Owning Pets When You Have a Dragon

Hi all,

It's been a while since I blogged about the Elemental Dragons universe so I'm doing it this week! This blog post will centre around people owning pets, and how they get along with their dragon companions. There have been some characters who have had pets alongside their dragons in the series; the most notable being Hazel and Wes taking care of Normie, a cat. The dragons all get along fine with him and there are no signs that they are territorial around him. However, most dragons aren't comfortable with all pets.

Cats and Dogs.

In nine out of ten cases it's fine for someone to own one, or several, cats and dogs with their dragon companions. Dragons share a language with both cats and dogs so they are able to communicate fine and play together quite happily. Some dragons prefer not to be around the furry animals but most are happy to live with them. In Elemental Dragons, Normie grows up alongside Aqueous and Asteroid. Even though the dragons outgrow him pretty quickly, he's still happy to be around them and helps them out in the second book when dragons start to go missing.

Rabbits and Guinea Pigs.

A lot of dragons are not suitable to live with a pet rabbit or guinea pig. This isn't because the species can't get along, but because most dragons view the fluffy pets as food. It's common in the Elemental Dragons universe for people to bring home cute bunnies to keep as pets, only for them to disappear a few days later. It's not recommended to keep rabbits and guinea pigs with dragons, unless they have been trained not to eat their furry friend.


As these animals are kept in cages in most cases, they are usually fine to keep around dragons. People do need to be careful when they take them out of their cages as dragons may accidentally crush them while playing. If tiny animals are to be kept with dragons, it's best to supervise them at all times.


Dragons aren't a huge fan of other reptiles and will usually go out of their way to avoid them. They aren't afraid of them, they're just not that bothered about them. They can't communicate although they share a lot of characteristics, but they don't usually interact. The best people hope for is a mutual indifference to each other. Fire dragons typically get along better with them than other dragons.


Dragons are more careful around fish as they realise how delicate the tanks are. They will spend hours watching them swim around in tanks or ponds. Water dragons have also been known to refresh the tanks or even create bubbles for the fish to play in.


Again, dragons love birds. If the birds are allowed to fly around then the dragon will try to fly alongside them, which will often cause a lot of damage to property. It's best to let dragons fly around outside and then play on the ground with their feathered friends. Wind dragons typically get along best with flying pets.


Dragons and horses love to race each other. They will often spend hours galloping around fields and playing in the grass. Horse riders often taken their dragons with them to blow off some steam and get some exercise. There are some dragons who don't get along with horses however and will steer clear of them. It depends on the temperaments of both the dragon and the horse.


No matter how many times it is explained to them, a lot of dragons don't understand that insects have been kept as pets. They will often free the little critters inside their companion's homes or squash them. Earth dragons have been noted as the least likely to do this, however.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week!

PS; this bundle is about to end, if you want these books you need to hurry!

Young Adult Sci-Fi and Fantasy