How to Find Anthologies to Submit to

Hi all!

This week's blog post will hopefully help other writers to find homes for some of their stories! I specifically chose anthologies as they are the ones I submit to most; and I think it can be harder to find ones willing to publish new authors.


There are loads of Facebook groups out there dedicated to submitting to anthologies. They are filled with authors looking for, and posting about, anthologies that are looking for submissions. This is also a great way of seeing which anthologies are worth submitting to, and which ones don't hold up their end of the bargain. Other authors won't recommend anthologies that are looking to scam them. One group that I'm a part of is Anthologies Seeking Submissions. They're great because they don't allow posts from 'pay-to-play' anthologies, where authors have to pay a fee to submit their stories without guarantee that they'll be published.

Christopher Fielden.

Although there are plenty of websites out there dedicated to showcasing places for authors to submit their stories, Christopher Fielden's website is the best. Not only does he regularly update his website with writing opportunities but he also hosts writing challenges. Once he has enough stories, they're all gathered together and made into an anthology! I've been published in several of his anthologies and attended one of the book launches. Proceeds from each book sale is donated to various charities, so you add the book to your publishing portfolio and help charity at the same time. He also hosts his own writing competition, which you should also check out!

The Submission Grinder.

This one I discovered thanks to a post by Christopher Fielden. It's an easy to navigate website where you can filter by genre, word count and type of submission. I have used this website and managed to get three stories accepted because of it! If I had never heard about this website I never would have found those anthologies, and the others that I also plan to submit to. In my opinion this is the best way to find new anthologies with various themes and word counts. By searching through their filters you may even find homes for stories that you wrote a while ago but never got published. That was the case for me with a few of the stories I have submitted.

Word of Mouth.

See what other authors are published in. Are there more anthologies from the same publisher accepting submissions? Will they publish more in the future? It's also a lot better knowing that other authors have submitted to these anthologies and are happy with the results. If you don't want to ask the author directly, check out their websites or Amazon author page. Usually all of the books, and anthologies, that they've been published in will be listed there.

That's it for this week! I hope this has helped someone who is looking to add more publications to their portfolio. See you next week!

PS; looking for some new YA books to read? Check out the ones in this bundle:

Young Adult Sci-Fi and Fantasy