Years Cover Design

Hi all!

This cover reveal is a bit later than I normally announce it, but I hope the cover is worth the wait! Below is the cover for Years! I’ve already updated my website and banners to reflect the colour scheme of the book.

This cover, like all my other ones, has been designed by the lovely people at Deranged Doctor Design! As I have done with the previous covers, I’ll explain the design choices:

  • The girl on the cover is Cheyenne, the main character of Years.

  • The colour scheme for this book is red and orange.

  • The background is an area of dead land. There is no vegetation as this cannot be supported until someone goes into the Gaia Machine to sacrifice their years to the Earth.

  • There is a gap in the clouds to show that a solar flare is coming through.

  • Although the solar flare is wrapped around Cheyenne’s body, she can’t control them.

  • Anyone who touches a solar flare in the book dies instantly. The flare around Cheyenne is a cool design choice from DDD.

  • The font is bold and also fits the genre of Sci-Fi perfectly.

  • My name is back on top cover of the book, like with the Elemental Dragons series.

  • In the book, Cheyenne has a small tattoo on her wrist, this isn’t shown anywhere on the cover has neither of her wrists are visible.

Once again I’m very happy with this cover! DDD always deliver perfect covers and I will continue to go to them for more covers in the future.

Years will be out in April 2022. Pre-order available next month.

That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week!

PS; looking for some new books to read this year? Check out the ones in these bundles:

New Year, New Monsters 2: From the Ashes

New Year, New Worlds SF/F Giveaway