Mute and Years Have Won Awards!

Hi all,

This week I’m writing about the 2023 Author Shout Reader Ready Awards. I entered both Years and Mute in around June last year and pushed it to the back of my mind until November. I received an email stating that both books had made through the first stage so I was pretty excited to see if they would place anywhere. Then I finally got the emails with the results…

Both of them won ‘Recommended Read’ awards!

I don’t enter my books in many awards as there are quite a few that are scams. They prey on writers who want to be an ‘award-winning’ author. A lot of these charge extortionate fees which then don’t end up going towards the prize pool. I always do my research before entering any awards. Usually Googling an award can show up with several results from other authors about their experiences. Another part that I came across that disappointed me is the amount of awards that won’t touch self-published books.

I entered Elemental Dragons #1: Blood and Water in the 2020 Reader Ready Awards so I knew that I could trust Author Shout. I just thought that I’d enter Mute and Years just to see how they would get on, I didn’t expect them to place in the second category!

I will be entering my books in more awards in the future but for now I’m going to take a break and focus on my writing. There are plenty of awards out there, after all! Maybe I’ll enter Celestial Plague #1: Nirvana in an award of some sort later in the year, when I have more books out in that series.

That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading. Next week I’m going to unveil a new piece of merchandise that I hope you will be excited to see! See you next week.

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles while they’re still available:

Mid-Christmas Horror Giveaway

New Year, New Monsters 3: From the Darkness

Years Virtual Advent Calendar

Hi all!

For two years now I have made virtual advent calendars for Elemental Dragons and Mute. For the third year running, the advent calendar is back. This time it will focus on Years, with twenty-four facts over twenty-four days. The following subjects will be posted:

Mother Earth

Gaia Children

The Machines

The Planet

Each topic will get six days each.

As with last year - I’m doing another giveaway for day 25, Christmas Day! One of the following ebook versions will be won:

Blood and Water

Venom and Earth

Glass and Ice

Cinder and Fire




Heaven - to be claimed on release day in April 2023

If you would like a chance at winning one of my ebooks, please read the rules below and go to my Facebook page: Jessica Turnbull Author.

If you’re unsure of what to look out for, check out a few of the facts here:

I hope you enjoy the facts from the Years universe! I’m hoping to make this a yearly occurrence, so next year the advent calendar will be about Celestial Plague. Here is my Facebook page again so you can participate: Jessica Turnbull Author.

That’s it for this week! Good luck to everyone who enters, see you next week.

Ps; don’t forget to check out these fantasy books:

Magical Winter Fantasy

Solar Child - Excerpt

Hi all!

This week I thought I’d share a small extract from Solar Child, the prequel novella to Years. This can only be downloaded when you sign up to my mailing list, it’s not available on Amazon. You can also download the Elemental Dragons Short Story Collection and Famished.

Nova and her friends can only gape as an orange lioness slowly drops to the forest floor. Her entire body is surrounded by flame, but the lioness inside doesn't show any signs of distress. The four of them step back as the lioness flexes her paws before landing softly on the grass. Nova expects to see the greenery around her erupt into a blaze of fire, but nothing happens. Although the flames lick the tender stems, there is no sign of harm to them either. 

What is this? 

Nova tries to open her mouth to speak but nothing comes out. She takes a step back as the smell of ash fills her nostrils and steps on a twig. 


The lioness' head swings towards them. All four of them gasp and push her forward. 

"What the hell-" 

"You pissed it off!" One of her friends, Alesha, snaps. 

"I stepped on a twig-" 

The lioness steps towards her and all four of them jump back in shock. Nova feels Alesha's hand slip into hers. They press their backs against the closest tree, ignoring the scratchy bark and the hair that gets caught in it. 

Every time the lioness moves a charred pawprint is left in the grass. But a second later the burned patch grows over with fresh grass that looked healthier than it did before. 

"Please, don't be afraid."

The lioness' voice is silky and warm. Her yellow eyes blink up at them gently and she dips her head. 

