Something for my Newsletter Subscribers

Hi all,

Those who are already subscribed to my mailing list will know what this post is about. The prequel enovella to Years is now available to download! Solar Child will not be sold anywhere and it is exclusive to subscribers of my mailing list.

Not only will you get Solar Child if you sign up, but you can also read the Elemental Dragons Short Story Collection and Famished!

Nova and her friends didn't expect a fiery lioness to ask them for help in the woods. They just wanted to bring their supplies back to the orphanage.

However, if they help her, the lioness offers them a gift. A gift that has dire consequences once it is given.

Will they help the lioness? What will she offer them in return to help them survive? And most importantly, how will humanity react to the gift?

This eNovella also contains the first chapter of Years.

When you sign up to my mailing list, you get a monthly newsletter filled with:

  • Monthly News.

  • Character Polls.

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That’s it for this week. If you sign up, I hope you enjoy the stories. With each new standalone/series I release there will be a free enovella that corresponds with it. So, you can expect many more books from me! See you next week!

PS; looking for something new download with Kindle Unlimited? Check out this bundle:

The Fantastic Kindle Universe