: Glass and Ice. Venom and Earth is almost ready for publication as it is in the formatting stages, while I have only recently got the edits back for Glass and Ice. Next year I will be asking her to work on the final book.

Two cover designs.

Both Blood and Water and Venom and Earth have come to life this year thanks to Deranged Doctor Design! They both have gorgeous covers and I've already booked the next two books to be designed by them next year.

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Entered Blood and Water for a book award.

I've entered Blood and Water into the Wishing Shelf Book Awards. Wish me luck!

Read 30 books.

I've read 30 books this year, most of them being Warriors books. I've already got a little pile going ready to be read next year.

That's it for this week, come back next Sunday to read about my 2020 goals. See you next week!

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Venom and Earth Cover Design

Hi all!

If you haven’t seen my social media posts the cover for Elemental Dragons Book 2: Venom and Earth has been revealed! It has been posted to my Twitter and Facebook pages, and also on another author’s book blog:

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As with Blood and Water this has also been designed by the wonderful people at Deranged Doctor Design. (I got the Print Social package for those who are interested).

Like with Blood and Water, I thought I would explain a few key details of the cover:

The colour scheme is green and purple, to represent the title of Venom and Earth.

Hazel, the MC, is again on the cover.

The rocks are not being created by Hazel as she is not an Earth Elemental.

The rocks are being conjured by someone else, cornering Hazel.

The background is a forest, which comes into play later on in the book.

I liked the font from last time and kept it, as well as the colours.

Again, dragons aren’t in the background as I thought it would be too overwhelming.

That’s it for this week! Next week I’m going to talk about NaNoWriMo, how I felt during the entire process and how I managed to churn out 61,908 words in total.

See you next week!

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My Publishing Plan

Hi all,

With Elemental Dragons Book 1: Blood and Water now out I thought I would talk about my publishing plan so you all know when I will be releasing my next book.

I'm hoping to release a book every six months, so the plan for Elemental Dragons will look like this:

Book 1 - October 2019

Book 2 - April 2020

Book 3 - October 2020

Book 4 - April 2021

Hopefully if that goes well then I'll follow the same plan for my future books. I've got a vague idea of the order I want to publish them in which will be as follows:

Celestial Plague series. (3 books)

Years standalone.

Possible Elemental Dragons prequel.

Damaged Goods series. (3 books)

Possible Damaged Goods prequel.

Curse of Anubis series. (4 books)

Street Rats standalone.

Enna standalone.

Aerus Vs Bolt standalone.

This may be subject to change depending on what I feel like writing next, or if I come up with a new idea that I'm desperate to write straightaway.

Six months gives me enough time to get everything ready but also makes sure that the readers have consistent content. Having written all four books in the Elemental Dragons series already, I'm confident that I can keep it up.

Thank you to all those who have already bought my book, and I hope you're enjoying it! If you want to show your support, please leave a review on Amazon, it really helps me.

See you next week!


Blood and Water Preorder Live

Hi all!

You may have already seen my posts yesterday, but if you haven't - Blood and Water is available for preorder!

I can reveal that the publication date will be October 15th 2019 for both ebook and paperback.


If you would like to preorder the ebook version I have linked the UK and US Amazon sites below, but it is available worldwide if you don't live in either of these places:

UK -

US -

In the meantime if you want a taste of my writing and the Elemental Dragons universe, sign up to my mailing list to receive a free ebook. It contains four stories from the series that tie into the books, three of which have never been published anywhere else!

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Thank you to everyone who has supported me so far, I couldn't have done this without you!

See you next week!

Mailing List Live

Hi all!

If you follow me on Facebook and Twitter, you may have seen me posting about my mailing list.

A mailing list is a list of email addresses that readers let authors have in exchange for a newsletter, free book etc. In this case, I will use my mailing list to send out a monthly newsletter which will contain the following:

- Pre-order dates.

- Release dates.

- Cover reveals.

- Book recommendation of the month (both traditionally published and self published books).

- Blog posts from the past month.

- Writing excerpts.

- Facts from the Elemental Dragons universe.

- Monthly news.

- Giveaways and contests.

- Announcements.

In return for signing up, you will receive a free ebook! The ebook contains four stories from the Elemental Dragons universe.


They are:

- Circles: Russet dreams of being free but is trapped in reality.

- Hesitation: Hercules finds an opportunity to escape the humans who have tortured it for decades, but the world outside has changed.

- Passion: Ophelia desperately tries to find inspiration amongst the grime of the city.

- Purpose: Moon takes in four younglings for his own amusement, but he finds himself getting attached to them.

If you would like to sign up, please click the link below and keep an eye on your emails for your free ebook:

See you next week!

Sensorially Challenged Volume Two

Hi all,

In March I wrote a blog post about Adverbially Challenged Volume Four, an anthology I had written a short story for. This week I'm going to talk about Sensorially Challenged Volume Two, another anthology I'm included in.