"It's an alien!" One of her other friends, Sofia, shrieks. 

"Why would an alien come here?" Her last friend, Robyn, hisses. 

The lioness cocks her head to one side, eyeing them all curiously. Nova stands up straighter and tries to control the nervous shake in her hands. 

"Who are you?" The words come out as barely a whisper. 

The lioness blinks at her kindly. "To be honest, I'm not sure. I have only just woken up from a deep slumber." 

Robyn nudges her back. "Ask it what it wants." 

"What I want, child," The lioness replies, making them all jump. "Is to find out what is going on with this formerly beautiful planet. It was a lush paradise when I left it. Now..." She looks around, her nose wrinkling. "It smells strange. Of something I can't identify." 

Nova swallows back her fear. "I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about. The planet has been the same from before we were born." 

The lioness peers at her carefully. "You have known no different? From this?" 

She shrugs. "It's not that bad. Is it?" 

The lioness opens her mouth to reply when the sounds of sirens fill the forest. Nova and her friends all huddle together. 

That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading Solar Child! If you sign up to my mailing list you’ll be able to read the full story and two more. With each new standalone and series I publish there will be an enovella to go with it, so if you want more stories then make sure you sign up! See you next week.

Years Now Available on Amazon

Hi all,

On Tuesday, Years was published on Amazon in ebook, paperback and hardcover! This is the first book launch that I’ve done where all three came out on the same date and I think it went well. If you want to check Years out, you can do so below:

What would you sacrifice to save the world?

In the future one thing keeps the entire planet going, the Gaia Machine. The only problem is that it feeds on the life force of people to run. This has led to certain people being born with the Gaia Gene, the ability to go into the machine for a full fifty-year cycle without fear of aging.

Cheyenne Meekai has the Gaia Gene and whether she wants to or not she’s going to have to save the world, but it might cost her everything in the process. The years served in the machine fly by for the person inside but outside life moves on, meaning when she gets out everyone she knows will either be elderly or dead.

Fifty years is a long time especially when you’re only sixteen, can she save the world and still have some sort of life, or will the demands of the Gaia Machine be more than she can handle?

Find out in this exciting Young Adult Science Fiction novel that will be sure to keep you reading every page until the very end.

That's it for this week, if you read (or have already read) Years then I hope you enjoy it! See you next week.

PS; looking for some new books to read this Easter? Check out the ones in these bundles:

Science Fiction Is For Free

Young Adult Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Taking to the Sky This Easter

Something for my Newsletter Subscribers

Hi all,

Those who are already subscribed to my mailing list will know what this post is about. The prequel enovella to Years is now available to download! Solar Child will not be sold anywhere and it is exclusive to subscribers of my mailing list.

Not only will you get Solar Child if you sign up, but you can also read the Elemental Dragons Short Story Collection and Famished!

Nova and her friends didn't expect a fiery lioness to ask them for help in the woods. They just wanted to bring their supplies back to the orphanage.

However, if they help her, the lioness offers them a gift. A gift that has dire consequences once it is given.

Will they help the lioness? What will she offer them in return to help them survive? And most importantly, how will humanity react to the gift?

This eNovella also contains the first chapter of Years.

When you sign up to my mailing list, you get a monthly newsletter filled with:

  • Monthly News.

  • Character Polls.

  • Writing Excerpts.

  • Cover Reveals.

  • Free/Discounted Books and Book Bundles.

  • Merch Giveaways.

That’s it for this week. If you sign up, I hope you enjoy the stories. With each new standalone/series I release there will be a free enovella that corresponds with it. So, you can expect many more books from me! See you next week!

PS; looking for something new download with Kindle Unlimited? Check out this bundle:

The Fantastic Kindle Universe

Years Pre-Order Live

Hi all!

This week I have an announcement - Years is now available to pre-order on Amazon! At the moment only the ebook version is available, with the paperback and hardcover versions being released the day of publication. It’s also my first YA Sci-Fi book!

I can confirm that it will be published on the 12th April 2022.

You can pre-order it here:

While you’re waiting for it to come out, why not sign up to my mailing list?

You get:

  • Two FREE enovellas. (soon to be three!).

  • Cover reveals before anyone else.

  • First chapter reads before anyone else.

  • Monthly news.

  • Character design polls.

  • Merch giveaways.

  • Free and discounted book deals.

  • Exclusive short stories.

What are you waiting for? Sign up below:

That’s it for this week! I hope you check Years out! See you next week.

PS; looking for some new books to read while waiting for Years? Check out the ones in these bundles:

Mid-Winter Urban Fantasy Magic Sales Spectacular

Young Adult Sci-Fi and Fantasy

Years Chapter One Preview

Hi all,

Years will be up for pre-order in a few weeks time so I’m posting a snippet of the first chapter for you to read! This book is a YA Sci-Fi, where humanity is trying to fend off climate change by building machines to give the Earth longer to live.

Read it below!


Orange lights stream across the sky, sending sparks to the ground below. I watch as someone who thinks they're better than the curfew combusts at the slightest touch of the lights. 

"Got it yet?" 

My sister, Neptune, readjusts the solar panel sticking out of the window. "Almost. Don't get your pants in a twist, Russ." 

I glance anxiously at the bedroom door, expecting our father to burst in. If he catches us trying to generate electricity for our room again, he’ll be angry. 

"Are you just gonna stand there, Shy?" 

"Sorry," I mumble, leaning out the window with Neptune to look up at the sky. 

The flare is above our house now, the lights looking like tentacles as they are drawn to the solar panels on the roof. 

"A little higher," I tell her. 

She grumbles under her breath and stretches her arm even more. I breathe a sigh of relief as a tentacle of light brushes against our tiny panel. The four of us squeal as the light bulb above flickers on and the heater whirs to life. 

Neptune waves her arms around wildly. "Shh, he'll hear!" 

"What's going on in there?" 

One sister rushes to turn the light off and another covers the heater with a blanket. Neptune throws me the mini panel and I shove it into our closet, still warm from the flare. By the time our father enters the room, it's like we haven't been doing anything. 

He peers at us over his glasses, his eyes narrowed. "What's going on in here?" 

"We saw someone get zapped, daddy," Tiki replies innocently. "He was out past curfew."

He strides past us to glare out the window. His combover flutters slightly in the warm breeze, showing off his almost white scalp. With a snort he slams the window shut. "This stays closed. I'm not made of money." 

"Yes, daddy," the four of us say in unison. 

He goes to leave before suddenly whirling around. "Dinner will be ready soon," he grunts, pointing a pale finger at all of us.

The four of us look at each other as the door shuts, not daring to speak. Finally, his lumbering footsteps drift away to an electrified part of the house.

"Thank Gaia for that," Russia mutters, whipping the blanket off the heater. 

There's now a hole burned into the thin fabric, but none of us are bothered; we can always sew it back up.

Neptune shimmies forward so she's directly in front of it. "To the winner go the spoils," she says with a grin. 

Russia tries to push her out of the way. "No fair!" 

"Yes fair." 

"No fair! We all helped." 

"But who dangled out of the window, dear sister?" Neptune mocks. "Was it you, Russia? Darling Tiki? Or Short-Fuse Cheyenne?" 

"Stop teasing her, Neppy," Tiki mutters, crossing her legs to the side of the heater. "Let's just enjoy this before the flare is used up." 

"It only touched it for a second," Neptune sighs. "We've probably got ten minutes, max." 

Just as the sensation is coming back to my fingers the heater gives one last puff before powering down. "Or ten seconds," I mumble. 

Neptune groans. "I can try again." 

"The flare is gone now," Tiki mutters. "You know that as well as I do." 

We know the flare has passed. The warm feeling in our stomachs left as soon as father opened the door. My stomach is as cold as it once was. 

"Your spidey-senses could be wrong," Russia grunts, looking out the window. "Or not." 

"Children of Gaia are never wrong, sister," Neptune replies with her arms crossed. 