The anthology has been published by Christopher Fielden, who hosts writing challenges on his website. You submit your themed story to one of the challenges and it is guaranteed to make it into the book. Once a challenge has received one hundred stories, he publishes them in print and ebook. I'm so grateful to be included in two of his anthologies, it truly is a wonderful feeling to see your work published!

The cover and blurb for Sensorially Challenged Volume Two

The cover and blurb for Sensorially Challenged Volume Two

To visit his website and check out his writing challenges, books and competitions, please click the link below:

I highly recommend buying the anthology, it's a great read. If you wish to buy a copy, please click the link below:

One of the best parts about the anthology is that a portion of the proceeds from each book goes to charity, in this case: National Literacy Trust.

To visit their website and check out the wonderful work they do, click here:

Unlike my last story which was about cats, this one was about a fox. Foxes are one of my favourite animals (I bet you can guess what my number one favourite animal is) and I've always wanted to write a story about one. This anthology is themed around senses, so I've tried to include as many as possible from the point of view of the fox.

Foxes are such sweet animals, and it was an easy choice to write a short piece about one. I thought about making the fox a Kitsune, but changed that idea at the last minute.

I hope you enjoyed this week's post. Next week I'm going to talk about why authors, traditionally published and self published, need to promote their books.

See you next week!

Blood and Water Cover Design

Hi all,

In case you missed my posts this week, the cover for Blood and Water is now ready and looks gorgeous!

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It was designed by the lovely people at Deranged Doctor Design.

I thought I would share with you the reasoning behind the design:

- The red and blue colour scheme is for the theme of blood and water.

- Hazel, the protagonist, is on the cover.

- She is wearing modern clothes because the book is set in the modern day.

- The background of a field is a location in the book, where Hazel attends dragon training.

- As a water elemental, Hazel wields water on the cover.

- She's practicing a move that creates a shield of their element around the user.

- I prefer light colours for text as I think that makes the title pop more.

- The font is the first one I was shown and I loved it.

- I asked for my name to be at the top so it doesn't take away from the cover design.

- There aren't any dragons on the cover because I thought it would clog the background too much.

The other covers for the series will have similar elements of the above, though they will have different colour schemes and new locations. Each cover will feature Hazel as she is the main character in all of them. There won't be more than one character on the Elemental Dragons covers.

If you want to see what Deranged Doctor Design has to offer, you can visit their website here: I highly recommend them, they're very friendly and professional. I went for the Ebook Social package if anyone wants to know what package I went with.

Blood and Water will be out October 2019!

See you next week!

The Pros and Cons of Writing Your Own Blurb

Hi all!

As promised, this week I'm going to talk about the pros and cons of writing your own blurb. At the end I've also included the blurb for Blood and Water which I will add to my books page, along with promotional artwork I commissioned for the book.


No-one knows your story better than you do.

No matter what, no-one can explain your story better than you. You have all the inside details and spoilers, you know what's going to happen. That's an advantage when writing blurbs.

It costs nothing.

Writing your own blurb is free because you have written it yourself. Perfect for authors on a budget.

You can choose what keywords to include.

This is a good thing as if you publish on Amazon you need certain keywords to appear in certain categories. This, in turn, will lead to more sales.

You can choose what to include.

You can leave out certain unimportant characters and plot points that are unnecessary in a blurb.


You will forever be editing it.

As writers, we want to make sure our work is perfect. The blurb is the first thing a reader sees after the cover, and you want to make it count.

Compressing your book into a few paragraphs is daunting.

Crafting a synopsis is bad enough. A blurb is even shorter, you might struggle to fit everything in there.

You may not know how to draw readers in.

Using the correct keywords and terms to get readers in the first place is hard. Hiring someone who already knows how to navigate this will make it easier.

It's stressful.

Publishing a book on your own is hard. If you can make your life a little easier by getting someone else to do it for you, then do so. There's no shame in it whatsoever. You've already written a book which is an achievement in itself!

I have added the blurb for Blood and Water below. I hired someone to do it for me as I didn't think I could craft one that's good enough. I'm glad I didn't do it myself as I'm very happy with the final result:

Being an elemental is hard.

Just ask Hazel Adams who at fifteen finds herself being sent off for the next step in her training where she will receive her dragon egg. But, the camp harbours many dangers in disguise, she will soon find out that not all dragons are born equal.

Soon Hazel, along with her new family and friends, will have to learn to navigate the shifting political alliances and social castes that come along with being an elemental. But, among the political turmoil an even greater danger lurks. One that hasn’t been seen in centuries.

Will Hazel be able to raise her dragon and prove that it’s more than meets the eye or will she be defeated by the dark forces working against her?

Find out in Blood and Water, the first book in a new YA fantasy series that is sure to keep you glued to every page.

Check out my books page to see the promotional artwork for Blood and Water! The cover will follow over the next few months.

I am also excited to announce that I am planning on publishing Blood and Water in October 2019 (as long as everything goes to plan). See you next week!