"Well, Mother Gaia didn't bless me. I don't have your weird senses. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes. It’s a hell of a lot of pressure. This cycle’s Gaia-1 is already causing a load of issues. I don’t want that on my plate. You can keep your blessing, I’m fine as I am.”

I stare down at the orange tattoo on my wrist, a large seven. You find out if you've been blessed by Mother Gaia at birth, by a 'flare' in your eyes. Even now I can feel the warm light flowing through my irises. Out of us five sisters, three have been blessed. It makes father happy as we get extra money from the government, which makes us useful to him. The government gives out grants to those who give birth to Gaia children. They get a free house in our town and a salary. The one thing that you’re not allowed to do is remove a Gaia child from the town. This used to be punished by death when the cult of Mother Earth was prominent, but over the years people became a lot less religious. I believe it to an extent, as do my sisters. But we don’t pray routinely or offer sacrifices to the Earth. My Mother used to sacrifice small animals such as rats and birds, but she doesn’t practice anymore.

"Dinner time!" a muffled sing-song voice calls out. 

The four of us abandon our hopes for a warm sleep and exit the cold room. A yellow light glows at the end of the hallway and the smell of cooked potatoes hits my nostrils. My mouth is watering by the time we've entered the lit room. Father only electrifies rooms he deems necessary; basically, any room him or Mother use. Thanks to Tiki turning thirteen, legally he doesn't have to keep us warm and with light. It’s a stupid rule that the government imposes to make sure that electricity isn’t wasted.

We take our usual places at the table, with Father at the head. His and Mother's plates are considerably fuller than ours and they have even given themselves some meat. 

Mother claps. "Dig in!" 

I half-heartedly stuff the few potatoes on my plate into my mouth, thanking Mother Gaia for her sacrifice. We're all supposed to say it when we eat, but Father never does. His attitude towards a female God is about five centuries old. Everyone thanks Gaia for saving us, but not him. 

"Who got zapped?" Father asks with his mouth full. 

"I think it was one of the neighbours," Tiki replies. 

"Probably one of the Hennersons. They never could follow instructions," he grunts. 

Mother notices the empty spot at the table. "Where's Medusa?" 

Neptune shrugs. "She hasn't come home yet." 

"Probably staying with that boy," Father grumbles. "If she wants to be stupid, let her." 

"She's twenty-one, sweetheart," Mother presses. "As an adult she can do whatever-" 

"She's also a naive fool."

I want to say something to defend my sister, but Tiki and Russia give me a warning glare. Starting a fight now could make him search our room again. We don't have enough parts to make another mini panel. Instead, I shove another potato in my mouth. It's dry and flavourless, like all of Mother's cooking, because Father won't let her use spices in our food. 

"That reminds me." Father puts down his cutlery and looks at Neptune. "Any luck getting your sister a job?" 

"Still trying," Neptune huffs. "I told you, they're not keen on sixteen-year-old recruits." 

He slams his hand on the table. "Tiki needs a job." 

Tiki gently raises her hand. "I'm Tiki. You're talking about Cheyenne, daddy." 

Father looks at me, his brow furling. "God help us." 

I bite my tongue to prevent a retort. My dinner is finished now so there are no more potatoes I can shovel in to prevent myself from speaking out. Father looks at me and snorts, as if he's disappointed I didn't try to sass him. My sisters are all done eating long before our parents, who are too busy stuffing themselves to notice the fact that we're drooling over their food. I can't remember the last time I ate meat. Before I turned twelve, for sure, and they legally had to feed me what they ate. 

"I'll try hard, I promise," Neptune says as Father is still staring at her. "I just need a bit more time." 

"You've already had time." 

"There's been uproar thanks to Gaia-1. It's put everyone behind." 

Father grumbles, pushing what's left of his dinner around his plate. "If only one of you were Gaia-1, then I'd get a baby grant." 

Due to overpopulation, parents are limited to a certain number of children, unless they pay the government a hefty sum to have more. Even if you have a Gaia child, it doesn’t cover the initial cost of buying the rights to have a child. My oldest sisters, Medusa and Neptune, were the free ones. The rest of us had to be bought to be born. 

"We'll have a son one day," Mother says, clasping her hand over his. "Just have faith." 

Father grunts. "Faith has nothing to do with it. If they let us see the sex of the baby before birth, we wouldn't have this issue." 

I narrow my eyes, unable to hold myself back. "They don't let you know the gender because of people like you." 

Russia sinks her head into her palms, while my other sisters roll their eyes at what's about to happen. 

Father stiffens. "Excuse me?" 

"You would have had all of us aborted." 

His fists clench, as do mine. The flare in my eyes burns as it swims through my corneas. If only I could use the power of the sun against him, then he wouldn't mess with any of us anymore. But the Gaia gene is aesthetic, having no real power behind it – unless you’re in the Machine.

"I've had enough of your disrespect."

"Treat me like an equal then." 

His hand slams against the table. "Men are superior! I should never have let your Mother follow that religious shit. Maybe then I wouldn’t have such a disrespectful daughter. Your goddess will not help you. You are nothing. Just as she is nothing.”

"The goddesses keep us alive. They also keep you from having the son you desire so much." 

"Here we go," Neptune mumbles under her breath. 

Father springs to his feet, as do I. Our chairs crash against the ground, the plastic splintering against the wooden floor. My father rips the white tablecloth off the table, sending dishes and cutlery flying. He wraps it around one of his fists before stalking towards me. I stand my ground, not wanting my sisters to be scared as he beats me. 

"Oh. Did I miss another dysfunctional dinner?" 

Everyone stops as Medusa enters the room, her long black hair draped over most of her face. She's still in her black shop uniform, though her name badge is gone. She plonks her purple handbag on the floor and takes her place at the table. 

Tiki sees her looking at the empty table and points to the floor. "Down here, Meddie." 

Medusa rolls her eyes. "Seriously? I thought I’d make it home before it ended up on the floor." 

All of us look alike, though I resemble Medusa the most with my skinny frame and wide shoulders. Neptune looks like Father, having inherited his shorter stature and frizzy brown hair. Tiki and Russia could almost pass for twins, despite being two years apart. All of us have dark skin, slightly paler than Mother’s.

Medusa snatches a now cold potato and starts eating it with her hands, making Mother wrinkle her nose. Father has lost interest in being mad at me now and instead directs his anger at my oldest sister. 

"Where have you been?" 

She points to her shirt. "At work. They made me do overtime again." 

"During curfew?" Mother asks. 

"They don't care. As long as they make money." 

"You could have gotten zapped!" Tiki shivers. 

"I was inside the entire time. No way were the flares getting me." 

Mother gets up from her chair and starts picking up shards of plate from the red carpet. "Dinner is over. Go back to your room." 


That’s it for this week! Make sure you keep an eye out for the Years pre-order! See you next week.

PS; looking for some new books to read this month? Check out the ones in these bundles below:

Unlimited Reading

Mid-Winter Urban Fantasy Magic Sales Spectacular

Years Cover Design

Hi all!

This cover reveal is a bit later than I normally announce it, but I hope the cover is worth the wait! Below is the cover for Years! I’ve already updated my website and banners to reflect the colour scheme of the book.

This cover, like all my other ones, has been designed by the lovely people at Deranged Doctor Design! As I have done with the previous covers, I’ll explain the design choices:

  • The girl on the cover is Cheyenne, the main character of Years.

  • The colour scheme for this book is red and orange.

  • The background is an area of dead land. There is no vegetation as this cannot be supported until someone goes into the Gaia Machine to sacrifice their years to the Earth.

  • There is a gap in the clouds to show that a solar flare is coming through.

  • Although the solar flare is wrapped around Cheyenne’s body, she can’t control them.

  • Anyone who touches a solar flare in the book dies instantly. The flare around Cheyenne is a cool design choice from DDD.

  • The font is bold and also fits the genre of Sci-Fi perfectly.

  • My name is back on top cover of the book, like with the Elemental Dragons series.

  • In the book, Cheyenne has a small tattoo on her wrist, this isn’t shown anywhere on the cover has neither of her wrists are visible.

Once again I’m very happy with this cover! DDD always deliver perfect covers and I will continue to go to them for more covers in the future.

Years will be out in April 2022. Pre-order available next month.

That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week!

PS; looking for some new books to read this year? Check out the ones in these bundles:

New Year, New Monsters 2: From the Ashes

New Year, New Worlds SF/F Giveaway

The Machines in Years

Hi all,

With Years coming out in April I thought I would discuss the world of the book. This book is set thousands of years in the future, where humans have almost completely destroyed the Earth with climate change. The humans that are left have built machines that can keep the Earth alive for a period of time. These are named after various Earth goddesses in different cultures. There are children who have been genetically altered to be born with the Gaia Gene, which keeps them alive and unable to age if they are put into one of the Machines. Many or few Gaia children can be born in each machine cycle, so the government keeps tabs on every one that is born. The government uses Gaia children to extend the Earth's lifespan instead of changing their polluting ways. Companies and people can continue to live comfortably, without having to change their lifestyle to save the Earth. No interruptions of comfort to them, and they don't have to take responsibility for their own actions. Now, onto the Machines themselves:

Sif Machine.

The first machine to be built, and revolutionary for its time. It was built at a time where the Earth was near collapse, and society saw this machine as their saviour. However, when a Gaia child was placed in this machine, they would die immediately and only heal the Earth for a few days at a time. They were getting through Gaia children faster than they could be born, so they started building another machine.

Pachamama Machine.

This machine was built alongside Sif's, but once scientists started seeing how Sif was getting through Gaia children, they modified Pachamama. The last Gaia child to be born that cycle was put into the machine. And, to everyone's relief, powered the machine for 386 days. The Gaia child died towards the end of the machine cycle, but their sacrifice gave scientists more time to genetically alter children for the machine. With technology starting to advance once more, the next machine was commissioned.

Terra Machine.

Terra was built using parts from Pachamama. The government took a risk in taking one machine offline to be used for another. This one was twice the size of Pachamama and Sif, and was more technologically advanced. The first time a Gaia child went inside however, they immediately died without giving life to the Earth. This happened a few more times before the scientists sorted the glitch out. The next Gaia child to go inside after it was fixed replenished the Earth for eighteen years. And, when the doors opened, they stepped out alive and barely aged a day. This is when the government came up with the idea of putting the same person in the machine over and over, which reduces the amount of lives ruined by the machine. By now the public had started referring to Gaia children as 'sacrifices' and harassed them whenever they left the machine. With the Gaia child out of the machine, the Earth would slowly start to die once more. People hated the fact that their lives would be inconvenienced every time a Gaia child was given a few days respite.

Privthi Machine.

The last machine to be built before Gaia. This machine was the one that changed everyone's lives. It could hold a Gaia child for fifty years before needing repairs. Fifty years of the Earth being replenished with lush green forests, clean water and little to no natural disasters. Each fifty year cycle was bliss for those who didn't have to go in it. The Gaia child however, never came out the same way they went in. Hallucinations and paranoia became rife, and they never felt like they could rest. So, the government decided to extend their stay in the outside world from a few days to a year with each cycle. Still, it did not improve their mental state much. This machine was burned by vandals in between a fifty-year cycle. Luckily, the Gaia machine was half-built.

Gaia Machine.

The machine that is currently in use in Years. It has been made using parts from Sif and what could be recovered from Prithvi. Gaia has been in use for four centuries. However, it has started to fail. Despite a Gaia child giving years of their life to the Earth, it's no longer enough. Natural disasters occur during each cycle and the ozone is developing holes. The Earth is dying once more, no matter how many Gaia children give their lives to it. So, it's successor is being made, and everyone hopes that it will save them indefinitely without any changes on their part.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week!